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Married to Medicine


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I thought I was the only one who loved smoky-voiced, manipulative, mysterious, Traci-Lords lookalike, Kari! I assumed she was not hired back because she went up against Mariah (a rivalry for the ages) and because they wanted the show strictly African-American. Next thing we know, Quad, who barely registered all S1, couldn't stop yapping and taking herself super-seriously during S1 reunion, and going into S2, suddenly Quad was this wounded bird/femme fatale playing victim to something Mariah supposedly did to her but which was never fully specified. A part of me wondered whether Quad had snatched a SL originally intended for Kari. Anyway, as it turned out, Kari and Mariah eventually made up IRL and Kari and Toya remain pretty close. I would love her back! 


Also happy about Lisa Nicole being back. I'm not sure i love Lisa Nicole, but she is a deluded drama queen and great for the show. I think M2M kind of lost something when she left. I also hated that Heavenly ran her off the show, with the full support of Jackie and Simone. I guess she is no longer with that cheating scoundrel Dr. Darren, huh.

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@Chris B since I saw it above...I do believe Kari made it official that she was back as a main this season. 


Meanwhile, Lisa Nicole has already let it be known she is taking NO ONE'S S*IT this season. *looks at Heavenly*


And Quad might be recurring. Doesn't seem like she is gone completely yet.



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In his video about Nene’s exit, Funky Dineva mentioned talking to Quad who was unsure about taking Bravo’s offer to be a friend this season. He explained to her that the money is better than she’s going to magically get elsewhere and it’s better not to burn bridges. It looks like she will appear in that capacity but I must say I was excited for a completely Quad free season lol. Talk about someone who stayed YEARS longer than they should have!


I must say, I’m more excited for Married to Medicine than I am for RHOA. I’ll watch both, but I literally cannot wait to see their cast photo and trailer. 

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I don't mind Quad back in a FOH (or should that be FOD?) capacity. I am still waiting for her to be properly called out on all her fakery and victim-playing (and any other shady stuff she has been up to).


Still so excited about Kari and Lisa Nicole coming back! Like @Chris B I am more excited for M2M than I am ATL.



Looks like it! Lisa Nicole is so messy. She seems to thrive on the drama with her husband.


As of June 2020 they seemed to be together, bringing awareness about Covid-19 testing to local neighborhoods in Atlanta (under the spoiler tag). She and Dr Darren still seem to be promoting their marriage like it is some kind of brand.


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@Cheap21 It’s funny you posted that because I have noticed the Married to Medicine women have been supportive of Monique. These are DOCTORS with real careers and reputations to protect, but they still are themselves on tv which I appreciate. As we know, Mariah and Toya is probably the most iconic Real Housewives right. A true brawl. Can you imagine had that happened on this show? Lawd! They dealt with it and moved forward because shyt happens! I hate that Gizelle, Wendy and Robyn are trying to make it a race issue and acting like Monique shouldn’t be forgiven. 

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I HATE the black woman rhetoric they are spewing. Monique doesnt represent them or all black women as a whole. Her actions arent a reflection of that. Black women can be pushed to their limits too but for some reason are held to a higher standard than any other demographic, regardless of gender, race or sexuality and its alot of black women like the Potomac cast that reinforce that instead of having an actual dialogue about it. Monique was wrong but I think she deserves empathy and I was here for what Buffy has had to say

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At the risk of entering into a discussion with which I have little personal experience, I think this discussion point has been misconstrued both here and in the widely discussed Vice article this week.  The issue is not that black women are held to a different standard or the legitimacy of stereotypes about women of color.  My experience of MtM and RHOP is that there are so few tv shows centered around the experience of successful woman of color that they feel the burden of representation.  Therefore, they are hesitant about the audience response to their lives because Bravo viewers are exposed to so few black women that they might generalize the experiences of this small group of women to the culture as a whole.  Ramona Singer does not have to worry that her edit will reflect poorly on the entire population of Upper Eastside divorced women with boob jobs, because there are so many stories about the lives of those women that nobody would assume that they are all like her.  However, the women of RHOP, RHOA, and MtM are virtually the only representation of middle aged successful black women in media so they are constantly confronted with questions about how they represent their community.

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With LA people seem upset it’s possibly getting canceled, but it’s ratings were truly horrendous and neither season was great. I feel they have a couple standout characters, but it largely fell flat. I also do think Bravo promoted the show and gave it good time slots for both seasons. The only Married to Medicine show that was robbed was Houston which had a GREAT first season and was dumped on Friday night with absolutely no promo. I would’ve much rather seen more of that show and I feel with promotion it would’ve been successful. 

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Buffie spilled some juicy tea!

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- Says that Bravo protected Jackie b/c Andy published Jackie's book
- Addressed Heavenly's claims about Buffie always crying. Buffie went down the line and stated she only cried twice at group events (once about not having female friends and once at the finale party). Buffie says that production would not let her leave greenscreen until she spoke about her miscarriages, which resulted in her crying. 
- Says Bravo cut out the scene in Mexico where Heavenly basically called Buffie "barren." Buffie says they cut out when she cussed Heavenly out badly. 
- Production made Buffie talk to Jackie on finale night. Jackie kept interrupting Buffie when she'd speak. 
- Spilled that Contessa is NOT board certified. 
- Spilled that production gave Mariah pork the night she was to begin Ramadan. 
- Spilled that ONE of the reasons she and Simone fell out was because Simone let production in the bathroom on finale night when she was having her breakdown. Simone said that it was a TV show and production needed their shot. 
- Revealed that she has a recording on Simone that would be career-ending. 
- Said that Contessa said to her that she wanted to rock Buffie like the "baby she'd never have." 

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