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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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That makes me both happy and sad. Glad she would do it but kinda upset that she never showed that interest when AMC was actually on the air. I wonder if she was even being serious or if this was a question where she felt pressured to answer a certain way as to not close the door on herself
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I'm salivating at the idea of Brooke playing a strong lead role side-by-side Erica, which is how it always should have been. Even back when JB left the show, I felt that Brooke had been slightly handicapped by her lack of children. Jamie was great, he kind of came and went, but Erica had two girls who had huge stories, and they gave Erica four grandkids who are capable of providing tons of story for years to come should this thing take off. Poor Brooke and Tom lost Laura, Laura 2.0, frankly, I never warmed up to her. Brooke needs a couple of nieces (and/or nephews), what she and Cecily were to Phoebe. And I mean niece/nephew in the broad sense, like children of first cousins or god children. Would love to see her and her crew in contrast to Erica's brood.

Imagine if Susan passed and they made Skye HBIC.

Oof, I mean passed on the project, not passed to be wit Jesus.nbe.jpg

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I wish they will rebuild the Tyler/Wallingford/English family along with the Kanes. I never liked how Erica never had anyone to talk to except Myrtle and Opal. Maybe they could reintroduce Mark to the show and add a few Cousins? I am tired of Long Lost siblings so I think a cousin could work.

What is HBIC?

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Mark and Julie (and Ellen, though KN seems dead set on playing bitches now) would be wonderful! I've mentioned this before, but I always found it interesting that AMC never introduced more of Erica's family. She and Mona were such a singular unit from the very beginning, and we were treated to Silver, real Silver, Mark, and Eric and Goldie, yet I always wanted an aunt, or an uncle, or a cousin. Had Mary Smythe actually been Erica's cousin, wow, even more juice to be squeezed from that relationship.

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Thank you. tongue.png They'd probably give that role to Greenlee first, but then again, we are no longer living in a Brian Frons nation. Kendall was always capable of carrying the torch, particularly when SMG was in the role. But Kendall took a backseat to Greenlee when AM came aboard.

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Mona Kane Tyler (née Pierce) should have a younger sister named Eleanor (nicknamed "Elsie"). Mona never mentioned her, though, because Elsie had a one night stand with a Polynesian boy when she was 17... and good girls didn't do that back then. Elsie was so ashamed when Ridley Pierce (their father) found out that she ran away, leaving a suicide note, saying, "I'm gonna kill myself, papa. I'm gonna do it! But they'll never find my body!" Elsie didn't want to do it, though, and left for Canada.

Aunt Elsie will return to Pine Valley.

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