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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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Oy you are just determined to send me down the rabbit hole. My five:

  • Work out an agreement with the WGA because fi-core writers won't work
  • Don't try to recreate the shows outright. Re-work/reboot them
  • The competition for these shows isn't just other soaps, it's every other show on TV. Strive to make these shows competitive against every other show on television
  • Look outside of the soap world for talent. You're in NYC so look towards the theatre and literature communities
  • Take risks. As they say in 12-step groups, "Your best thinking got you here." The people who helped destroy the genre can't save it.

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1. Writing - These shows will live or die based on this and this alone. There are no network heads holding you back so you have no excuse. It needs to be GOOD and modern. Suspenseful, full of romance, drama, comedy, family, etc.

2. Reboot - Don't focus so much on what happened when these shows ended. Use this year off as a little time jump. I would have at least one or two new families for each soap. The characters you DO bring back need to have a purpose. Pick two old families and add two new families. That way you avoid having to recast too many characters or bizarre gaps when actors don't agree to return. If everything is successful you can consider bringing on others later.

3. Produce these shows more like the UK shows. Take advantage of the city these shows are filmed in and have regular outdoor sets in addition to the indoor sets. And I don't mean Peapack...

That's really all I can think of. If the writing sucks then they're doomed. Viewers already don't believe these shows will be made, once we see them in production we'll talk about how much they're going to suck. If they actually suck people will leave. If they're good this could be huge for Prospect Park.

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I thought at the time that Lindsey Hartley was Deidre Hall/Denise Alexander material for AMC. By that I mean she was an actress charismatic enough and Cara a character vital enough that you could spin a great deal of the show's future off her and her storylines despite her being non-core family, as DAYS and GH did Marlena Evans and Lesley Faulkner in the '70s. I thought she was the future of that show.

That said I still don't believe this [!@#$%^&*] is happening.

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You guys are so wonderful and sharp with your responses. Truth? I asked because I'm hoping people who "matter" and who actually care will lay eyes on this thread. If you've ever Google'd yourself or your place of work, don't dismiss the idea that it could happen. Whether the reboots themselves happen, well...

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