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DAYS: January Discussion Thread

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Lol i posted a few thoughts earlier, but just for you I'll go through everything.

Abby certainly inherited the annoying shrew gene from her mother. Up until about the end of the episode, I just needed her to have several seats. I do like the prospect of a triangle of a Chad/Abby/nuCameron triangle. Partially because I actually like looking at the new Caneron and he actually has a nice presence onscreen. Throw in Chad and Cameron sharing a dead sister that I sorely miss.

Old Sami was a delight the last two days and it reminded me how neutered she is once she's in a relationship, especially with Rafe.

Both Hernandez siblings should drive off a cliff and join their sister in Heaven, though Arianna played by LH is the only Hernandez I could ever stomach.

I'm curious how nick will use the prison information against his cousin. Regardless the kid ends up with a dad that either went to prison or one who should've gone to prison..win/win?

I've missed the Will and Marlena relationship, as it was the one thing MarDar definitely got right.

The last two days have been solid, though I am missing my girl Kristen.

I will say I like Chad being slightly smug about ruining the wedding, though I'd personally go a step further and make him not care at all about the town being mad at him. I want all three DiMera siblings reeking havoc.

I seriously would rather mop my floor with a damp mop and watch it dry repeatedly than watch Sonny.

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No, but Friday's show was episode 12.000 so they probably wanted something big for that.

I think it was during Reilly's second run in 2003-2006 that Missy started to phone it in. She was still a Jack and Jennifer fan back then and disliked the stories and Jack getting killed off over and over.

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Forgot that I wanted to respond to this on Monday. This would have been dramatic, but it would have put the focus more on Gabi, and I'm glad the focus has been as much on Will as on Gabi. Also, as JackPeyton mentioned, it will be a good twist to come out during the likely custody battle. It may come out just as everything has seemed to calm down. Maybe they reach a compromise and then Will finds out and he decides Gabi wouldn't be a good parent after all.

Also, I think the fact Chad told Sonny about Gabi being responsible for Melanie's kidnapping, but Sonny hasn't told Will about it, might also play an important role in some way in the Will/Sonny story. I can see it going several different ways -- it could be a new obstacle between them where after it comes out somehow, Will feels betrayed that Sonny didn't tell him such important information to protect Chad, after Will and Sonny have had a couple days where they seemed to get back together; it could be something Sonny confesses to Will when Sonny is forgiving Will, to say he understands about being forced to keep secrets; or it could be something that Sonny wants to keep a secret from Will after he and Will get back together because he doesn't want to be involved with raising Will's kid and Sonny comes to an uneasy agreement with Gabi that he wants Gabi to have full custody. Throw in Sonny's dad being the lawyer who set up the secrecy thing too and it just adds more complication and dilemma. It is a lot juicier that the Melanie stuff hasn't come out yet. The possibility Sonny may selfishly want Gabi to have custody because he doesn't want to have to deal with a kid may seem sinister and out of character for Sonny, but Sonny could be led by Nick and Gabi into believing it was "best for the baby" too, a motivation which Will would eventually understand. I think something like one of these possibilities has a good chance of happening. All would contiribute to believable, character-based story, and I could still see a hopeful, positive outcome resulting no matter what. The writers have set things up beautifully.

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I love how Sami see this as her son being jerked around by a manipulative slut

The Cameron/Abby/Chad triangle just made some progress! Going too slow for my tastes but they are laying the groundwork for it.

Thank god Nick isnt married to Gabi. I really hope he never does

Where was Kate? The show really needs to give us a sequel to Grandma Wars....Great-Grandma Wars! Can they please give us a less ghetto version of this scene when Gabi gives birth?


Dang, like clockwork, EJ is already being a figure for Sami to lean on as she and Rafe go kaput

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I think Will is going to defend Gabi to Sami if Sami badmouths Gabi. He'll say things like "it was my decision too", because unlike Gabi, he doesn't try to shift the blame to make himself look better. He also still really cares about Gabi as a friend. It'll be interesting whether Sami is annoyed with him for that or if it makes her see Will as even more of a victim. I also wonder if Will will say anything to Sami either way about Rafe vs EJ.

I liked that Will took Sami's call even though Marlena was telling him not to, and that Sami was so nice and concerned and agreed to postpone the talk to another day. I'm glad Will and Sami are in such a good place right now. I love how he was joking around with her and trying to give her advice before all this too.

Being a new viewer to the show, I don't have much of an investment in Abigail, Chad, or Cameron yet, but I don't mind the triangle either. I only just read something about Cameron and Abby having previous history.

I wish Will had tried to get through more to Sonny on Tuesday, but I did like that he reiterated he doesn't want to lose Sonny and loves him. I also liked Sonny saying he loves Will too after Will left. I thought Will's scene with Marlena was too short, but it was still good that she zeroed in on his "kindness and strength." Glad Lucas was more understanding of where Will's head was at than he had been on Monday. I can understand why Rafe was disappointed in Sami's attack on Gabi. I can also understand why some people are glad to see some of the "old Sami," though I don't necessarily agree with it as I am glad she has matured since what I remember of her from brief glimpses of Days in the past and it makes sense that she would have matured by now.

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When did she film the latest Celebrity Apprentice? Did she leave to do that? I just can't really figure out the timing. If she last airs at the end of the month, that was taped at least 3 months ago so likely September or October, right, when she last taped?

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