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Y&R: Discussion for the Month of December

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I liked today's episode. I'm not even big on holidays, but I like seeing these characters have some normal moments.

I liked Anna's singing, but I'm not a music expert, so all I know is it sounded good to me. Anna has turned out to be a pretty girl, so if they brought her back this summer to be in a teen set that would work for me. Not that I think everyone on this show has to be conventionally beautiful, but the powers that be sure seem to.

I felt bad for Vikki and I'm glad the show hasn't forgotten that she was Lucy's mother for awhile. So often shows brush these connections under the rug.

Neil can't even refer to Sofia as his wife without cringing. It kind of pisses me off. No one held a shotgun to your head my friend.

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I LOVED the look he gave her during Ana's performance. That was not a look of love but one of, "Bitch, would you roll up off me, please?" laugh.png

Nevertheless, if Neil finds marriage to Sofia so repulsive, then what the hell was he doing conceiving a child with her in the first damn place? She's good enough to get your freak on, but not good enough to put the ring on the finger???

And you're right, Carl, about the criticisms toward Ana. Most of the time, it went like this:

NEIL: Ana, would you pass the raspberry jam, please?

ANA: Sure! And I can sing while I doing it, too!

If everyone was feeling low, she'd sing to cheer 'em up. If everyone was in good spirits, she'd sing to celebrate their good mood. If someone went outside to check the weather, she'd sing when they got back to fetch their umbrella. UGH.

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I saw a bit of yesterdays show and couldnt tell if the script calls for Diana Degarmo to be so over the top or if she's just a bad actress

AH has never looked better as Victoria. Her hair looked great and I loved the dress. Ditto on Chloe

This women is still around as Katherine. She comes across younger

Has MCE started yet?

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Today's episode was GREAT... for a change. Of course, anything with flashbacks is what I want to see! I also like this combining the newer "stand alone" Christmas episode for one character with Bill Bell's "Christmas Miracle" that he always used to do. My only issue was this. If the "angel" was supposed to be Nikki's mother, why didn't she recognize her, at least from pictures? Even if her mother died when she was 2 or 3 or whatever... she at least should have known what her mother looked like from pictures. They should have had her recognize her immediately, and keep the rest of the episode the same. So.... is this the first on screen confirmation of Douglas' death? I said long ago the death of Douglas should have been worked into the story... but they never did it as far as I know. But they didn't even Give Liz Foster a funeral, so what do you expect? I'm glad to see Jeanne back, although she looks VERY tentative in her movements. I hope she's ok.

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I also wanted to point out, look at those first 3 flashback scenes... I'm pretty sure the first two were from 79, and the third from 1980 or 81.... and notice how DARK the lighting was. Damn I miss that. And also notice what a GOOD actress Roberta Leighton was, and how BAD John Gibson was. Talk about wooden dialogue delivery. We know where all the blood in HIS body was! LOL

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