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B&B: July Discussion Thread

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I thought it was lame the Ridge tried to get Thomas to sign those shares over to him . If he had wanted them divided between his siblings, that would have been more understandable, but this felt like a power grab on Ridge's part. Really Stephenie wronged her other children in favor of Ridge once again.

I actually agree with Taylor that Ridge has hurt his "other" family time and again. He knows that Taylor is vulnerable to him and he uses that every time he and Brooke have a little bump in the road. Taylor bears some of the responsibility for allowing him to treat her like a doormat, but that doesn't excuse Ridge. Just a few days ago when she was giving that pathetic speech about how she would always love him, Ridge was holding her and telling her the same! That is not how you deal with someone who needs to move on. If he cared about her at all, he would firmly tell her to move on with her life.

I liked that Taylor didn't just roll over and give Ridge those shares. I hope this all out war over the company leads to Thorne, Felicia and Kristen getting a piece of the pie.

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I think part of what made Stephanie change was the fact that Brooke was divorced from Eric by then, so Stephanie had no reason anymore to dislike Taylor. She would probably never have opposed Taylor with Ridge in the first place if Brooke hadn't been a factor. Stephanie's main objective was to get Eric back, and if that meant having to tolerate Brooke with Ridge I'm sure she felt it was a sacrifice she could make.

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You are right. By this time, Brooke had gotten pregnant and they all thought it was Ridge's, so she wouldnt have been tied to Eric via her unborn baby. Had they known Eric was the father from the beginning, Steph probably would have still been pushing for Brooke to be with Ridge

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Exactly! Steph said as much to Brooke == that she no longer needed her, Ridge was married and Eric was free. Steph liked Taylor once she realized she could use her against Brooke AND thought she had a shot at Eric. Ridge was never Stephanie's concern, only her excuse to attack Brooke. If she cared about someone loving Ridge and making him happy, only taylor has been unfaithful to Ridge. She's both slept with James and lied - something Stephanie continued to cover for her, and she committed bigamy with Prince Omar. Even Steph thought Taylor slept with Thorne after she begged her not to tear her family apart as Caroline once had, she still decided to try to push them back together rather than let him be happy with Brooke. She was even willing to help Taylor take the child she THOUGHT was Thorne's away from him to give to Ridge. She's one sick mama.

Stephanie's focus has never been on protecting her family but on obsessing over the Logans.

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This show has been brilliant. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Katie and Bill and Steffy. Just the greatest story in soaps for the entire past two years. It's just been building and building and is so well paced. I love that Steffy is a hussy and she STILL hasn't slept with Bill. That is so old school. And I also don't feel like the writers prefer one couple over the other. This story could go forever.

AND THAT OUTFIT BROOKE WAS WEARING (with the red pants) IS OFF THE CHARTS SICK! She is just too fierce for me. Taylor is insane, but delightfully so. Even Hope doesn't annoy me and they've made me enjoy Amber again. Brad Bell always seems to have something right going on in his head.

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Oh I take that back! But honestly, I never thought that was a good triangle. I like Brooke and Taylor as enemies, but fighting over Ridge is the weakest part of their relationship. I liked it better when Taylor was with Rick, her soulmate. That made for GREAT tv.

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ICAM - that and those instant "let's gte married doc" aborted weddings. TWICE.

Since it hasn't been mentioned yet but it bears repetition: It's always great to have Joanna Johnson back. She just is wonderful to look at, that voice - it gives a great retro B&B feel to have her on-screen.

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I really, really enjoyed Thursday and Friday. Bill/Katie/Steffy are so great and the fact that Bill and Steffy haven't slept together yet is so un-B&B. Although I can see them finally sleeping together, 3 episodes later Bill divorces Katie, they decide to get married 2 episodes after that, divorcing 2 weeks later. That would be typical and, hopefully, it won't happen this time.

Bill naked was not a bad sight at all.

Heather Tom is a goddess. I just can't with her.

BUT... Could they PLEASE use some common sense, every now and then? It's the middle of summer, the door and windows to the beach house are all wide open, people are wearing short sleeves and... the fire is on? HUH?

And Jennifer Gareis... WOW. She's not secretly pregnant or something, right?

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I could have done without Katie's ten minute monologue about how much she loved Bill. It just went on and on and... on while Bill continued to look pensive. She looked stupid.

Steffy's so full of herself it's annoying.

Joanna's face looks so tight. She looks nothing like she did when she played Caroline.

The thing with JC is that she really ballooned when she got pregnant and they had Stephanie making jokes about her weight which I thought was classless. She's post pregnancy and she hasn't lost it and wardrobe has her in these loose clothes to fit her new figure and it makes her look fatter that she actually is. Her face looks so full now. She won't be wearing skimpy clothes anytime soon.

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I felt I kinda felt bad for Katie. She really does love Bill and felt she was doing the right thing but man is she clueless and completel out of touch. Bill himself looked revolted and not at all interested in her. He had to take a shot of whiskey after that farce of a ceremony and another after talking to her

It wasnt Stephanie...it was Pam that kept cracking jokes about her weight and I thought that was hilarious. It was an interesting way to deal with her pregnancy isntead of hiding it. Donna simply gained weight and got fat after her divorce...lol

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Well, I hope the actress thought it was funny or at least was consulted because if I was pregnant and my boss and co workers kept making jokes about my weight I would have a few choice words for them.

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