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GH: April Discussion Thread

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I refused to watch much of Little Jacob's demise did she leave the door open or did he open the door because in dialog she said "he opened the door" so maybe again it was changed like when Lucky skated re: his dialog "making Elizabeth take the boys" next thing I know she didn't let them go.

Everytime I see the Bobbie Spencer banner it reminds how good this story could have been. She didn't even need dialog all she had to do was just stand there in a scene with Elizabeth and it would say it all ...they would have rocked in scenes together.

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What Maxie did -- and is about to do -- boils me with rage on an extremely personal level. Flashbacks of my father rummaging through my room, finding journal entries I had written about boys I had crushes on in high school and THEN having the nerve to confront me about it as if he were owed an explanation. Of course, we've made up and it's water under the bridge since the early 1990's, but still. It's almost instinctual, the anger I feel when someone does that to someone else. I don't give a flying fuck if it is being categorized as "Maxie being Maxie" or if she "owns" what she does. Forget the legal aspect, that is just wrong on a basic human level. This is something that Horrific Horse would do. As much as I detest Maxie, I gave her credit for being more human than Carly. So this disappoints me.

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Women have always been their own worst enemy. I never understood it, but having a single mother in the work force I remember her telling me even when I was 12 that women not only are cruel to each other but make the worst, most evil bosses because they can be so cruel. You see it on this board with the way people attack Laura Wright's looks in a way they would never attack someone downright unattractive like Derk Cheetwood (Max). Tony Geary has been on a lot lately, but no one seeks out funny animal photos to bash him with.

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Now I understand where you were coming from last summer when AMC's Amanda went through Damon's phone and confronted him about Liza's pictures. I remember you being heated about her doing that

No, men are fair game. Im guessing you dont go into the AMC boards bc I dont see you post in there, but over the last year, there's been plenty of posts about the men's expanding wastelines and manboobs. Right now, there's comments about Griffin's unibrow. The men get criticized for their looks just like the women on here.

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