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Y&R May sweeps/early summer spoilers

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Ugh!!!.... Hate to admit it but the stuff with Phyllis sounds promising (with a lower case p)

I'm sick and tired of everyone's kids coming back home with an attitude, and they aren't even gonna have stories in a few weeks. I have such a better idea on a story that involves teenage Fen, which doesn't involve hating his parents.

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Great! NOT! i knew they wern't going to write Jill much of an bye-bye story but thought they would give her a liitle something with Kay and Billy before she leaves along with Colin. Why do I think it's all going to be about Geneive now? Why won't they write for the viewers loyal viewers of THIS show? They won't even throw us crumbs.

GH is still on the air, i don't understand why CBS executives are approving story after story and huge amounts of airtime for actors, couples, and charcters that constantly remind the viewers of another show, on another network. Meanwhile long time viewers of this show are tuning out because we never get to see the ones we have followed.

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Ok, to sum up my feelings on all this:

The Ricky/Phyllis stuff sounds GREAT! I like the idea of Ricky being the one to expose Phyllis's long-time secret. I'm also looking forward to Avery's reaction.

Colin/Jill are love and make a solid couple. It's Jess Walton's best pairing in ages. I do hope he kills Genevieve though.

I am sad, however, at the prospect of Tucker & Ashley's marriage falling apart. I know I'm in the minority, but I really like Tucker & LOVE him with Ashley. Again, this is Ashley's best pairing in ages!

Is Michael Graziadei leaving the show? Did I blink and miss something? Or is he off for a while to film something (that probably won't ever get released)?

The rest of the stuff runs from Meh to AWFUL.

Sharon's new man- it depends on who it is. I read a spoiler about this, but now I forget who it was they're pairing her with. I'd like her to be tested with Ricky, who I also like (again, minority).

I HATE that they're aging Kyle- if they were gonna do it, they should have done it in the first place, when they brought Diane back. Plus, I've made NO SECRET about my Garrett Ryan love. Please let this pave the way for Diane to be alive and my Maura to return. Please!

Kyle teaming with Victor to break up Jack/Nikki is SO LAME and been there, done that. I like the idea of a Kyle/Nikki rivalry, but IMO, it would have worked much better with Garrett in the part. Since, ya know, he played Kyle when Diane died? Then it actually could have been fun to watch him team up with Victor to break them up. Think DAYS's Nicky Alamain putting sugar in the Brady Chowder to help sabotage Bo/Carly.

The Sarge/YoHarmony/Neil/Sofia quad has to be the most uninspired, lame piece of trash story I've ever heard of. I'd take Karen returning as a psychopath hell bent on destroying Neil's life over this crap. And to think they JUST told us that they're not gonna pair Morgan & Williams.....at least not right away. So by right away, they meant in her 2 first weeks and the months where she barely appeared? LAME, trite, and just plain snoozeworthy.

Ugh, please let Lauren decide to let Daisy die. Please oh please oh please.

And can we PLEASE get Avery a storyline here? Maybe even robbing the cradle and boinking NuFen. Jessica Collins is the best find this show has had in a LONNNNNNNG time. Please use her and don't let her get away MAB. Avery is truly an original daytime character- I can't think of any character on any other show that I'd even compare her to. That's a huge compliment and a testament to Ms. Collins ENORMOUS talent. She's a character that can do anything and they can use anywhere. Hell, let's throw her at Ricky or maybe even Tucker if he & Ashley are on the outs. Either way, please just give the woman something to do.

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"And can we PLEASE get Avery a storyline here? Maybe even robbing the cradle and boinking NuFen. Jessica Collins is the best find this show has had in a LONNNNNNNG time"

Isn't it obvious? They have been testing Michael/Avery for the past couple of weeks. I knew it from first "drink" together. Michael lamenting Lauren's absence, now with the arrest, etc. Avery "no friends in GC," things falling apart with Phyllis. Phyllis reaction to this news: "Oh my God, Michael!..." Can anyone else hear that prelude to the lecture she'll give him.

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