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Aretha Franklin on Wendy Williams


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I absolutely agree with you. Aretha destroys those beautiful Bacharach lyrics. Dionne is far superior when it comes to that style.

Honestly, I never minded Aretha, though I thought she definitely seemed like a huge bitch. All of that changed after the Tina Turner feud. Why Aretha would embarrass herself so harshly by comparing herself with Tina Turner is beyond me. There are divas, there are rock stars and then there is Tina Turner.


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Now Tina's versatility is something we can talk about. She can just about do anything IMO, and yet stay true to herself and her own unique style.

No one puts on a show like Tina, and I mean NO ONE. One of the best concert experiences I've had was seeing Tina. She puts her whole self into her concerts, dances and sings her ass off, and still looks amazing doing it all.

Aretha's reaction towards the Beyonce/Tina performances showed her true colours as a person, IMO. No where did Beyonce call Tina "The Queen of Soul" - she simply called Tina "The Queen." And in fact, Tina IS affectionately known as The Queen of Rock & Roll, so anyone could guess what Beyonce meant.

Tina knows she's a legend and that her status is cemented. She doesn't have to go around belittling her contemporaries and the younger divas to prove anything to herself. Which is certainly more than I can say for Ms. Franklin.

Maybe Aretha should take some of her own advice and learn some R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

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And what I've always found so stunning about Tina Turner, aside from everything you've said, is that she walked away from it all when she was done with it. She didn't work for a decade, then re-emerged to shimmy her way into her 70th birthday. And then, it was over again and she strutted into the night. There is something so halting about that. Something so dignified and strong. Tina Turner has never gone to bed with her press clippings, never bought into her own ego. She's authentic. She's centred. She is one of the greatest recording artists in history.

Aretha Franklin has many girls who could succeed her thrown. There is only one Tina Turner.

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Yes, although I like her at times.... her arrogance makes her quite unnatractive, and of course, there are many other singers that I like much better. Maybe people might not consider them as accomplished as Aretha, but I like them better. People such as Edna Wright and P.P. Arnold. I think there are plenty of singers who didn't ahve near the recognition, but are every bit as good, such as Vernita Moss:


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I think Jennifer could still convincingly play Aretha, they'll just have to pad her when they hit the late '80s and beyond. But maybe like Ray or even What's Love Got to Do with It, they'll only focus on a certain timeframe before all that.

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Probably the worst I ever saw her was the VH1 special salute to Carole King, and then at the end all the ladies came out to sing a song together and Aretha stepped all over Carole and took her part. It was just rude and petty and ridiculous. CK clearly thought she was going to sing the opening of the song.


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How did I miss this thread?

Aretha looks downright awful. And I believe all those cancer rumors about her health were a faux pass so she can undergo the bypass under the radar. Unfortunately I actually miss seeing her overweight. Now she looks two minutes away from death's door and as she was talking I'm thinking thank god for Fixident. I hope she works on correcting her sagging skin. She's too much of a legendary icon to be looking so ghoulish.

The interview was rather fake at times. None of that laughter seemed genuine.

Wendy has always fascinated me. She has such unusual looks for a woman.

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