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GH: April Discussion Thread

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You and I are >>here<< when it comes to this Horrible Heifer...

However, I don't see this as this woman being manipulative in the sense that she wanted to have Jason's baby. I just see her as being ignorant. That's not to say she won't use the surrogacy (or, in LW's words -- "SARROGACY" -- can someone teach this "actress" phonics? That Baltimore accent doesn't cut it after 20 years!), as a way to bolster herself as the BEST friend in Jason's life. But I don't think she's thought that far ahead. She just wants Jason to be "happy" and is telling Sam to essentially be his broodmare. And if Sam's uterus isn't up to par, she'll offer hers. But regardless, I see her first and foremost objective is to please Jason. I think she'd go to Dante and ask HIM to carry Jason's baby if he could!

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Women are always and have always been harder on other women and not just when it comes to this business. But just look at this message board or the soap message boards in general for an example.

There are non stop tirades against the female characters, actresses when relatively speaking men are untouched. Add the fact that the entertainment business is very ageist and

sexist, moreso than any other industry, and you have your answer. Ask yourself in the entertainment business especially why women in power have not done more to

promote other women. Examples are few and far between.

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I don't know about now because I don't watch her much bottom line she gets what she wants from each and every one of them.

Yeah Olivia had a scene w/Steven Lars bringing food ....

The Suzanne role was changed from when she first came on A. Barbeau even said she was surprised to find out she is the Balkan's wife/Alexander her son and all that.

Which made it harder for me to follow re: certain details. Midstream the writers decided to go with her being the Balkan's wife so? A lot of her championing Brenda, then flipping her as Brenda' villian became muddled for me now its swinging more like she was protecting Brenda/Lucien from Theo.. So I don't know what to make out of it. I haven't seen it this week yet so maybe something more has been revealed.


Cheap: Of course Maxi does Guza's order of the day is to take Elizabeth's power away he did so in the storyline about one son now here it is again with the other one..not only that to highlight she is still leaving her door open after her son was mowed down..he will not allow Elizabeth to grow. She'll be written like this until Becky (or Guza, Frons) leaves.

Elizabeth will be written the same ole' way to conceal the paternity for some reason or another just like she did with the son who was just killed (I'm not sure about Cam w/Zander because I refused to watch that nonsense)

...no character growth... I'm willing to bet the farm they will never let her evolve. Maxie would be better served giving beat downs to LIsa ..why she has been inserted into this storyline I have no idea but it pretty much says it all...

...I guess since Brooklyn is gone they need someone else to snark and bark at Elizabeth while she stands there with nothing in writing..

..I really wanted Becky to leave to go somewhere else preferably Y/R...with Genie and Tristan LoL

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