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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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This is why it's become impossible to take you seriously Elsa. You are speaking about the behavior of one poster yet presenting it as though a lot of people are doing it. In fact, a number of us have suggested that the "In Production" threads be shut down because they are no longer needed and bordering on PP overkill. I can even go back and find you the specific posts where we did that, if it would help.

Then you move on to to the tactic of misstating the position of your opponents by using imaginary scenarios and hyperbole as a way of painting the rest of us as a crazy cult and you as the perfectly sane and reasonable martyr just trying to express yourself. ("I guess you don't count as someone who loves soaps these days unless...") Yeaaaah, let's stop right there. If you want your arguments to be taken seriously, then it would be a good start if you based them in reality. As in, things people have actually said. Take the alternate universe, world-building [!@#$%^&*] to Marvel Comics. We're already dealing with AMC and OLTL, we don't need "The Trials of St. Elsa" as a new soap.

I'm not sure what set you off recently. Nor do I care all that much but if you are going to insist on being oppositional could you at least do it in a style that is more "Wary Soap Fan" and less "Angry Jacob/Bella Fan on Twilight Board?"

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The Twilight reference just made my day. Thank you, marceline.

I'm not a fan of two episodes a week of AMC because it essentially turns AMC into an hour-long weekly drama. If that's what PP wanted from the start, then I wish they'd just done that already and structured the reboot around 1-2 core families and their friends/colleagues, a la Dallas or Dynasty. It would have absolutely been possible to redo AMC as a story about the on-going feud between the Chandlers and the Kane/Montgomery/Hayward families with AJ and Miranda caught in between. AMC is going down that route anyway, but my main concern at this point is that with the addition of other characters like Dimitri, and the hope of a return from Erica, Tad, Kendall, etc., there won't be enough hours in the week to tell their stories in any reasonable way.

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Seriously ever since PP came back to relevance, its breeded some of the worst discussions on this forum. People are taking this stuff WAY too seriously and you'd think they had personal stock in PP or ABC with the hardcore defense/opposition

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Agreed but I'd still rank it second to the Cartini Crusades.

For me it's simple, I've always said that soaps have refused to acknowledge that the viewer is the customer. In the case of PP, I'm a satisfied customer. When it comes to AMC they are Santa Claus for me because this version of AMC is basically crafted from my wish list: No Rylee, no Zendall, lots of Hubbards, Angie/David, Bianca, business stories, no triangles (so far, I know it's coming), adults being shown as sexual beings, etc... I could go on and on. For all the glitches and foibles, PP is giving me what I want. They've given me a version of AMC I thought that I'd never see again. If that makes me a cult member so be it.

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It would be interesting if the writers did something radical and revisted Peyton Place to see how they pulled off a 2 episode format. Other than some of the British soaps in the past, that is really the only thing we have to go by. It IS possible, but the size of the cast could become a problem.

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i don't think that's really possible. The type of story that draws one person in will turn another away. Look at Cassandra's story on AMC. For me it's engaging and well-done and I'm completely into it, others have stated that they find it exploitative and want it to be over. One person's candy is another's Kryptonite.

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What I find interesting, and correct me if I'm wrong, but todays AMC is in the top 5 of most watched episodes on Hulu already (it's #4). The only thing beating it are the two episodes of family guy from last night and SNL from this past weekend. Yes, we're hitting the summer season, but that's not relevant to my point ( :D ), so maybe not "competing" with OLTL today may be helping it. It's also interesting to note only one soap getting the Hulu bar treatment per day instead of both.

I think this might prove successful for Hulu.

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All I do is express the way I feel about the shows, the way the production company is dealing with things and how fans are reacting :) It is not me against the SON board or me against people who love the Agnes soaps. I can say what I think is good, bad or weird, can't I?

If you think that I am the one who acts like an obsessed Twillight freak on this board this is your right and there is nothing I can do about that. After all you consider yourself the queen of cynicism, so it is obvious we don't see things the same way :)

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I think part of the reason AMC is doing so well today is because there's no Daily Show/Colbert Report as well as the loss of OUAT and Revenge. TDS/Colbert always own two slots in the top five Tuesday through Friday and OUAT and Revenge are always in the most watched on Monday.

Oddly enough AMC isn't showing up in top ep list at all which is highly unusual.

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"Twilight"? "Superman"? Girl, your pop culture references are all over the place! tongue.png

Meanwhile, I'm surprised to learn AMC hasn't always been among the most-watched shows on Hulu.

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