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Y&R: January 2013

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I think alot of the problem is that with the recast, TPTB chose to rewrite the character with a dfferent personality. That whispering thing that AH does when Victoria is really upset...No, They tell us that Victoria is just like Victor but that hasn't been shown since AH took over the role. And that is the problem.

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In the process, though, Victoria has become unrecognizable for me. I could believe Heather Tom's Victoria as heiress apparent to daddy Victor's empire. AH's Victoria, OTOH, I wouldn't trust to run the 10 Items or Less aisle at Target without melting into tears from overwork.

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Do you think AH is capable of playing Victoria the way she once was? I've seen a few instances over the years where she totally captured the true essence of Victoria as Victor's heir apparent. Perhaps, if the writers would write the character as she used to be, AH could prove she is capable.

Of course, the two shows could do a cast exchange... having Heather Tom come back as Victoria and AH going over to Bold and the Beautiful to play Katie.

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Should have been done years ago. AH would make the perfect Katie Logan. Of course the writing would have to go with it as well. Victoria stopped being a strong business executive, but vulnerable young woman in her personal life long ago. In any case, she is only one of the many symptoms of what went wrong with Y&R since Alden and Smith spiraled into the depths.

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Yvonne Zima played a rape victim on SVU this past week and totally nailed it. I always suspected that she was directed on Y&R to play Dazed as an emotionless zombie. Michelle Ray Smith did a fabulous job on SVU a few years ago too. (She was much-derided as Ava on GL.) SVU really knows how to bring out the best in some soap actors...even those targeted as "bad" actors.

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About that picture it was really unnerving to see Burton right smack in the front next to JFP, even though we all know why that is....

Funny how I saw Lauralee Bell in the background, and that she was just as much as a show eater as Burton was on GH back in the day....

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I wonder myself where the acting begins and where the writing/direction ends with this character's unrecognizable direction?

To me, it seems as if the Victoria character took a wrong turn when they tried to make her this artist painting in Europe. It was unbelievable to be that Victoria with her uptight, type A, business-driven personality would have abandoned all of that and delved into the world of visual arts when she had previously showed no inclination toward artistic endeavor. I would've sooner believed that she had become part of the equestrian/show jumping world, competing in competitions and the Olympics-- at least, Victoria was raised with horses!

Victoria was once this ice princess, like I said before, uptight, type A personality (not that you cannot be type A and artist, but still...) whose full makeup surrounded being her father's heir apparent. Victoria was usually impeccably coiffed (especially the hair) and a bit of an ice maiden. Think Lilith Stern from Cheers & Frasier. I imagined by this time, Victoria Newman would not only be going toe to toe with Adam, Victoria might even have been challenging her own father for dominance of the Newman empire and telling Billy to 'stand back or he might get hurt'. That doesn't mean she would push Victor completely out but she might try to oblige him into more of advisory role, rather than running the day to day. This is totally different from what we're seeing.

I honestly don't know whose fault this is, but it is unfortunate that what we get is a inconsistent rendering of character, at best. Sometimes frazzled and unkempt, sometimes put together with shades of the Victoria this character was seemingly meant to be. Most of the time what we see though, is a overly dependent Daddy's girl who seems mostly okay with letting her father badger her into eventually bending to his will. At her age, I'm mostly not interested in that portrayal.

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Good stuff, very interesting. Victoria cut her teeth at Newman and was brawling with her father, Brad, Neil, and Nick over accounts or some deal or the other. I will never forget rolling my eyes at the idea that Victoria would ever want to be an artist or work in an art museum. She was always a mess personally with Ryan, Diego, and Cole, but she always stood up to Victor in her personal life. Overall, she was an outstanding soap heroine. Ultimately, it was Heather Tom's talent and ability that pulled off that challenging material allowing us to like Victoria and admire her determination, while occasionally wanting to slap her silly. Heinle has not gotten the interesting material that Tom did, but even if she got it, she is not a particularly talented actress. She is mediocre at best (and I am factoring her previous soap gigs). Her carelessness with Victoria's appearance does not help.

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