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Pairings that made you HATE one of your favorites

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Was there ever a pairing that was put together that made you hate a character, you otherwise once loved? Hate to the point where you could no longer stand him or her and might have wanted them off the show bc you detested them as part of that couple? Im not talking about you simply hating the couple, but hating the individual character, you loved


Krystal/Adam - I loved the Carey women and defended them in their early years but boy did my opinion of Krystal change when she got together with Adam. I absolutely hated her and wanted the show to kill her off. She made Adam, an otherwise cunning and intelligent man, an absolute fool. I couldnt beleive this country hick could get one over on him and run his life. Watching her throw drunken parties with sleazy truckstop strangers at the Chandler mansion was cringeworthy while I thought they though tit was humorous. She got highly annoying and none of it was cute.

Babe/JR - another Carey. I completely lost all respect for her when she reunited with JR the second time. After how horrendous things went down in their last marriage, I couldnt beelvie she dumped Jamie (who was a great bf) for JR, someone whow as verbally abusive and cut her down. I was done with her after she chose to stick by him and defend him even after he tried to kill her. She chose this sicko over newfound friend, Kendall, and didnt seem to care enough that he nearly killed her and her baby trying to get to her. My Carey hate was on full blast in 2007

Aidan/Annie - Big Aidan fan until he was put with Annie. One minute he wanted to destroy her and the next he wanted to help her and then he was out for revenge. He was a mess and it didnt help that the entire time she was a mental patient, so he came across as taking advantage of her. Having sex with her in a mental institution could be considered a form of rape, yet that was supposed to be romantic? Aidan came across as a sicko and this was when I was officially done with the character.

Kendall/Zach - Kendall was always one of my favorites, going back to 1993. I stopped liking her in 2005 and didnt start to like her again till last year after Zach was killed off. He brought out the absolute worst in her and I detested her with a passion. She's fine away from him, but with him, she's angry, bitter, smug, volatile, jealous and a damn fool.


Liz/Jason - They were alright the first time around but their 2006 pairing completely ruined her. I hated how the shwo demonized and threw Lucky under the bus to support this pairing and Liz came across looking so awful. The minute she became a mother, there was no plausible way to put her with Jason without ruining her and thats exactly what happened when the show tried to go there. They havent been together in years, but my Liz hate still remains now unfortunately. That really did a number on her

Felicia/Luke - Like Liz, this was a pairing that utterly destroyed Felicia. I never could stand her after that. The way she callously and recklessly ruined her marriage to Mac and neglected her girls over this man that ultimately didnt want her, was almost unforgiveable. It became unforgiveable when this behavior would soon become a pattern for her


Natalie/John: I love her when she's away from him, but with John, Natalie becomes insufferable. He tends to bring out the worst in her.


Katie/Nick - Actually I couldnt stand either one after this went down. Before Katie was the anti-Logan but sleeping with her niece's husband made her come across as just another slut from the valley. I was highly dissappointed in Nick and I didnt buy their "love". They both came across selfish, awful and incredibly sleazy. Thats when Nick became a joke of a character and Katie didnt recover till she was put with Bill.

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Agree with you on Natalie/John, Cheap. I always absolutely love her, no matter how selfish she may be at times, as long as she's not with John. The second she is, it's almost offensive to watch.

Sami/EJ & Rafe - Ever since these two a*holes came into the picture, Sami has been embarrassingly terrible to watch. She is no longer, in anyway, watchable.

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ATWT: Luke/Noah. Loved loved loved Luke during all of the coming out stuff and what not, and I tolerated him with Noah for a little bit. After awhile the storylines and the pairing just got absurd and I couldn't take it. I hated Noah. He turned Luke into a whiny, immature doormat. I was about to turn off the show for good when Reid came along and breathed new life into Luke.

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I don't think Zach ruined Kendall but I do have to say that I I think he literally took almost all the fun out of her. I prefer the Kendall before Zach heavily became apart of her life. That said, overall I did like them together and thought they had a lot of classic moments on AMC. They got tiring though.

When Zach died and Kendall got through the grief, Kendall became so much more fun to watch IMO (minus the few health crisis's that got in the way...). I love her and Griffin together and dread the idea of Zach coming back alive now...

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David and Dixie: Oh my god I hated David during that time. There wasn't one good thing about him. And Dixie, well the Sainted Ho got to keep her halo and she was made out to be his victim. When what I saw was a vindictive, jealous, bored, housewife, who used the guy up, down, left right and center and tried to change him from the start. When he failed to turn into Tad, she played the innocent victim. As for David, ugh, just ugh.

Edmund and Maria: I was always an Edmund and Brooke fan and there's just something about Maria that I've never liked; so she made me hate Edmund even more.

Erica and Jeff Martin circa 2006: I couldn't stand the sight of Erica. And that coming from means something. I hated everything about her during that time period, and the last thing I wanted for her after everything, was to be Martinized all over again.

Bianca and Maggie: As a romance, they were horrible. Maggie was the most winy, undecided, pathetic woman...and I hoped for years Frankie or Lena would be back for Bianca. So glad that's over.

Zach and Kendall: The only time I ever liked Kendall was when she was with Aidan. I hate everything about her with Zach and now post Zach. Not to mention the hack job that was done to Aidan to make Zendall saints.

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DOOL: Sami and EJ (most definitely DESTROYED Sami in my eyes)

OLTL: Jessica/Ford if they go that route

OLTL: Todd/Marty Redux

PSSN: Luis/Fancy

PSSN: Miguel/Kay

GL: Reva/Jeffrey (Although I could really never hate Reva)

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I really enjoyed Luke w/Noah (in the first 7 months) of their pairing. Then, the Ameera saga happened and everything went to hell (IMO). I couldn't figure out WHY the writers had Luke lose his mind, his respect and sense of self-worth, in order to continue to be with Noah. Luke's born a Grimaldi and RAISED as a Snyder. He should have been the one calling the shots in that relationship, yet he CATERED to whatever Noah wanted. All.The.Time.

Viewers talk about how judgemental the Snyder Men came to be portrayed on the show, yet SOMEHOW Luke wasn't allowed to be written that way.

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Haha, Kylie I was the other way around as that pairing made me HATE Dixie. She was defiently a favorite of mine pre-David. That forever ruined her for me. Sanctimonious, hypocrite, stupid poodle hair....Dixie was a complete mess and she was proud of it. It got so bad that I was glad when they wrote her out and killed her off.

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Kendall/Ryan: Any woman in Ryan's orbit loses their brains & their backbone. I hate Kendall even being friends with the douchebag

Bianca/Reese: I always liked Bianca, Babe nearly killed the love for her, but when Reese came along it was HATE, what was done to Zendall for this pointless pairing all because TB was a Pratt pet


Henry & Vienna: they were great at first, but the last redux with Vienna faking her pregnancy just made her utterly unlikeable and unrootable


Natalie/John: I always loved Natalie, but John brings out the worst in her, she becomes someone I can't stand when she's around him.


Sami & EJ: Ugh do not get me started on them. What they turned Sami into for this loser, the Sami I know was a ball buster, she'd have killed EJ sooner than looking at him after he'd raped her

Bo & Carly: What ever was the point of them? Bo always uses her then goes back to Hope. Carly makes him utterly and completely unlikeable

Jennifer & Daniel: I admit I liked them at first, but I don't even know Jenn anymore

Well gee if you'd gone through comas, kids nearly dying, basically non stop angst for 5 years straight, I doubt you'd be having alot of fun either. That's not on Zach, he brings out the fiesty in her. Ryan & Greenlee dampen it

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I wouldnt say he always uses her and goes back to Hope, considering the only time this triangle was ever done was last year. When they first began back in the early 90s, Hope was "dead" and barely played a factor in their relationship. The point of them was that Carly did something that was quite difficult and that was make people forget about Hope as they rose to become a successful and popular supercouple in their own right. She pretty much helped keep Bo as a leading character following Hope's death. Her recent return may not have been handled well but she was easily one of the most popular character when she was on the show 20 years ago as were she and Bo as a couple. I think the writers were hoping to strike gold again, but that unfortunately didnt happen.

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RH - Seneca/Kim

Until this pairing, Seneca was a dynamic character. The pairing with Kim had NO chemistry, was full of nothing other than a) Kim duping Seneca/aborting his baby/whoring around and b ) Seneca berating her as she screeched and wailed about how mean he was. Never mind that Seneca was a middle-aged man involved with a teenage girl who looked even younger than she was. This was a strange and sick relationship which ruined Seneca.


What mass character destruction for a non-relationship. Overnight, we learn Bob has only been in love with Faith (even though he had been in love with Mary Ryan for most of his life). He was far more furious at Frank getting together with Faith than he was when Frank cheated on Bob's sister, Delia. Glowering, grimacing, yelling, all for a frigid drunk who barely made eye contact with him most of the time.


Siobhan went from being a gutsy, funny, vulnerable woman to being Joe's chattel. JOOOOEEEE! JJJOOOOOOEEEE!!!! Endless, endless conversations with everyone about how she loved Joe and she had to stop but she couldn't stop and why were people mean to him and why was he mean and JJJJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEE!!!



Felicia lost any personality or humor with the leech that is Luke, and she became a bad mother, something that Guza the woman-hater went on to crucify her with.

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B&B....Brooke with Nick. I think he's a huge ass on a good day, but I can't stand the whiny woman Brooke becomes around him. Their last go-round, she was practically imprisoned in his house, 'cause Nick didn't want her anywhere around Ridge. I never felt so vindicated as when Brooke kneed him (or whatever she did do) and sent him over the Shady Marlin's railing into the water.

ATWT....Jack with JuliaII and Janet. I know with JuliaII he wasn't really supposed to be "Jack Snyder", but SFB was such a raving bitch in that story it was impossible for me to believe he saw anything good in her. As for Janet Ciccone, UGH. How Michael Park didn't burst a vocal cord yelling for seven straight months has to be some kind of Divine Intervention.

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