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Tyler Perry's 'Haves and Have Nots' on OWN


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2 million viewers, whoo hoo! This has become our 1st priority of television viewing on Tuesday nights (move over, Dance Moms!)

It's just so deliciously bad! I agree with frequentsoapfan, it's like Passions (actually I'll give TP credit, it's more engaging than Passions ever was)

I was delightfully surprised by Gavin Houston (who was very, very forgettable as Remy on GL) during that scene with mama Veronica. The tears welling up in his eyes, the perfect soap opera tears streaming down one by one. That scene was awkward yet wonderful because I can see that kind of conversation happening in families in real life; that unspoken elephant in the room that nobody mentions but everyone knows what they're referring to.

I'm surprised we didn't see a moment with Veronica where she realizes that her best friend's maid is the mother to the infamous Candace. Next episode, perhaps?

P.S. I probably said this earlier, but Gavin Houston always gave me a gay vibe, whether he is or isn't in real life, his performances come off that way. Which is why it was funny how he played GL's Remy the same time that uber-effeminite Marty West was playing Shayne. But that's for a GL thread to discuss :)

Edited by Gray Bunny
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What was up with that pregnancy test reveal at the beginning? It made the scene come across very anticlimactic. IMO, that should have been the cliffhanger for last episode. Anyways I wasn't surprised Jim got violent with Candice. She had it coming since episode 1. I said someone would try to kill her, but he stopped himself there. Im just surprised its episode 12 and this is the first time someone did this to her.

IA with whats been said. Jeffrey came across super creepy in his first scene with Wyatt. I really don't get where Perry was going with him. He was a jealous, crazy mess.


No hating here. Veronica looked FIERCE in that suit adn loved her strolling in. Back to her punk son. What a little bitch. I cant believe he went whining to his mommy about the gf. Grow some balls or at the very least borrow the pair that your mommy has. I have to say today was the first time her acting didn't bother me. She came across very authentic as a tough love black mother in that scene. Some of her tones and inflections felt very familiar

OMG, I cant believe this THIRSTY fool crawled up into bed with Wyatt and was staring and trying to caress him while he slept. Psycho anyone? I wonder how many times he's done that before. He probably jerks off to him from that couch while he stars at him I bed.

"Which one of you has been in the candy jar? Oh Im sure its not you detective. You're below the pay rate. So honey, if its not you that's sleeping with this whore, then it has to be you Jim". That was a good set of lines and she delivered it well!

I was surprised Hannah was at the hospital bc I thought Katherine checked into a private clinic. Doesn't make sense how she wants this secret yet she goes to the big public hospital Edited by Cheap21
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The Jeffrey/Wyatt situation is a combination of funny and sad, but I suspect an eventual hookup between them anyway. They are both stabbing each other in the back and neither one of them knows it. Interestingly, I think the romance will come as a result of their backstabbing.

Edited by Vanguardian
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I just can't with some folks. Some idiot on another board wrote the TP is writing Jeffery as a stereotypical gay man who cannot be around straight men without interest or arousal. Ugh! The ignorance is beyond astounding.

IMO, Jefferey is not doing anything different that some "straight" guy would do. I give TP points for not making Jeffrey some boring gay moral compass.

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I thought it was surprisingly good too. It just points out how bad some of the writing is, since the first half of the eppy was devoted to Jeffrey's hissy fit of EPIC proportions---which was cringeworthy beyond belief.

Even Amanda seemed almost life-like.

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I would be saddened if Jeffrey doesn't have a "Psycho" moment with Veronica. I don't feel any sort of sympathy for him, because he's such a creep. He's using his position as a rehab "therapist", to basically be involved in his obsession's life 24/7.

The way that he went off on the girl and then the desperate call to his ma?

But, Wyatt needs more "proof" of Jeffrey's true feelings/intentions/plans for him.

What sort of "therapist" sleeps in the same bedroom as their patient? There should be, at least two or three guest bedrooms in that house, yet Jeffrey's sleeping on the couch? In Wyatt's bedroom?

That clip was funny, Cheap.

Edited by difficultdiva
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Well, what kind of "rehabilitation clinic" is run by a lawyer three years out of lawyering and her son, who doesn't seem to have an ounce of professionalism or training for that matter, in the first place?

I don't any sympathy for Jeffrey either when it comes to Wyatt. It seems he's gone psycho for someone with a great bod, but who otherwise treats him like [!@#$%^&*].

I do have sympathy when it comes to Veronica. She's clearly telling her only child that he's not worthy of her love.

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I assume that Katheryn and Veronica are very much aware of the sleeping arrangement that Jeffrey the therapist has with his patient Wyatt. Given that both women know about Jeffrey's "sweetness", I'm surprised that they, and especially Veronica, haven't tried to discourage Jeffrey and Wyatt sleeping in the same room together.

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Jeffrey is bonkers, he looked so unhinged in that scene where he was telling Laura to stay away. "If you love him, let him go" was ironic coming from Jeffrey, but I don't think he really loves Wyatt, I think he only lusts after him.

Celine is stupid and desperate, she actually believed that Jim loved her, so she's crazy, too.

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Just caught up with the last two episodes. Or Lordie. biggrin.png OK We've been told how incredibly smart Wyatt is and he has squandered that with the drugs... I don't know what made them think he was smart. He has no idea what a friendship bracelet is. *pause* "What's that?" He still needs "evidence" that Jeffrey is in love with him? (Oh and I thought Wyatt gave him that bracelet from before, but now we're told that Jeffrey fetched it out of the garbage...) But Jeffrey has the emotional intelligence of an 8 year old with a crush on her best friend's older brother, so... How he got a therapy degree is amazing--maybe he was raped by his prof too.

Wyatt and how he delivers every line passive aggressively exactly the same--even the "nice" ones is hysterical. As is that detective who apparently now kinda has a heart....

OWN must be making a big profit on this--each episode looks cheaper than a PP online soap.

Edited by EricMontreal22
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