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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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Yes, bringing on more Tyler/Wallingford/English family members would be a great way to add new blood while respecting the history of the show. Anything that revives the Erica/Brooke feud would be fantastic, imo!

I have nothing more to add, you said just what I would've!

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I see Mona as growing up an only child, sharing a relationship with her Lutheran minister father not unlike Agnes Nixon's own, complicated relationship with her dad. For the most part, Mona was a pleasant, obedient, generally uncomplicated daughter. However, when she eloped with Eric, who was a member of a traveling theater troupe that was in her Oklahoma hometown for a spell, the Rev. Hagen was so outraged by her perceived rebelliousness, he cut off all contact with her.

Meanwhile, Eric Kane, also an only child, was born and raised in Chicago. Unfortunately, his father was a drunk who had abandoned the family when Eric was a little boy; and his mother, also an alcoholic, left as well to live with another man in California. This left Eric, at around age 12, alone, and a ward of the state. He bounced from foster home to foster home until, at age 16, he ran away to find his mother, now working on the fringes of the film industry as a wardrobe mistress. Eric's mother wasn't exactly eager to be reunited, however; and she made it clear that if he were to stay with her, he'd have to earn his keep. So, knowing that the head of the movie studio was into teenaged boys, she pimped out her own son to him. In exchange, he gave Eric his start in "the Industry" as a bit and supporting player.

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Yeah, but not as Onyx Kane. Erica's had enough insta-siblings, thank you.

I'd rather see VR join the reboot as a former model whom Erica remembers well from their days on the runway. However, whatever good feelings exist between Erica and VR's character vanish the moment Erica learns VR's character (Courtney?) has outbid her for Enchantment, which is back on the market, and which Erica tries to buy back once her movie career stalled. To make matters worse, Courtney lures over Kendall, naming her Executive V.P. at the revitalized cosmetics and fragrance company. Erica, in turn, announces the launch (with Opal) of a new brand, Monica (for "Mona" and "Erica").

And the third partner in Erica's newest venture? None other than Brandon Kingsley.

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This touches on something I'd like to see done away with. Can we please get rid of the idea that everyone on a soap has to be related? Television is full of families of choice and wonderful ensembles made up of coworkers and friends that act as family. The concept that every character on a show has to be tied to everyone else by blood is archaic and causes the very things that helped makes soaps into a joke: insta-siblings, retcon parenthood, characters screwing every member of a family, etc... Then we can also do away with that core family nonsense where a character is deemed more important by pedigree instead of what they add to canvas.

Given that these shows are - I assume - going to be dealing with smaller ensembles and actors under shorter, more flexible contracts, let's take off the handcuffs of outdated thinking.

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This is good news. I can't wait to see what kind of new actors are signed. I wonder if we'll get any non-AMC/OLTL vets. Also curious if Erin Torpey would be Jess on OLTL or will they do a completely new recast. Interesting days ahead. I will say that it wouldn't be a huge surprise if Debbi Morgan signed on considering she lives in Maryland. She commuted to LA for Y&R and AMC, so I could see her agreeing to it if it's what she wants.

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No. The only AMCers that officially signed the first time were Mathison, Hartley and WIlliams.

In fact, the last time around VI had to smack Jamey Giddens down for claiming that he was the reason PP wasn't moving forward with AMC.


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