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Oh geesh, I know, right?

Well actually what I was wondering was how committed they were to this idea of launching new "soaps" and if they'd try to recruit some familiar faces to mix it up with the much cheaper newbies.

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Oh please--lil' ol' Aggie does not deserve ANY blame. She wanted her show to go on and hopefully emply many fo the people who would be out of a job. Officially she didn't even seem to be on the AMC staff so I'm not sure how much total control she would have anyway (though it did seem Frons was leaving Broderick and all, who would I assume listen to her, run the final months, but..) She made a compromise, and I don't think she can be blamed for the reasons she did.

It would be nice if somehow the finale script (if it got to full script stage) or at least synopsis was released for fans though (didn't some soaps do something like this? i believe Sam Hall wrote a finale for Dark Shadows that TVGuide published).

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It looks like Josh did--we got that photo. They probably did that because he could only come on set for one day or so.

I'm not sold on the fact that it wasn't another fantasy sequence--maybe if Greenlee died in the "Six Feet Unde type finale" she meets up with him. Same with Gilliand and Ryan? I seriously don't feel ALL of them were set to come back from the dead--that doesn't seem Agnes' style (she said even before PP there would be not a full sense of all stories havign closure). And Babe's finale was perfect, but I could see it havign been rewrote o play into JR's manic fall.

Tottally agreed with your first statement.

As for your second one--if they do own the AMC and OLTL names, wouldn't it still make more sense to somehow use the name and one or two characters for a new series (with FV or whatever) then creating a brand brand new one? Just to attract an initial audience?

That's been the problem with this all along.

I'll stay out of the rape comment for now :P But this is how I feel--it feels like AMC had more opportunity (if they'd take advantage of that of course, who knows)--OLTL already feels to me like it's kinda writing itself into a bit of a dead end especially with how they use the characters--which is fine if that heads to Jan but if it's just going to continue, things have to change.

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I guess if AMC never comes back we can just assume that JR's gun went off by mistake and just hit the wall, Jackson comes back into the Chandler house and forgives Erica, and David was just making up [!@#$%^&*] about another back from the dead person.

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I'm as fine as I was before this rumor with how AMC ended if that was the end. I believe many characters did receive the same ending Agnes Nixon was planning on giving them on a fast-forward, so I don't believe my disappointment in or enjoyment in the elements in AMC's last episode would have changed profoundly with a fast-forward.

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It feels like Eddie left a long long time ago. Even when he was still on the show, he was there solely to prop Nathuselah, and to give Clint more time to mustache twirl. It's a shame to think of the wasted potential. At least Matthew will, presumably, be alive at the end.

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Unless PP told her that if she didn't change the finale they weren't going to move forward with AMC (which I highly doubt they did) I don't see why the cliffhangers were necessary. Especially since AN stated that she already had some nuggets in the original finale that would serve to set up story if the show did happen to continue on.

There were people who were going to watch AMC online and there were people who weren't (and then all those who never knew a thing about this whole Prospect Park/online deal) and I just don't believe that the cliffhanger factored in to that decision. The people who were going to follow the show would have done so regardless. But of course this is all JMO. And maybe I'm just angry today.... enough to beat up on a little old lady lol.

It would be nice if the original script or outline was released. Would ABC own it if it was never used?

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