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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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It does, and that's a fair point--people have talked about how recently the network tv shows that have been surprise hits (notably Scandal) were partly due to the huge social media reaction to people watching the episodes as, or soon after they air and wanting to discuss it then.

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Maybe. I'm just glad that these shows are alive and online. That alone does SO much for the entire genre. People threatening to quit watching them pisses me off on so many levels. 1. If you're going to do it, then don't advertise it. Just do it. 2. People quitting to watch hurts not only OLTL & AMC but the 4 remaining soaps too. How these shows do online will decide if GH goes online. If SONY will want to fund DAYS and Y&R on the web after the networks no longer want them, and if the Bells will later want to do so with B&B.

I seriously don't see how changing to two days a weeks is going to affect these shows greatly for the worst. Jamey (on DC) brought up a good point--Peyton's Place, which is a cult classic, had two shows a week and it worked well for them. The same might happen with these shows.

I'm trying to be optimistic for once because I could revert back to being my usual realist self (or pessimist as people like to say) and say these shows can and should be cancelled b/c of their ungrateful fans.

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This is gong to drag stuff out and with what's been said of the attention span of soap viewers this won't make people tune in for long

PP themselves was calling the soaps "Anytime" and no longer daytime so they basically were encouraging people to watch when they want that's the whole point of watching shows online

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Well my initial reaction is, I'm not sure I 100% believe Prospect Park. Most comments I've seen on Hulu and their Facebook page is of people wanting them to be go back to an hour a day, five days a week. Not less. And really, if you're a person who waits to the weekend to catch up, it's only going to take you 2 hours to watch a week of AMC or OLTL, that's about the length of a movie on Netflix.

I'm guessing either not as many people are watching as they hoped or since AMC and OLTL share studios and rotate when they film, maybe it's taking them longer to produce episodes than they thought and need to more time to work out the kinks.

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PP was pretty candid and forthcoming in their press release. Is it the whole truth? Who knows? I think so. It's too bad that they didn't start each show airing two episodes a week. Having to cut back just disappoints the viewers.

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I am a pragmatist, and I can see both sides of the issue. I'm concerned but their logic makes some hard sense to me. And I still think the biggest issue for them is not the money, or the numbers - they've done well and they're going back into production - but the production schedule which was very rushed to start up and is still very, very, very tight. I think they need the room to breathe. And I think they should have it.

I hope they put the shows back to 3 at least. I'd cut the Friday "More" and put a third episode for both in there. Or put "More" over the weekend.

Because the show isn't running as slow, story-wise, as you claim. You're talking about these shows like they have the same pace as an ABC soap; they don't.

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Ill shut up now and stop being devils advocate.

But there is nothing positive in this announcement. Other than maybe everyone should be lazy viewers.

Regardless PP needs to pick a plan and [!@#$%^&*] stick with it instead of yanking everyone around like they have been doing for a year and a half.

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