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GH: Discussion for the Month of August

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I don't think so at all. He's been telling Carly to back off and when he does help all hell breaks loose and he's useless. No, not St. Jaysus. Perhaps "Jason Love" from the Q's, but that was always there anyway (except my beloved Tracy, lol). It's going to take some time to realign the canvas and first up is obviously the Quartermaines. That's okay by me.

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That's something that bothers me. Everyone decided what GH was going to be now based on Garin's first episode! I know I'm happy with some changes, and I wish he'd hurry up and change other things. But I'm in no means deciding how I feel about him as a writer yet. He's hardly even gotten the chance to start his own storyline yet, let alone develop any characters/relationships! People need to have a seat.

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I've got three sons. I know a little bit about "Pissing in the wind".

What never fails to disappoint is how quick some are to criticize the work of others. A: at least someone is trying, B: Rome and soaps were not built in a day, and C: how can you consider yourself a 'fan' when you are so dismissive.

SO, in the vein of being positive about change (and as one who enjoys the art of story telling in and of itself) I am sitting back and seeing what comes. So far I have not been disappointed.

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Try and try away, who said they weren't giving him a chance?

OMG they weren't? Thanks for schooling us

You really want to go there? True fans are the ones who criticize, and love and hate and whatnot. They aren't mindless drones who sit back and swallow every drop of kool-aid the show is serving up.

We have a right to criticize. SO FAR Garin Wolf is NOT impressing me and many others. Lorraine Broderick on AMC basically impressed me right out of the gate, even if her first few weeks were boring. There's still alot of shades of Guza lurking around in GW's writing that *I* don't like.

So save your generalizations, thanks

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I'll be watching in a couple of hours, but I haven't hated the horse this week, either. Strike that. I haven't wanted to shoot the horse this week (her spawn of a fawn, however... that's another story). She's been neutralized, what with everyone she's wrong getting their much deserved digs in. Sam's smackdown, Monica's dismissal, Jax's absconding with Josslyn. It's been a good week for an Equinophobe like me.

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How about people who are just not ready to jump on the bandwagon starting with episode 5 saying the new HW is the best thing since sliced bread? I think most are critical because that just tends to be the nature of online but are also waiting until the actual stories kick in under this new HW. I don't expect that to happen for another month or two. And the improvements that I see have been more balance which is positive, the wardrobe for the women has improved, but I don't think much of the writing has changed that drastically. THe good is more Q involvement. TIme will tell if that continues or its just for this story arc. I am actually not hating the stuff with Jax and find this pretty true to who he is.Sonny being off his meds is a bit of a copout IMO but I get the reasoning as to why they went there and it made sense. The not good IMO is the Liz and Lucky stuff which has been incredibly heavy handed and reliant on flashbacks from 10-14 years ago versus a compelling rebuild story.

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