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DAYS: October Discussion Thread

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I loved Jack/Jen scenes yesterday! I agree that Matt and Missy still have it and that this is the first time Missy's looked alive since she came back.

Hilarious headline. :lol: I'm so glad DAYS has humour again.

What a great start to Madison/Brady - mistaken identity, nice banter, joking around, Brady saying sorry, they don't hate each other off the bat, they're clearly attracted to each other.

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I loved Claudia too! Yes, she was a bitch. Yes, she was kind of nuts. But man, Sarah played her so perfectly! She was always so fascinating to watch. Plus, I hate most of the characters on GH now so I got a real kick over Claudia insulting them all on a continuous basis.

Also, I like to pretend Aggie and B&B never happened.

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"Man in wheelchair walks....straight to jail" :lol;

Hope's shirt....wasnt feeling it!

What type of company is Titan? Isnt it a publishing on? Why would it need to buyMad World, which is a cosmetics company? BTW, I hate that name Mad World. Doesnt sound like a professional cosmetics company

Sarah Brown looks great. It looke like she has a handle on her hair color as it was looking nasty on B&B

The cop on John's case was awful! He needed to be suspended and I hated his arrogance

Weird to see Ej and Kate getting along so well considering their interactions have been so hostile the last few months

I hate how Days previews only focus on one storyline/scene instead of during several

yes bc I liked them

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Didn't help that she had awful and obvious hair extensions, the result of her hair falling out when bleaching it. Her actual real hair helps soften her look. She looks great!

I am happy that she at least has chemistry with her new leading man as opposed to B&B where her and Jack Wagner had none. Also didn't help that he looked like her grandfather.

So far I'm liking her character. I thought her scenes with EM were cute and a great way to introduce her to the canvas. Tomorrow looks fun with the Kate vs Madison scenes. I'm interested to see where all this goes.

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What a great hour of television today. Loved that there weren't to many characters on, it was just the right amount. No one was jumping around from place to place, everyone stayed where they were & had genuine conversations that pushed story along. So loving DAYS right now, I think they're on the right track.

Man I'm loving Madison James already! Welcome back Sarah Brown! Love what Madison stands for & the way she carries herself. She is a proud, badass corporate bitch who takes no less than what she deserves. I just loved her. Surprisingly wasn't annoyed by her & Brady like I thought I would be, they actually were pretty funny together & both actors mesh well. LOL at Madison and Kate's first scenes. I can't wait for more of them sparring against each other, it will be fantastic I'm sure!

That's cool Nicole will be doing PR work for EJ's campaign though I would've rather seen her work for Kate at Countess Wilhelmina, but oh well.

The John stuff was pretty good, I was not expecting that last part when he was flashing back to the past. Maybe he did steal the money after all? Surprising twist but it worries me a bit that we might not be fully through with RoboJohn nbe.jpg Seems to me John might have a split personality or something.

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Kate is necessary for the canvas, she is a primary antagonist, the classic "rich bitch" and in some ways, the anti-heroine of the show. Kate isn't really evil and she certainly isn't insane...she's...driven. Driven by a lot of things: her past, her present, her children and her anger towards those who she has perceived to have done her wrong. She is also fiercely loyal and protective of her children and family, she isn't all bad, I think it makes her more interesting to see Kate when she's vulnerable because it isn't often. Plus, she has a sense of humor.

Kate is not the type to allow herself to lose. She is, in my opinion, The Last of the Mohicans when it comes to a sexy, over 50, self interested, powerful woman on daytime television. There is literally nobody left on any of the shows. They've either been axed, neutered or made into a caricature. Kate remains vital and viable.

Kate and Lauren Koslow are fabulous. This storyline with Madison looks good!

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