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GH: Discussion for the Month of January

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Yeah, I think that too. Let's kill Trey so we can make Kawny more likable that way. In a way, it did kinda work, and throwing her with red hot AJ right now was smart too. Gotta give Ron credit, he's really trying to make Kawny work. I don't even care if Kate comes back but I think Kawny is growing tiresome, honestly.

I liked the AJ and Carly scenes. Very fun. Laura Wright, I know some dislike her, but I think she's made Carly her own. I quite enjoyed Carly getting hammered. Carly was a snarling drunk.

Lucy! God I love her and Lynne Herring so much. She has been a huge breath of fresh air and she looks amazing. Really love the use of Monica and Tracy. Tracy is hilarious trying so hard to keep Lucy happy while hating every second of it.

Was anyone else just a little annoyed with John just hovering around Sam and showing up randomly? I'm just not up for them to go there (no, I'm not a Jason/Sam fan). IDK why. It's not working and I think they should just accept it. I give Kelly some credit, I feel like she has kinda been trying again, just a little bit.

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Don't care about Kawny one damn bit and Trey has not changed that. All that in a hospital room for a 6 month character to prop that clown? Yeah right!

The scenes at TFR were pretty interesting, but the funny part was when Carly thought there was going to be a fight, she changes from the booth to the bar to get a better view. I thought that was hilarious. Really don't like that the battle for ELQ happened off screen and is pretty much over. It would have been great to see a business story on the show.

Lucy has always been too silly for my taste. When Alan married her years ago, I was devastated!

Sam and John are FF material. I only stopped FF John long enough to see what Lucy's problem with him was. Back to McSpam, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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Dang, cant beleive Im saying this, but KS did great in her scenes today as Connie. I actually felt bad for her

FINALLY Jason is getting a memorial. Monica: "treating my son like a piece of garbage" Newsflash Monica....he WAS a piece of garbage


BTW, did she get her lips done? How sad, that Monica couldnt even emote anything when she learned Jason was dead

Its about time Olivia interacted with Trey. Too bad she waited so long

WTF? Lucy recognizes John as the vampire Caleb? RC is actually going there with that crap? She better notice that Sam looks exactly like Livvie then

Please dont tell me they are gonna do Carly and AJ? This is reminding of Lucas and Sami

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