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And speaking of the flashback monologue from Adam against gays here is pretty great 5 mins

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Go to 4:50 for Adam defending why Scott shouldn't be homophobic, "Enid Nelson will be leading her bridgade down along mainstreet, while your dad will be painting a watercolour that could make Monet weep"!

That was a quote I wrote in my notebook--and couldn't remember till now.

Edited by EricMontreal22
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Didn't James Mitchell insist that Palmer be written that way?

My memory is fuzzy,so I'm not sure if this was as a response to scripts already written that had Palmer being more judgemental ,or Mitchell got in first before any writing had been done. I do remember him being quoted as saying it was one of the few times he insisted upon input to Palmer's actions.

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At the time I felt this story was too tame, in some ways, but looking back, it was more daring than most of what would be allowed on TV today (of course TV would now say it is too passe or PC and he would just be there to be a psycho or to be laughed at). With some of the country's most prominent politicians calling for gay teachers to be fired, this story's subject matter hasn't dated at all.

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SOD Synopsis Oct 77

The current Mrs. David Thornton is hell-bent on keeping her husband – her husband. David, now convinced that Dotty is his child, has offered to take Dotty off Edna’s hands, but Edna says no deal. If David wants his daughter, he’ll have to take his wife, too!

Christina, meanwhile, attempts a stoic countenance in the face of all this madness. Jeff is concerned for his friend, and tells David to leave Christina alone! David resents Jeff’s attempted intervention in the matter, and suggests that perhaps Jeff really ought to butt out!

Edna, determined not to let a rich fish swim away without her, has decided to stay in Pine Valley…for the duration if necessary. She has been hired as a manicurist. Initially the owner of the shop was hesitant in hiring her. However, when Edna said she was the wife of the Dr. David Thornton, and as such would surely bring in the “proper” clientele, suddenly a manicurist had been hired.

Caroline has decided she should not get so huffy when Nancy is around…after all Frank and Nancy are getting a divorce…after all Frank loves Caroline…So why did Frank make love to Nancy? Wouldn’t it be something if Nancy were pregnant?!

Claudette Montgomery is back in town…and making goo-goo eyes at Nick Davis. Erica is seething with jealousy; especially when Nick says he may hire Claudette to replace Erica at The Chateau!

Benny refused to help Phoebe any more in her scheme to prove that Charles and Mona are having an adulterous affair. When Benny tried to retrieve some incriminating pictures he took of the innocent couple, Phoebe flew into a rage and fired him! After drinking himself into a drunken stupor and angry as hell because Charles has refused to withdraw the divorce action; Phoebe vows to destroy Charles’ career. Now without a chauffer, Phoebe must drive herself over to the hospital administrator’s home in order to slander her husband. One of the problems with that, is the fact that Phoebe no longer has a license to drive. Another problem is that Phoebe was picked up on a drunken driving charge. It’s big news in Pine Valley when one of its leading citizens is arrested. The camera crews congregate and on local television, for all to see, Phoebe drunkenly accuses her husband of being the cause of her woes.


Mona and Charles have the misfortune of seeing Phoebe in all her televised splendor and Mona plans a drastic step. She insists that she loves Charles too much to be the cause of his career ending. Charles is willing to dump Phoebe at all costs but Mona refuses to be a part of Charles’ downfall. She tells Charles that if he pursues the divorce she will leave town. Charles realizes that he cannot spend his life without Mona and reluctantly agrees to her wishes.

Ruth and Joe are anxious to find Tad’s parents. The want to adopt him, but will need to have his parents’ consent. Happily, Nancy Grant thinks she has found a viable lead.


Brooke and Dan seem to be having a bit of a problem. Dan, in school on a scholarship, must maintain a certain average. Brooke, in school for the hell of it, needs only to maintain a passing grade – if that. So…when Brooke wants to go out…Brooke wants to go out. The devil with Dan’s responsibilities, and the devil with Dan, too, for that matter if he is not at her beck and call.

When Brooke can’t have Danny boy, she takes Benny baby. Or rather he takes her…in the poolhouse.

As fate would have it, one evening while Benny and Brooke were riding in the park, Benny’s motorbike broke down. It just so happened that Devon and her grandfather were in that same park and Devon overheard a conversation Brooke and Benny were having about their physical entanglements. Brooke was furious when she finally realized that Devon had heard every word. Brooke viciously tells Devon that Danny is hers – lock, stock, and barrel. Devon isn’t sure what to do. On one hand, she feels Dan should know that his true blue Brooke isn’t very true and blue; while on the other hand, Devon is hesitant to say anything to Dan, knowing how very much he loves Brooke.

Claudette, making a declaration of contrition for all her past sins, suggests to Paul that they begin a friendship…since they are, for all intents and purposes, both all alone. Paul vetoes the suggestion. They both talk more of Pine Valley and its residents and Claudette is shocked to learn that Kitty Tyler has recently passed away. Having struck out with Paul, Claudette decides to pay Linc a visit, pretending not to know of Kitty’s passing. Linc politely asks Claudette to join him for dinner and she excitedly agrees.


Well! Who would have thought it! Phoebe Tyler in jail!? When the judge sentenced her to seven days in jail she was beyond outrage. Fortunately for Phoebe, she had earlier rehired Benny and he was on hand to catch her as she fainted dead away!!

The only thing that makes Phoebe’s predicament bearable to her is the belief that her husband Charles will be, momentarily, returning home. It comes as quite a shock to her when Charles says that he will not return “home.”

David Thornton has decided that he will live with Edna and from all outward appearances they will be husband and wife. But he makes it clear that there will be no hanky panky. After all, he loves Christina and when everything is straightened out, he will marry Christina.

Despite Dr. Clader’s tests proving that Donna is not pregnant, she insists she is, and has gone around telling everyone who will listen, that she is definitely expecting!

Brooke is livid. Dan had promised to take her to a football game and then had to renege. He received a “D” on a test and unless he can bring up his mark, his scholarship will be jeopardized. After speaking to his instructor, Dan has an opportunity to do a make-good paper, which he will gladly do. The only problem is that it will be done at the expense of his weekend and his date. Brooke, self-centered as usual, has no care for Dan’s schooling only for her wild weekend. They argue but Dan sticks to his guns.

Later, Dan pays Brooke a visit and offers her a compromise. Even though they can’t attend the game together, they could study together, after which she could help him type his paper and have dinner. Brooke is enraged. STUDY!? TYPE!? DINNER? Bah-humbug!


Meanwhile, Devon, who is slowly but surely recovering from a blistering fight with Brooke over Dan, has pleaded with Ellen to take her to New York with her for the weekend. Ellen agrees, even though she and Mark had planned to make the New York jaunt. When Devon stops by Dan’s house later and realizes that he is in desperate straits, she offers to type his paper. Lifesaver! Dan is relieved and Devon is ecstatic. Never in the history of typing has one young lady been so pleased to type a paper for a certain very, very special gentleman! Ellen and Mark are also pleased…now they will be able to make that New York trip after all.

The Grant’s divorce is about to happen, even though Frank insists that Carl Blair simply is not the man for his soon-to-be ex-wife Nancy. Caroline can’t understand what Frank’s objections are.

Now that Nick has hired Claudette as Erica’s replacement at The Chateau, Erica is extremely upset. She insists that she will not let Nick get away with hiring “that ex-con.”

Ruth as insisted that Joe go to see the man they suspect is Tad’s father. This Joe reluctantly does, but warning Ruth not to get her hopes up.

Erica has conned Phil into checking into Claudette’s record to see if she is still on parole. Armed with this information, Erica hopes to cause Claudette real problems…real enough to keep her away from Nick.

Brooke had decided that she wasn’t going to go away on her planned football weekend, and she wasn’t going to sit around and wait for Dan, either. So…she decided to call Tom Cudahy and ask him to attend a party with her. Tom agreed, much to Erica’s dismay.

Meanwhile, Devon is happily typing away for Dan and they finish his paper in record time. This enables them (at the prodding of Devon’s grandfather) to attend a dance; the very same dance that Brooke and Tom are attending! Fireworks fly when Brooke sees Devon and Dan together. Even though Dan tries to assure Brooke that his and Devon’s friendship is only friendship, Brooke will have none of it. Dan is bewildered.

Edna Thornton continues to have her way where her hubby is concerned. Every time David makes plans to be with Christina and Edna gets wind of it, she threatens to run off with Dottie and David dutifully, reluctantly cancels his plans. Christina insists that she will stand by until David is able to free himself of his albatross.

While Ellen and Mark are enjoying their anonymity in New York at a swank New York restaurant…Mark’s mother pops up and makes no bones about her distaste for her son being in the company of an older woman. When Mark announces to his mother that he and Ellen are having an affair, Ellen is consumed with guilt and shame. She rushes from the table vowing that their love can never be.

Joe has arrived in Texarkana and met with Tad’s father to discuss the adoption. Ray Gardner is not the nicest man in the world, but does agree to agree…for a price…ten thousand dollars in cash…Joe is stunned. Ten thousand dollars?

Chuck and Donna are headed for real trouble. As much as Chuck has tried to convince Donna she is not pregnant and that it really doesn’t matter, Donna is determined to believe that she is pregnant and that is really does matter! Donna has told Tara, Frank Grant and now Charles and Mona that she is pregnant! Chuck isn’t sure what to do, but he is beginning to realize that his wife has a very real problem. Chuck only hopes that Donna will soon become pregnant. When will happen when they find out that Donna is unable to conceive?

Tad has sensed that Joe has gone off in search of the means to make the adoption a reality. When Joe returns, he is surprised to see Ruth and Tad waiting for him at the airport. Joe feels bad about telling Tad that his mother died many years before. Joe is even more upset later that evening when he has to tell Ruth about Ray’s demands. Ruth is appalled that the man would literally offer to sell his son…but Ruth is even more angered to learn that Joe backed off when Gardner mentioned money…Will Ruth and Joe eventually agree to pay the ten thousand dollars?

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Just caught up on this thread... and y'all have put me in tears! Love the 90's AMC, when I first started watching!

Janet/Natalie - the well storyline :wub:

Budapest w/ Erica; Helga :wub: Anyone remember when Helga wheeled in Angelique, who was very much alive, and ruined the huge Wildwind party? It was so dark and crazy - I loved it! Helga was staring straight into the camera and talking to Angelique, and then wheeled her from some dark undereground area of Wildwind. It was so creepy and intriguing! Anyone know if that clip is on YouTube???

Kevin and the gay storyline :wub: WRCW :wub: Liza's return :wub:

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Another installment in you never know what you'll find in a soap magazine letters page...from a 12/1993 Weekly.

"Kudos to Loving for continuing to allow Angie to flaunt her 'blackness.' Angie screaming "Whoomp! There it is' (the chorus of Tag Team's hit record) after she got a strike at Pins was priceless."

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:lol: I guess Angie promising to make shrimp gumbo for Frankie last year was her flaunting her blackness too.

"Blackness" makes me laugh because Ebony magazine always used that word when describing Carla from OLTL in the 70s. "She passed for White then embraced her Blackness." It makes it sound like a disease.

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