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Guys I am desperate. I remember that months ago complete years of the show were uploaded on youtube... but now... nothing. I want to watch it so much, but I really want to start with a complete year or two... I have been looking for 2003, unsuccessfuly, and now I am really desperate. Is there any hidden playlist... something I am missing. I would be so grateful if anyone can help me. Thank you so much in advance.

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Megan loved borrowing from herself. As said, she was going to redo Fake-will/Janet with Maria (after her death).


I also learned that the Mardi Gras explosion was borrowed from her idea of Janet blowing up the courthouse during Laurel/Trevor's marriage (but that was scrapped due to the Oklahoma City bombings). 


Oh, she was mad that the focus groups hated Kelsey and they hated 'soft' Janet. She was going to turn Kelsey into a Janet but, evidently, that was changed. She stated that hating a character was better than indifference.

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interesting. I just always assumed McTavish got rid of Kelsey cause she was more of a Broderick creation. They watered Kelsey a lot by the end compared to the schemer she had been. I do remember McTavish was asked in an interview why Trevor and Janet didn't have much of a story during that time, and she snapped that there wasn't a lot she could do with a 'nice' Janet. Eventually she did give them that story where Harold died.

I guess she wanted to phase out Gillian elsewhere if she wanted Kendall for Ryan. And interesting that when Agnes came on she decided to make David's brother Leo rather than Ryan if those were the original laid out plans. Leo was actual similar in a way to Ryan was in the beginning, a con artist. Also, for someone who thought Dimitri was Erica's soulmate, she didn't have them much together during her whole second run. 

Do you know who's idea it was to bring back Anton and put him in a triangle with Dimitri/Brooke? was that a Broderick idea from before she left or something else?

Interesting about Scott and Becca, I thought McTavish was phased out by the time they came along.

Thanks for the info. Interesting read.

Edited by ghfan89
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Just start with the earliest available episodes and go from there. There are 5-10 episodes from the first two years on YT (30-minute episodes in black and white though they were originally in color). If you're interested enough to listen to some audio cassette recordings of episodes, there are a few clips and a full episode or two from 1973-1975. There's the GREAT full episode of Erica's third wedding, to Tom Cudahy, from September 1978. It features a ton of major characters from the 70s and is a really nice snapshot of that time in the show's history. There are some good scattered episodes from 1979-1982, and then you can slow down and take your time watching everything on the HamiltonBernique channel. Not a full collection at all, but you'll get all of the basics of the show's early/mid 80s heyday. Various channels will take you into the late 80s and into the 90s, but I believe a ton of episodes from that period have been deleted in the last year or so. I was watching 1989 pretty regularly, but most of those seem to have vanished.

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I'll have to double check. I think it was UNDER McTavish but not her idea.


Evidently, Hal Corely pitched the idea of Brooke/Adopted Laura (all of it) during Megan's 1st run but Megan completely hated it. This was in a correspondence to Angela Shapiro and around the time she was fired.

Then that story became a thing.

In correspondence she was HIGHLY critical of Broderick.

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Take out the part about Ryan's dad, and it sounds an awful lot like Kyle Sampson and Miss Sally Gleason on GL.

Not saying it's an awful idea -- in fact, it might be the one, rare, good idea Megan McTavish ever had as a writer -- but I can see very clearly where she got it from.  (Hell, maybe she was the one who came up with it at the other show!)

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