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DAYS: October Discussion Thread

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I thought today was a little mean spirited the way the three of them were giggling and being mean to Kate. It seemed very high school of them. Why did Victor turn on Kate like this? It wasn't so long ago they were all in on the anti-Vivian crusade and now it is like they are lifelong enemies.

I don't think Kate was actually with Victor during the Chloe episode. He warned her repeatedly that he would help her but Daniel was off limits. And then Daniel was of course not off limits and Stefano maneuvered to get the evidence and blackmailed her into marriage when nobody was on her side. Then when the marriage happened she was persona non-grata at the Kiriakis house but when the whole Vivian thing started they all became thick as thieves again.

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I agree I'm not really liking how much Victor has turned on Kate but understand it more since she is his competitor now. Madison vs. Kate is so good so far, Madison is a trip LOL loved all of her comebacks to Kate. That was so mean when she said she would send Kate a sample of her new anti-aging cream laugh.png

Awesome Sami got the job with Mad World Cosmetics! I loved her reaction! I love that one of the first orders of business from these new writers was getting Sami a job. Finally! Can't wait to see her at work.

Did anyone else LOL at Gabi. I found her cringeworthy to watch in Wednesdays episode. There were several moments that seemed awkward and just...odd to me. I didn't really believe her love for Madison James. Camila Banus did a really awful job lol

CarlD2 LMAO at you saying Kate Mansi/Abby looks like a Bratz Doll!! laugh.png Omg that is the perfect description of her. Ugh I think she's a pretty good Actress but I still just can't get into her as Abby. Abby's reaction to Jack was annoying to me and a bit much.

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I didn't mean to imply Kate and Victor were a couple at the time of the Chloe poisoning. I had thought Kate was living with Victor, but this didn't mean they were romantically linked. Kate's motivation wasn't only to punish Chloe for cheating on Lucas, but doing so with Daniel, who Kate broke up rather selflessly after her cancer went into remission. The sense I got of Kate / Victor and Kate / Stefano prior to the marraige was Kate shared a past with both men and it was clear each man had some lingering attachment to Kate.

I know the Stefano / Kate dynamic evolved quickly, practically overnight, but I did enjoy the initial Victor / Vivian dynamic when Vivan came back. I loved how Phillip and Victor turned on Kate when she married Stefano and how Vivian just insinuated herself into Phillip and Victor's lives with ease. It's a shame that story all came to an end after Phillip and Melanie's wedding.

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No offense to fans of theirs but Carrie and Austin are dull as dirt.

Todays show was very slow. Not feeling this round of EJ and Nicole at all. They were on fire in Jan/Feb. It just feels very forced and awkward. And they really aren't giving Nicole much to work with. I would have rather she would have gone to work with Kate I think and not come up with this contrived way to throw them together. Let EJ chase her..

But the Lexie/EJ stuff was really good. I really hope they focus more on the dynamic there. Renee Jones is a treasure.

I think Jack/Jen/Daniel and Madison/Kate with a side of Brady are probably going to turn out to be my fave stories.

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I think Carrie fills a certain role, and would even moreso if they brought back Anna and recast Roman. Austin, I don't see the point of the character, and frankly I'm not sure if he's had one since about 1997. It's nice Kate has a child on canvas...that's about it.

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Carrie fits a role certainly I just don't find Christie Clark well much of anything. Shes pretty and thats about all I can say. I don't even see her having any great chemistry with anyone of course I never really did. I am just not understanding why Carrie and Austin and not Shawn and Belle.

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I think Belle/Carrie and Shawn/Austin are sort of the same characters. I guess Carrie may be better for nostalgia, or for potential conflict with Sami. I'm not a huge Carrie fan, mostly because none of the stories with her group have ever really interested me, but I think Christie Clark, although a bit blah, fits in to the show well and is someone who could make better dynamics for her family, with proper writing. To me Belle, especially after Martha Madison was cast, seemed strangely old for her years, asexual, and hard to care about.

I also wouldn't mind seeing more of Carrie/Mike, although I guess they'd have to recast Mike.

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I really liked the two longs scenes today between Austin/Carrie and Lexie/EJ. The scenes were about 3 mins long. I hope we'll continue to see long scenes like this and fewer less-than-a-minute scenes.

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GH is not long for this earth. If I was DAYS, I'd snap up Kirsten Storms and Jason Cook fast - I think both actors have grown tremendously since their dull, dull original stints and the characters became more layered with the recasts and the stories since. You could do anything with Shawn and Belle now, together or separate, and it wouldn't be nearly so saccharine.

I'm also loving the longer, deeper character scenes the show is doing here. It's just good old-fashioned soap opera - people talking about real [!@#$%^&*] and seeming intelligent and grounded. We had a lot of this last week as well. The Basic Black angle is topical, the Madison character is modern, it just all works for me, even when Patrick Muldoon is stiff or Carrie is still fairly boring. They've got jobs, Austin's character is sort of wistfully gone to seed, which is realistic...it's good. But yes, I preferred Carrie and Mike.

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