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Tyler Perry's 'Haves and Have Nots' on OWN


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Oh, EM - you have me in tears here because that is exactly how the scenes go. The absolute definition of filler.

I thought the kitchen scenes were going to be the highlight of the finale, but no! 12 minutes of Jeffrey coming out or was it Veronica who came out, with her own secrets? I'm not sure which. It was absolutely dreadful. The dad was there for what reason? He should have stood up for his son, but again, TP was going for epic, and with his epic, he totally overshoots what he should have been going for. 12 minutes!!!! I'm still exhausted!

I thought Hannah picked up that it might have been Benny who got hit, but I guess not since she went home. Did anyone else feel this way?

And I must say that Jim/John Schneider if the absolute worst pick as a family patriarch! Very bad decision. I don't even think he's sober half the time or that is how he's coming off.

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Poor Peter Parros!! I know people think he's simply boring....but he's given nothing to do! He was literally standing right beside Veronica during that rambling speech, and you would have never known it. They didn't cut to him, he didn't utter a word while his wife went on this hateful vent. I kept thinking this is the perfect moment for David to grow a pair of balls or at least show us something about the character other than his ability to clean up after his disgusting friend Jim....but no, TP treats him like a nonentity until the very last second, when he weakly offers Jeffrey a hint of compassion.

I think Schneider fits the role of Jim---but he's not a patriarch. Katherine is every inch a matriarch though. If she was just a little less cold towards her own children, she'd be a tough-love Miss Ellie.

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I agree. I thought it was weird that we didn't see Peter Parros at all during Veronica's long, lengthy speech about her past miscarriages and whatnot. A real father would've stepped in and stopped his wife from basically saying to her own son that she wishes he was never born. Hell, I woulda smacked her around a lil bit.

It's funny, the typical uppity ice queen that Veronica is. During her interactions with her family (like telling Jeffrey not to walk around looking disheveled; they have an image to maintain), I thought outloud, "has this woman ever farted in front of her husband?"

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Oh, and another thing. Amanda suing for her trust fund. Is that a cliffhanger? I certainly hope not. This is something that should have taken place midseason when she decided she wanted to go into fashion design. Being raped empowered her? When did that happen because, in between moping from one room to the next, Amanda has done nothing else!

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He did try to stop her a couple of times. I think David needs some action on the side or something. Then maybe he can find his balls. I'm surprise David isn't the one that is gay or cross dressing or something. Obviously Veronica wears the pants in the family, David pants are just for show.

Edited by MoTheGreat
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Maybe, when January 2014 comes around, David will have grown a backbone and tell Veronica that he'll always love, support and chose his gay son, over any crazy ideal on what a "real heterosexual man supposedly is" in her mind. Yet, he'll have to stop trying to "fix" Jim and his messy life, in order to achieve his (or is it Veronica's) goal of going into politics, in order for that to happen.

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It wasn't exactly a secret, Amanda was unsure of the specific provisions of it. (which is stupid. what trust fund kid doesn't know exactly when they get their money?) Not that I blame Katherine in the least....who would let those two loose with money? They'd blow through it in six months.

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