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B&B: July Discussion Thread

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"I'm captivated by you, my beautiful Steffy" OMG, todays show was too good for words. If anything good came out of this Bridge/Taylor mess is that its pushed Bill and Steffy closer together. Thank you B&B! What a great way to end the week

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I feel bad for Katie... but Bill and Steffy have a ton of chemistry. He cannot seem to stop kissing or touching her.

I am SO OVER the Hornyberries saga. The wedding was over, like, more than a week ago and they are STILL having characters recap on every episode what the [!@#$%^&*] happened. Yes. Thomas lied about the berries making him and Brooke do sexy times. Yes, Stephanie made him lie. Yes, Taylor has been dumped again at the altar by that douche of an ex. We know this because WE WATCHED IT FIVE EPISODES AGO. Thank god for Bill & Steffy because otherwise B&B would be unwatchable.

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LOL...thank God I can go back to hating Taylor. She's back in "you reaally love me, Ridge!" mode. It sure didn't take long for her to go right back to her same tired lines "I'm the peace you need." blah blah blah. I know Brooke's done her share of stupidity, but I think I'd shut my mouth about being the "peaceful" alternative since her kid is responsible for the (almost) year of Brookie-related scandal in Ridge's life.

I don't get Steffi's continuing to snark all things Logan either. Thomas just royally screwed her over---all to get a one-up on her at Forrester. And she goes out of her way to protect Thomas from little Hope? Seriously? What? He's her bitch, not anyone else's?

Hope had to deal with Brooke thinking she was whorish-dirt. I think that trumps Taylor boo-hooin' over a broken heart.

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Hope looked pathetic in those scenes with Steffy & Thomas, LMAO. I had to agree with Steffy. Hope has enough already. I get she wanted an explanation from Thomas, but really, she needs to just give it up & move on already. Her family is back together and Steffy & Thomas's, once again, isn't. I'm looking forward to the Hope/Steffy scenes tomorrow. I like their rivalry.

Back to hating Taylor as well. She was unbearable today!!

Not yet!

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Who the hell is she to judge Steffy? "How can you defend him" She has NO idea what Steffy went through last night and how distraught she was."His lie hurtyour family too" Well DUH! Of course Steffy knows that.She has no clue how furious she was with him. What did Hope even come to do that wasnt already done? Was she there to gloat? Yell at him? Its none of her business how Steffy handled him and if she wants to be mad at him in private, thats her right. She doesnt have to publicly blast him for Hope's benefit. Hope came across as bimbo nitwit. I hope Steffy chews her out good tomorrow

Honestly, did you ever stop? LOL

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I dunno...if my sorta step-brother had trashed my mom....not only would I want an explanation, I would want his head on a platter and his nuts deep fried. What Thomas did was disgusting. Blaming Hope and "the Logans" just continues to prove that she's a childish little bitch who isn't dealing with reality. She's like 25. RJ is 9? 10?

Ridge didn't abandon anyone. Steffi needs to own the fact she's an adult.

Oh, and Taylor is just as bad. I haven't heard her say one word about apologizing to Brooke, or feeling sorry that her screwed up son nearly "tore Brooke's family apart" with a lie. Why on earth would Taylor EVER think she EVER had a shot again with Ridge? Since she returned from the dead, Ridge has never freely chosen to be with her. Unless Brooke has an extended affair with some other guy, I don't see anything he couldn't forgive her for.

Taylor was just a bitch today. It sounds classier, but she's still flingin' mud at Brooke.

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Wow Bill doesn't seem to even care about Katie anymore. He is so enthralled with Steffy. I love them but that really is sad...

Steffy's hair looks really nasty. It really needs to be fixed

LOL loved Taylor at the end of todays show! I agree that Thomas should keep the shares Stephanie gave him! rolleyes.gif at Ridge trying to convince Thomas to give the shares to him.

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I say go Taylor! I loved that twist at the end. I didnt like he and Brooke trying to badger Stephanie into giving him her shares. Making Taylor a guardian of that trust was so unexpected but I liked it.

Loved Bill and Steffy, especially when she said, collectively, they will have controlling interest in FC. They would make for one good looking power couple

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