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GH: April Discussion Thread

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WHAT THE F---K?!?!?! Im watching right now and I know I didnt just hear Carly say she wants to carry a baby for Jason and Sam. Wow, just wow. Cans oemone tell this BITCH, to MIND HER OWN BUSINESS? She's a desperate skank. She'd probably pull a Kendall and switch her eggs with Sam's so she can finally have that biological child with Jason, she's always dreamed of and then brag about her accomplishment in life of having 4 kids with 4 different men as if that's a medal to hang around her neck

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yeah, i agree! i mean, i've come to terms that she's not ever going to have her own storyline. but if you're going to claim someone is on "recurring", then they should be on when a loved one they're extremely close to is going through something as severe as this.

Not to mention she is related to pretty much EVERYONE in this storyline.

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It really is. It would be different if they weren't using her entire family so much. And it's not like Bobbie doesn't have good relationships with these people. She's always been super close to Lucky, Carly, Liz, Luke, etc. So her absence is just a giant WTF.

How much could it cost to bring her in for 3 or 4 episodes? They can manage to bring the actor who plays Max in for one pointless scene about him hurting his back during sex. A scene that added NOTHING to the plot...But they can't bring Jackie Zeman in for a storyline that truly calls for her presnece?

I will never get that.

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But in an industry that is already so hateful and cruel towards women, why wouldn't they band together? it's not as if JFP and JZ are duking it out for jobs. they're doing different jobs in the same industry. they should be banding TOGETHER, not one screwing the other over.

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Carly already forgot she nearly died from carrying Joss. There is no way she would be a good choice as a surrogate mother.

How they use or not use Bobbie is insane. I wish they would just say she is in France with Laura, this "recurring" stuff was just said to keep people from getting angry at the time.

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I dont think she forgot at all. She knew exactly what she was doing. She was trying to manipulate Sam by preying on one of her deepest wishes, and thats a desire to have a child. She put the idea out and got the ball rolling, so in that regard, she accomplished what she wanted with that conversation. I dont see her being that giving to actually offer up her womb for Sam.

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May I ask how old you are? Not to be mean, but your view(s) comes across rather "innocent" when it comes to the ways of the world. I'll be 32 this year (Jesus Christ!) if that makes you feel any better... Even though I'd rather pull my pants down and flash every last member and "guest" of SON and subject myself to points and laughter before I EVER say that number again.

But, no... what I'm saying is, what you're asking describes the epitome of self-hate in women AND men in positions of power. What they least like about themselves is the FIRST thing they target in others who exhibit the same qualities. That is just life. Showbiz is a very vain and shallow industry. People who run it most often perpetuate the looks/qualities/etc. of what they personally want for themselves in life. Jill Farren "I HAVE PITCH BLACK HAIR IN MY SIXTIES" Phelps doesn't WANT to see an aging 60 year old woman onscreen -- because she doesn't want to look at herself (according to my own theory). So, encouraging another woman who -- let's be honest -- has the same anxieties to succeed isn't part of her agenda. However, Phelps is in a position of power. Zeman is not. Zeman tries to make herself look more appealing to people like Phelps in those positions, and those people are like "No! We know exactly what you're doing! We won't allow YOU to thrive because it will threaten US!"

Simply put: There are women people who are terrified of plastic surgery because of its invasive nature -- and resent those who get it because they feel it's a leg up on what they have.

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