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DAYS: August Discussion Thread

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He's been a lousy actor ever since they started giving him the gay story and the rage over Sami. People give Molly Burnett a lot of stick, but when she's written in her range she can be OK. Not only is he poor, he also goes to the press to badmouth stories he doesn't like. And because MarDar spent so much time making sure people see him as EJ's special friend and now the light in the window for EJ/Sami, he will always have a lot of fans no matter how bad Massey is.

This is why I am so tired of gay stories on soaps. They get generic praise even though they often completely fail in every area. It's amazing that this story has won an award, and DC was saying Massey was going to be a movie star, and all the rest.

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A movie star of maybe romatic comedy movies...cause he doesnt have range in his acting. He can only play your typical teen scene acts which he was good at until MarDar gave him the meaty material of trying to be EJ 2.0.

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The Jack/Abby scenes were the best part of today's episode - the dialogue for them was really good and I'm glad they got a pretty lengthy scene. Matt Ashford was great today. Though I don't understand why Abby was so scared that she couldn't move which made Jack get into the elevator.

More puking moments for me: Will saying EJ was a great father and that he would never hurt Sami. WTF!!!

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It's bad fanfic. You have to laugh at Will saying Rafe is the only father those children have known, and now EJ is the father of the year.

I can't believe they would have a big disaster and then waste so much time on the same [!@#$%^&*] that got them all time low ratings throughout the year. Will is a ratings killer. So is EJ the hero/stud. EJ is more interesting when given other material, and much less of it.

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The Jack/Jennifer/Abby scenes were great today, I still wish Ashley Benson was in the role though.

Is Lucas dumb? He says that EJ is lying but then completely ignores the fact that Sami was assaulted because she had evidence that cleared EJ.

As to Will's comments he said that EJ isn't a threat to her now, not that EJ has never hurt Sami.

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