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OLTL Tribute Thread


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No, Pat's relationship with Bo was over long before 1982-3. They had fallen in love and gone to Paris in 1980. Adam Brewster was introduced in 1978 and lasted into 1979, but since the character was a dud, TPTB tried out other romantic options for Pat Kendall.

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The Buchanan men came along in 1979. Pat and Clint had been tested out first (briefly), but the pairing did not click. They worked better as friends. Clint was traded off to Viki and Pat was partnered with Bo.

After George Reinholt left as Tony Lord, his character was recast with Jimmy Jontz, then Phillip McHale, and finally Chip Lucia. None of these actors set the show on fire. Lucia was a particularly baffling choice for the role. I'll always contend that Courtney's best couplings on OLTL were with Reinholt and Fuccello, and I firmly believe she and Zaslow would have clicked beautifully as well.



I would disagree, since the show was clearly positioning Pat into David Renauldi's orbit, and the two of them were developing the familiar "antagonistic" interaction that so often later explodes into romance on soaps.

Then TPTB just dropped her.



The potential arrival of Paul Rauch, coupled with budgetary reasons, could have indeed precipitated Courtney's contract being dropped. But, what butch haircut? Her hair was lovely on OLTL. It was on AW in 1984 that it got hack off and slicked with gel. 

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JC's hair was lovely (IMHO) when she was on OLTL, and even when she first returned to AW in May of 1984, she had a decent-enough hairdo. But then, a while later, someone in the hair department must have been on LSD, because all of a sudden, Alice had a dreadfully-short haircut, and it looked like her hair was matted to her head. It was, as they say, "butch."

Thank God it grew out and softened before she left in  1985, and then in later guest appearances, her hair was nice again.


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Jacquie did have her hair cut whilst on OLTL as seen in this photo.

As for Pat being front burner, I'm sure she was seen regularly as her contract would have stipulated but in terms of story,Pat had no real prominence. .After her marriage to Tony he is sent to Beirut and months later killed off.  I'm going by SOD synopses which I admit don't give a completely accurate picture, but Pat is hardly mentioned for months on end, even after Tony returns,which leads me to believe TPTB were not overly invested.

Maybe the David Renaldi stuff was a final attempt to bring her back to prominence, but as I said I guess by contract time they thought better of investing in the character for another 3 years.


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Yes, but personally, the only hairdo I've ever seen and heard viewers cringe over was that dreadful abomination on AW in 1984. I thought she had a lovely look on OLTL, throughout her different styles there.

I think after the third actor in a row did not work out as Tony, the show must have been in a real bind. It was for the best that they killed Tony off and veered Pat off into another direction. The show did continue to use the character, however, and the writers certainly seemed invested, judging from the fun stuff they were starting to do between Pat and David.

I think there were other, political reasons at play surrounding her dismissal, and not a lack of interest, since they were already initiating a new romance with a daytime legend for her. But in any case, there's no way any of us can know for sure what happened, four decades later.

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On the other hand, David was well positioned to be a long term cast member.  He was Dorian's ex-husband, and father to Cassie, who was becoming the central ingénue.

I also think his chemistry with Jenny was h-o-t.  He was the first romantic interest for her that wasn't either dying, a dweeb, or a manipulative lout.

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I always assumed Jacqueline Courteney was let go because of Paul Rauch and their previous professional relationship. I know when he went onto SB he immediately fired Louise Sorel who he had had an off-set relationship with when she was on OLTL

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That has been the most widely-believed theory about her dismissal among fans from what I've seen. It was also commented upon in the soap press back in the day.

I suppose we will never know for certain, however. Courtney never commented publicly about the situation, and after she was abruptly dropped from the show, ABC only gave a brief, improbable statement "We had no storyline for the actress."

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Actually, PH was the third actor to play Tony Harris, following George Reinholt and then (briefly) Jimmy Jontz.

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"I didn't know that actress Sharon Laughlin was cast as Victoria Lord but replaced by Gillian Spencer before the show began."


The hiring and dismissal of Sharon Laughlin was discussed on this board earlier.   Evidently, she did appear on some of the commercials for One Life to Live before its premiere.

I would like to know more about this actress.


One Life to Live hired a lot of newcomers to daytime television for the 1968:  Ellen Holly, Lillian Hayman, Paul Tulley, Nikki Flacks, Jack Snell, Peter DeAnda) who were also seen with veterans (Robert Milli, Gillian Spenser, Lee Patterson, Doris Belack, Antony Ponzini, Millee Tagart,  Ernest Graves, Terry Logan).

Edited by danfling
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