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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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Yeah, running them to a full 30 or 35 minutes couldn't hurt at this point.

I'd be more inclined to dump the "More" show though and leave that as a Hulu exclusive or something. Let Friday be Friday for both.

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I totally agree pacing will need to be adjusted for this schedule. At the same time, I hope its not at the expense of all scenes that do not speed up plot. One of things I have been really enjoying about this OLTL as compared to Ron's OLTL is that we're seeing little moments like Dorian and Jack getting coffee, Nat and Des chatting about being single moms etc. that don't drive plot but are nice little moments that allow fans to see characters outside of their designated pairing or age crowd. I'm not sure if or how these kinds of scenes can survive going to twice a week.

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The question becomes who do you cut? For instance on OLTL you could have the show revolve around the Lord/Manning family so that's Tea/Blair/Victor/Todd/Jack/Dani/Viki/Clint. PP could then keep Nat, Bo, and possibly Nora as recurring. For the fans of Todd/Victor it's great. But for fans of Buchanans and Cramers it's awful because you pretty much have no incentive to watch.

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You read a little bit more in the press release than you should have.

First, just because one fact on the bottom appears to be wrong not all of the information is inaccurate. Also, they were right in the press release!! Viewers binged-viewed during the weekend like they said today!!

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I assumed that Khan meant that if they are no longer airing *close to* five days a week, they should just reformat and be written more like primetime serials? I could be wrong? I kinda disagree. Not only would that be more expensive, I think it also might put off the fans they have gained back who already seem to have the number one complaint that the shows simply don't look and feel enough like their daytime soaps.

I think pacing has been sped up enough--but Isuppose I agree that with half the episodes it could be a tad more faster. Still, I agree with youthat, while it feels sometimes a bit clunky, I've appreciated that the shows so far have managed to have great little character moments (OLTL today had this in spades) and would miss that.

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I don't think cutting the casts is necessary or a good idea.

I still think at least a third show is a better idea, but the important thing is that these shows cycle through a lot of cast in a single show, everyday, which helps with the reduced length and days per week. Some people complain about not knowing who will be in the episode in the first ten minutes but I think that's exactly the point - you're not supposed to get complacent and FF just for your favorite. I love that these shows have been having everyone in there and that they surprise me with who turns up.

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This just makes me sad again- I love everybody- I really feel like they got rid of all the dead weight from the end of the ABC run (Gigi, Fords, even Messica right now) and ended up with a solid cast. That also raises the question of how worthwhile it might be to focus on the Mannings when TSJ has spotty availibility and Roger is also tied to GH and has bolted off OLTL numerous times. And we know PP is into their younger characters. And for the first time in a thousand years, I'm loving the OLTL younger set and would hate to see a promising new character like Jeffrey fall through the cracks or miss the drama when this quad finally blows up into everyone being jealous. But if they focus on them hard, longtime fans, especially some older fans, will flip out. I'm going to put trust in Jen Pepperman and Thom racina to figure this out- I've been impressed with them so far and hopefully they will just continue to make it work with what PP gives them.

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No word that I can find about how FXCanada will addres this--they just ran their Decadent Daytime promo a few minutes back during the CBC News here (the most watched Canadian news program.) I wouldn'tbe surprised if they kept the schedule and simply repeated the previous day's episode of the not airing show that day.

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