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DAYS: August Discussion Thread

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Sami in general is played out. I wouldn't suggest killing her off (...although the thought has crossed my mind...) but I do think "benching" her would do the character (not to mention, the audience) some good.

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I just want to see the real Sami on my screen. Not this desperately miscasted heroine that Sweeney has been playing. Giving the scheming bitch that she epitomized during the 90's and most of the 00's and I would love her again.

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The Days of Sami being a scheming bitch has been gone for years including most of the time she was in EJs universe. They has a good few months until the rape. Following that Sami became the endless victim, crying nonstop. Sami and all her men, which is what we've watched these past few years doesn't work for a character that's the classic underdog. I thought her writing when the last regime started was actually better for a time, where we saw conflict with Sami with the choices she was making for herself and they wasted what had the potential to be a decent story and potential rivalry with Madison and Kate again. It's the same thing that happened to the Carly character on GH and Kendall on AMC and now Phyllis on Y&R. Part of the fun in watching a bitch scheme is seeing them get caught, put down, and scheme again. Turning these bitches into ingenues doesn't work.

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I actually think she lost her fire somewhere around where the Santo/Colleen storyline started, but she had sparks of her regular self and flare ups there too when EJ pushed her too far. Like when she pushed EJ on the floor when he was in his wheelchair because she was threw with him guilt tripping her and wasn't going to sleep with him. I liked EJ and Sami's one-up-manship/relationship like when she set him up with John at the pier, when she drugged him and set his cabin on fire and various other moments where we see Sami come back into her self. She had fire then - as she usually does when she is playing opposite him. She had it when she shot EJ when he was disarmed, drunk and asleep that was the true her and that was great television -- especially with Adrianna and the videotape. Even though I found her despicable she was who she was supposed to be instead of Rafe's housewife and the soccer mom.

I don't see Sami as a victim and I never have as she causes most of her problems and I am okay with that. But they keep trying to write her as a heroine who does wrong things for the "right reasons" and they keep excusing her actions, when I would rather her just embrace everything that she is and be the mean bitch she always was without the decorative clothing and sweet lies. They have done a horrible job transitioning her into a Belle, Carrie, Marlena, Hope, Jennifer type figure and it shows baldly. You can see the cracks and they haven't even bothered to put on a coat of paint to hide it. It's apparent every time she is with Rafe and Lucas, because all you see is the facade of nice Sami without seeing the darker, more pathological, sociopathic Samantha that truly exists beneath the surface. Sweeney just plays her material differently when she is paired with them and I can't stand it.

I agree with lumping her in there with Carly and Phyllis, those have also been horrible transitions from bad girls to motherly matrons of truth and honor and much to the detriment to their characters. Kendell for better or worse was just boring after she finally go Erica's love. I don't think I ever thought of her as being offensive as these others are. All those other character changes are just plain insulting and borderline ridiculous.

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