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Prospect Park Sues ABC Over ‘One Life To Live’ & ‘All My Children’ Licensing Agreement

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I couldn't blame PP for having other things going on most of the last year. They got the shows up and running in record time. They were lax in upholding their rights up to a point - rights that appear, to this layman anyway, to be spelled out in the evidence in the text of the complaint - and who knows what that means, but the rights did apparently exist and GH did apparently utterly ignore them.

I think GH just tried to dance their way out of this, and failed. They thought they could get out of it facing up to OLTL sans GH via the usual leak and spin.

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Wonderfully said

As most of you are aware, Prospect Park filed a lawsuit today against ABC. While we know that there are many opinions on this matter we urge all soap fans to keep one concept in mind, "One Family, One Goal...Stay Together." Please keep watching the soap families you have come to love and let the executives and lawyers deal with the rest in court. The soap casts and crews need fan support now more than ever. Need some inspiration? Re-read Dock's blog about the need for soap fans to stay united.
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I am team PP all the way. ABC made the mistake of cancelling the shows after claiming viewers were no longer interested in them and came up with alternate, albeit, shitty programming. PP went into a written agreement with ABC to license the shows shortly thereafter because ABC with their colossal egos were so sure the soaps were "dead". ABC thought that even if PP were successful they would still benefit from the deal so no harm no foul. When PP's initial attempt failed ABC didn't know what a FAILURE The Revolution was going to be nor the outcry from the fans so they went into an agreement with PP to be loaned certain characters. Again, ABC is still covering its ass just in case they were wrong, which they were still not going to admit to at that point. After AMC and later OLTL went off the air the soaps became relevant again and ABC wanted back in the game. And miraculously PP got their act together and were ready to proceed but ABC wasn't prepared for that. ABC is WRONG on so many accounts here. I totally support PP and I hope the shows are SUPER successful in spite of all this.

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If they refer to it at all. They could very well pretend everything that happened in Llanview didn't. We won't know until OLTL returns (although, it seems telling how Blair and Tea are not off w/ Skye searching for Tomalcazar, as Ron suggested on GH).

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I think PP is more pissed at Killing Hope, Cole & Tea's baby & then making it possible that Tomas which wasnt loaned to them may be her GH character, Alcazar. . That is the big one.

I doubt they would sue if GH made Starr a nympho who humped the entire PVU crew team

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Again why should give any sympathy to abc who let a complete tyrant Brian frons destroy our shows for years and then at the worst punched us in gut by canceling two soaps at once in worst way to save money. They kicked us in the stomach and took us for awful times. It's there fault they licensed to an outside company. I don't think they thought pp would ever do it and they did. IMO I am no lawyer I am reading over the lawsuit I feel pp has grounds a suit here as valid points are listed in this lawsuit. I think abc believed they could get away with this garbage and nobody would do anything. Except pp is finally going after mouse. I hope they lose 25 million it will give me piece of mind for the crap they did to us. I hope karmas a bitch for them

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I just get very annoyed with the DC crew and Sara Bibel (what does she even do?) and so on blabbing "oh, a good writer could fix all that!" That's not the point. I personally don't give a [!@#$%^&*] that John or Todd found new women in Port Charles, or that Tomas might be Alcazar, or that Cole and Hope are dead - that's all stuff you can move on from or write around or retcon, or whatever; Cole and Hope can come back, etc. The point is they may not have had the right to do that, and yet they did it as though they continued to own OLTL and all the brand entails. They ignored the fact that OLTL was coming back without them and laid complete claim to multiple characters, adding stories and changes they preferred. And I'm supposed to just be okay with that and shrug it off because they did some good stuff on OLTL, which they no longer run?

Whether or not you like a writer or one of the stories they're writing or the couples they're creating - and I liked a lot of what they did and are doing at GH - the fact is that if they breached their agreement, they are wrong.

The relentless insistence on a blithe cult of personality vs. the facts, or the internal stability of the shows in question just makes me shake my [!@#$%^&*] head. I wish someone would clue these people in.

Yeah, she never said any of that at all. She just said any references to GH story for Todd had not yet hit her scripts.

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