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Prospect Park Sues ABC Over ‘One Life To Live’ & ‘All My Children’ Licensing Agreement

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PP getting these soap continuations off the ground was such a huge thing for the genre. A lawsuit like this is going to be a burden for a soap, whether it's AMC/OLTL or GH. I mean 25 million? seriously? Hope Disney/ABC doesn't pull a Santa Barbara on GH.

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What's exhausting is the relentless martyrdom for GH from virtually every soap blogger. Which is exactly what GH has relied upon all along to get them through this bluff since the beginning, even if that is not legally actionable IMO. You've already got all of them from DC, whatever that "Source" thing is, etc. out there whining and moaning that no one could ever love OLTL more than the GH team and how dare their intentions be questioned, it was all for the good of the characters and if you think OLTL should have the characters back or ask for control vis a vis Frank and Ron you're ungrateful.

Hos, please. I was this team's biggest (and IMO very first, but let's not quibble) supporter in 2007 when they started in Llanview. But they are not the godhead, and they are far, far from infallible. They do not own OLTL - that was simply a perception deliberately fostered by their sympathetic voices in the tiny little soap press world. And that was leaned upon to try and get out of this situation, and they couldn't do it. OLTL is moving on. And while I don't necessarily agree with a lawsuit, I do think GH played dirty and leaned on that sentiment to try and blow the terms of their agreement. Whether or not you like the show they put on, acknowledge that they don't own both.

I love you.

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Don't sweat the money. It's all about the settlement. Nobody's going to have to write a check for 25 million or even close.

I'm just starting to read the actual complaint. Boy, I hope the legal blogs pick this up. If you think soap boards are bad, they're a kindergarten class ice cream party compared to legal blogs.

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I believe RH may do what he likes, regardless of what these two fight it out over. His contracts are a different story.

That complaint cites some evidence regarding character and story control, dated 1/12. The language is OTT, but they may have something.

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You know, it's quite possible 1) Rich and Jeff and everyone else at PP doesn't actually watch these shows, and 2) they're only now finding out "through the grapevine," so to speak, all the [!@#$%^&*] Frank and Ron did with these characters while they weren't paying close attention? Just a thought.

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