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Bobbie is an odd duck.  She is usually referenced for her more stable times in Port Charles like when she was in charge of The Brownstone or when she was married to Tony.  However, I appreciated her edge when she was with Damian and Stefan.


I think unlike Monica, we never saw an evolution of Bobbie, she didn't change she just reacted to her circumstances.  She aged into a grandmother.  However, there was never any insight into why she torpedoed her relationships with stable men in order to be with con artists like Brock.


I still adore a scheming 70's Bobbie scene with Scotty; or later with Noah.  Remember when Bobbie, Anne and Heather all wore those navy blue nurses capes with their uniforms when they were out of the hospital?  I just saw part of when Heather set Anne up for Diana's murder and she is running around in this cape and it made me laugh.

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Given Bobbie's background and upbringing, she was conditioned to think danger and unstable men were the norm while stable men were satisfying, but not exciting.  Hence why she would usually sabotage herself whenever she was with someone stable like Tony, because she feared deep down that they would hurt her, so she hurt herself/them first.


Speaking of Laura, she also was addicted to men with an edge and I think that had to do partly with finding out as a young teen that the family she thought was her family wasn't her family.. so her identity was shaken to the core.. and than the affair with David Hamilton was alluring because he treated her like an adult and offered a sense of danger and excitement.  I recall in the 90s after Luke and Laura came back where she separated from Luke due to mob danger.. and she had a heart to heart with her sister Amy about the past.  Amy pointed out to Laura that she had Scotty Baldwin, who was more dependable and stable, yet she opted to keep going back to Luke.. and asked Laura if she truly wanted  stability, or not.  It was one of the rare times the show wrote Amy as more than just a scatterbrained gossip.

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That sounds like a great scene. Is it up on YouTube?


This was before I started watching, but didn't the show at some point in the mid-1990s hint at pairing Bobbie with Alan? I'm glad that ultimately didn't happen. Imagine the backlash!!!


GH really had very interesting and strong women who despite less than savory circumstances, became heroines and integral to the fabric of the show. You had Jessie, Audrey, Lesley, Monica, Bobbie, Laura and Anna to name a few. In recent years, the only female character who has really fit into that category is Robin. Carly and maybe Sam could have been like that had the writing been better and the characters not shoved down the viewers' throats day after day. But that's a different post for another day.

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I have a Diana Taylor question.  I watcher her during Heather's LSD trip and she was very sweet and understanding.  Then, I watched the episodes before her murder and she was much more conniving and sexualized while in a triangle with Jeff and Anne.  What was Diana like when she first arrived at General Hospital and was the age difference an issue in her marriage to Peter?

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Diana was originally a "good girl," the traditional, long-suffering heroine archetype. Her characterization remained fairly consistent through several writing regimes, but she suddenly and inexplicably changed into a nasty person towards the end of her run on the show. In my mind, I tried to justify it by remembering that she had lost her husband Peter to a heart attack, her first two children to death, and her third child in a custody battle, but the change was jarring and poorly executed. Brooke Bundy was all wrong for the character anyway, so when the character died, it was more of a relief than anything.

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OMG!  I wonder if those were the days when actors used some of their own wardrobe on daytime and he must really have liked that jacket and turtleneck!


I love Brooke Bundy.  But she’s clearly nothing like Diana in looks, style or temperament.

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 Yes, back then many daytime actors wore their own clothes. The shows had sponsors supply garments too (Orbach's, Giorgio's), but actors would complain that the clothes were dirty and had not been washed.


Throughout 1976, Marlena Evans on Days wore the same purple polyester suit day after day after day, until I wanted to scream. It was hideous! And on GH, we all became well acquainted with Jessie Brewer's iconic blue sweater. 

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Speaking of unusual outfits, in the early 70s, on GH, Sharon Pinkham drove Lucille nuts by insisting on showing up for work in an orange dress paired with her nurse's cap.  Sharon had become an actress at night and found the white nurse's uniform too drab for her.  I had seen a picture here somewhere of Sharon wearing that get-up.  Does anyone know where the photo is found here?

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While not to hijack a GH thread, but when DH returned to Days in 1991 she literally had her own wardrobe credit.  I can't remember the store's name (somewhere in the OC I think) it actually said wardrobe for Deidre Hall provided by.....lol.  She wore the same pink suit for like 2 months back then, so I wouldn't brag about providing wardrobe for her...

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 IN A SURPRISING MOVE, ABC announced that it will replace "General Hospital" headwriter Doug Marland with Pat Falken-Smith Falken-Smith Falken-Smith beginning Aug. 6. It's surprising because headwriters are usually replaced only when a show's ratings are in trouble, and "GH" has enjoyed top-ranking top-ranking top-ranking status since Marland began scripting the show two years ago. Marland chose to bow out when California-based California-based California-based "GH" wanted him to move there from his Connecticut home. Producer Gloria Monty, apparently, wants to be in closer contact with her headwriter, and Ms. Falken-Smith, Falken-Smith, Falken-Smith, who was the headwriter of "Days of Our Lives" a couple of years ago, lives practically next door to the "GH" studio.

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Also, Marland quit, because he and Monty butted heads on several stories, including breaking up Scotty and Laura's marriage so quickly after their wedding.

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