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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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"I know it sounds crazy - that I'm in love with two different women - who share the same body." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, God, poor Maurice. Even he never deserved this. Lines like that are just unacceptable.

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I also wanted to take time out to compliment Kristina Wagner, who's more beautiful than ever today.

I've been all over the place with her and Felicia over the years - I sniffed at some of her overly broad work in stories she couldn't handle, I despised her character in the Luke/Felicia days when she dumped Mac to cheat with an increasingly-scummy Luke, then abandoned her daughters like Frisco - but watching the GH marathon, she is an almost constant presence, and as an adult what I realized is that with good writing she delivers every time. I took her for granted for a long time when I was watching as a kid and a teen, that she'd be there, putting in solid work, not always as flashy as some of my favorites but just as good. I really, really appreciate her work now, looking back for the first time in ages, especially in the Labine years, with Mac and Frisco, Robin, Stone. She's just really a very solid, valuable player, and I hope they don't toss her out with Jack Wagner, since I still can't buy the Frisco/Felicia reunion - unlike his '90s returns he's completely disengaged in his performance, which could've sold it, and the writing is dreadful for him.

But Kristina remains, and endures. She's a little shaky coming back to acting, or was, but I think she's still good. And with good writing she could even be better. Like John York she is a solid and dependable, and at one time very essential piece of the GH fabric. She deserves more recognition for what she did throughout the '80s and '90s, as this marathon proved. I hope she continues to be utilized. I hope Felicia stays with Mac. And I'd love to see her get a lot more to do.

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I have watched GH since the original Jeff/Monica/Rick triangle and the anniversary episode largely fell flat with me.

The most moving scenes were between Liz & Audrey. Loved RC remembering Audrey used to call Steve her rock. RA looked and sounded great. I was happily surprised how much dialogue RC gave RA as I read she only wanted a quick cameo.

IA with whomever posted SD appears too frail, especially that quavering voice, to do an Alan resurrection story justice.

For the most part the Rick, Alan and Emily hallucinations came off as meaningless stunts. Those scenes lacked heart and any lasting impact. I wish RC had followed through and Rick had explained away Guza's attic rewrite.

I'm tired of fickle Brenda and even more tired of fickle Carly. Jax is the only viable, rooting character in that toxic quad, and I prefer him with Alexis to the 2 fickle bitches. I had been rooting for Sonny to escape Kronnie hell but more and more I believe MB deserves that disaster. Could he have played Sonny any more dead-eye today?

I was really enjoying L&L and Hells scenes until today. On the 50th anniversary when RC has GH's most iconic and popular couple back together on another adventure, he chooses to trot out Ethan to shove Luke's infidelity in L&L fans faces?!!

Finally I was disappointed in the lack of flashbacks and a montage. I'd have enjoyed seeing a tribute to Steve Hardy with a few more flashbacks. Patrick's comments on Noah and Robin should have been accompanied by a few flashbacks of them at GH, too.

Did anyone notice how often Robin was mentioned?

Vee, I'm not a Flea fan and never cared for F&F, but that one scene in the MC together was solid gold. KW and JW were amazing selling a love that would never die. In all their years together, JJY & KW have never convinced me Mac & Flea belong together nor moved me 1/10th as much KW/JW managed that day.

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Liked the episode! Great to see Rachel Ames again and glad she agreed to come back -- she does look very good still, she's on top of her acting game, and Audrey had good material. Touching. Good to hear where the Hardys are. Great tribute to John Beradino/Steve Hardy with the portrait.

Liz was fine. I liked her talk with Nikolas Monday too; the flashbacks with Nikolas were great as a catch-up tool to illustrate some things I'd read about. But I don't see Liz as a legacy character. She and Sarah were invented in 1997 as teenagers. it's good since Liz is still on to use her as a conduit to Audrey and mentioning Steve Hardy and so forth. But it would be a lot better if Tom Hardy and his son came back, those are really legacy characters. I'm not too hung up on that though.

Loved the mention of Joe Scanlon's first day with the power drill. smile.png My Richard Culliton PC fandom acknowledged.

I don't think Stuart Damon looks too old. The person who I think has aged the least well is Leslie Charleson. When I first saw her with Liz Monday, I was shocked at how she looked and sounded. She really got back to the Monica I knew sparring with Tracy though. I agree with whoever said AJ should have had a scene with Alan too, but I guess it wouldn't have fit with it being a Pickle-Lila dream.

Vanessa Marcil still plays with her hair and has a strange spacey look as Brenda, but I wouldn't have it any other way LOL. Even after my being gone 16 years, Sonny and Brenda, Brenda and Jax, some of the same issues are still there. I find that reassuring.

Liked Michael's scenes with Sonny on Monday. Chad Duell seems to be a very good young actor.

I understand people saying ____ should have been on the actual day of the anniversary episode, but this is an anniversary celebration that's continuing, it's not just about one day. I agree with whoever said the Helena stuff was going great until Tuesday and then it fell flat. It's gotten a little repetitive. I didn't mind Ethan, although I wasn't watching when he was on. There are people from every recent era of the show who came back, that's what makes it a true 50th anniversary celebration.

One thing I wish they had done is Lee and Gail checking in on Scotty.

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as bad as you thought Monica looked, this was probably the best she's looked in months. You might be frightened of the images of her from her last appearance. I also thought Alan looked better now than he did last fall. He seemed sick and sounded like it. He seems healthier now

And that wasn't a dream as neither Monica or Tracey were sleeping. They were ghosts and came to talk sense into the two women. Alan has been appearing as one for years

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Yeah but i think the show left it just ambiguous enough. They talked as if they were visiting from the afterlife but then Monica and Tracy rationalized it as sharing a dream and Monica asked what was in the Pickle-Lila. It's OK with me to leave it ambiguous like that in case they ever want to bring any of those characters "back from the dead." Love your screencaps!

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Not mine, got them from Tumblr but lovely nonetheless. I loved all those scenes. The Sonny/Brenda and Carly/Jax were the weakest parts of the show for me.

Did someone ban Kelly Sullivan's brand of bad acting from being anywhere near the 50th anniversary? LMAO. Its so odd that she is NOWHERE in sight

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The show has been leaving Alan's appearances ambiguous for a while now. Yesterday came off as straight up hallucinations from that special secret ingredient. They were both tripping and I can even see RC alluding to a shared trip later.

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Yeah. The scriptwriters are terrible. I've been begging for them to be replaced for a while now.

I look at DAYS, and while not perfect, they have some very good scriptwriters and I kind of fear what we'd be seeing daily if not for some of them.

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