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AMC: Fan Club Weekend

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She was invited to the past and present cast members event on the friday and I'm sure she's been gearing up for it for months now. It was actually pretty sad to see.

There were some other past cast members there that I had no clue who they were and very few did.

Cameron showed up as well which I thought was decent of him because he couldn't be at the Saturday event. There were a lot of no shows which actually pissed some fans of.

Jacob is flawless.

He was wearing a white blazer on the saturday which I liked actually and on sunday he was wearing golfing clothes bc he was going golfing afterwards. LOL. I love him.

On the sunday events, there was an open casting call for the new Batman movie, there were so many people!!

Brandon Barash showed up at the Chandler event, he was introduced as an honorary Chandler.

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OMG! It reminds me of about 10 years ago someone posted their account of running into Amber Tamblyn at the GHFCW that year and even said she was on her way to the bathroom when they tried to stop her and she refused. This person followed it up with "I'm not surprised. I heard she could be a real bitch!" It's like, seriously?

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What exactly is this TC Warner incident? What happened there? I'm sensing a stench of desperation about the woman but I don't know the details.

I've glimpsed OLTL stars in the city - oddly, only OLTL - (except for the time Van Hansis and ATWT filmed on the street a couple feet away from me when I was on my lunch break during my gig at MTV, prompting a hysterical rampage from my ex-boyfriend who worshipped that shitty couple and blamed me for not getting him a better picture of Hansis from afar) but never approached them, and I don't do fan events, ever. I went to a couple genre conventions for other series and films when I was a kid with family, but not in like 13 years. Ilene Kristen and I wound up at the same screening of an old Faye Dunaway film in a very small arthouse theater on the LES a couple years ago - there was no way to mistake the woman up close as we bumped past each other - but I didn't want to bother her. I try to play it cool whenever I see someone famous around town. Generally these people are just popping in to the corner store to get some snacks and a new toilet plunger, just like me.

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Who were the past cast members that some didn't know? If someone like Rudy the WRCW intern showed up then I hope he got a good reception...

This kind of reminds me of the old GH fan club videos online from the late 80's where some names get huge applause and then some others no one may remember get polite applause, or get a huge ovation because their name is called right after Finola Hughes or Tristan Rogers.

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I've never had the desire to meet JY. I've heard good/nice things about him. That's probably partly due to my complete loathing of JR. LOL

CBL and SG had a tons of hoots and hollering coming from their lines. I didn't see anything, but I'm pretty sure they were playing to the fans. LOL They had great chemistry in person as well.

I loved Stephanie G. who when asked about her guilty pleasure talked about her Mountain Dew addiction. Haha. She used to drink a 20oz a day, but said she's cut back. Then she said she had a Dew and coffee before the event, so we probably wouldn't be able to get her to sit still or shut up later.laugh.png

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Patrick Stewart hates to be disturbed when he's eating. Apparently at a convention last year someone walked up to him at dinner and said "I'm sorry Patrick I hate to do this but..." and he cut him off with "Well don't do it then!" Then proceeded to tear the guy a new one. Brent Spiner even said during the Q&A that the one bit of advice he gives fans is don't ever approach Patrick at dinner. I've heard this for years but last year I got to talk to people who saw it in action.

I know one writer who has actually created a list of rules/suggestions for people when they go to fan events because so many people just ignore common courtesy. I think the first rule is "Don't approach the star in the rest room." Who needs to be told that?

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People were saying at the main even luncheon that the auction for the Greenroom was kind of a horrible bid, because when you're in there with the actors, they were eating and trying to talk to each other before the event. So you really didn't get to say much, or whatever.

A few woman cut in Susan's line, mind you I think at this point I was 4 away and had been in line at least 45 minutes...and the woman in front of me told security on them. LOL There's things you do and don't do but I think for the most part, everyone was on their best behavior. That I saw anyway.

JR Martinez absolutely deserved the standing ovation he got. He as funny, charming, and really down to earth. It was so nice to see him so much intrenched in the AMC cast family. :)

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