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It's just too ridiculous how little this genre has progressed since those days.  Especially when, according to all the research, more people are in favor of same-sex marriages than ever.

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Yeah. Daytime is very disconnected (probably an understatement ...) and unable to evolve. It's just a retread of basic "soap tropes" ... it has been since the late 90s. At least in the early 2000s shows still had an OK budget. Now? Ooof. But I digress ...


I mean, look at how sexless the gay couples we have are. At least back in the early Wilson days they were allowed to roll around on the bed, take a shower together ... now they don't even touch lips when they kiss ... and Will in in his grandpa professor sweaters and Sonny with his greased back hair, as unsexy as you can get ... and then you have "Teriah" who make watching paint dry sound fun ... and Mariah's been slowly zapped over her personality over the years ... And then you have Leo living up to every cliche in the book ... it's either boring and basic or cliched extreme ... And then you had Luke, a hot mess, tied to the most boring man on the planet in Noah ... I appreciated the time they had Lucinda's younger man (Brian? Laurence Lau) make a pass at Luke but Daytime is soooo afraid.


Could you imagine if Will Horton and EJ DiMera had a side thing instead of Abby and EJ and Sami found out? We'd never get that, but a UK soap would milk it to the heavens ... the pearl clutchers would die on the spot


Other places are still a "bit" behind. Australia last year I believe only just had the first same sex male marriage on a soap ... Meanwhile, HollyOaks has a bunch of very different gay men (but I imagine the younger audience accepts it better) while EastEnders turns theirs into child traffickers ... so ... lol

Edited by KMan101
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It's depressing but not surprising that the remaining soaps do not have decent gay storylines. I bet if most execs had their way, they wouldn't have to include black or hispanic characters either because so many of these writers and execs are stuck in a fifties' mindset. Are there any Asian characters who have a major role in any of the soaps? I haven't watch a soap in years.


When a gay storyline doesn't work, they always blame it on the "gay" aspect rather than the idiotic writing or timid storytelling. The soaps are so busy catering to the pearl clutchers and the bible belt that they lose everyone else. The Noah/Luke storyline started off fine, but it got so ridiculous and boring that I didn't care by the end.  On soaps, gay men always have to turn to women during an emotional crisis and these gay men always have magical sperm since a baby is always conceived. 

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Brett & Scott sold me the Kyle & Oliver pairing so thats why I loved Kish so much

On ATWT Jake Silberman never looked comfortable as Noah but Van seemed to come alive with Kevin Brian & Reid

On GH Id say that Ryan Carnes really sells his role of Lucas. I still dont buy he would marry Brad

On Days

Chandler was in it his first stint and Guy did well and was believeable as Will to me especially selling that he loved Sonny and wanted to f88k Paul

Chandler & Sean were fire when CM returned

CM & FS is a bore to me now


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The picture is too small to properly see everyone, but at a glance my guesses:


  • James DePaiva? (Max Holden)
  • Robert Krimmer (Andrew Carpenter)
  • Grace Phillips (Sarah Buchanan)
  • Tyler Noyes (C.J. Roberts)
  • [no idea on the male above Noyes and next to Phillips]
  • Thom Christopher (Carlo Hesser)
  • Erin Torpey (Jessica Buchanan)
  • Mark Brettschneider (Jason Webb)
  • Terry Alexander (Troy Nichols)
  • Mia Korf (Blair Cramer/Daimler)
  • Peter Bartlett (Nigel Bartholomew-Smythe)
  • Laura Bonariggo? (Cassie Carpenter)
  • Chris McKenna (Joey Buchanan)
Edited by Vee
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