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Y&R: Discussion for the Month of February

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^^^^and really counterproductive. I get Jack can't help himself from acting that way with Victor, given their history of animosity. He'll take any tiny moment of perceived superiority and gloat over it, because that's all he ever gets.

But he just looked like an old goat yesterday with Tucker. What's he going to do if Tucker doesn't live up to some promise he made months ago---tattle to Ash? Not that Tucker looked anymore credible in his sky blue lenses and dried up prune face bitchin' about "Cane the hero" to Malcolm of all people...he just proved he's a two-faced SOB with no real purpose in GC.

I hope both Jack and Tucker fall flat on their old, boney asses. Jack is practically dead to me after the way he talked to Diane on Thursday anyway. I hope somehow Nick outsmarts them both and keeps BON at Newman after forcing Victor out.

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Oh, and what was up Nikki's ass that day with Meggie? She kept going on and on about how Meggie had destroyed her marriage to Victor. They weren't married. All the alcohol did was expose the fact Nikki was ambivalent at best about remarrying the old goat.

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At least he was looking in the right direction. I'm getting a little tired of pretending Jack's life motivation is sticking it to Adam for his sister, and working for Tucker as CEO of Jabot. Jack wants to regain control of Jabot,he wants to be CEO and owner, nothing less.

I wish they would stop with this CEO, 51% of the company, and subsidiary, nonsense. The writers can't always keep the family trees straight much less complicated corporate structure. How many viewers are confusing CEO with ownership of the company? And does Katherine own 51% of Chancellor Industries or not? At one point Sofia stated she did, but it sure doesn't seem like it. Who the heck owns Cell tron these days? Chancellor and McCall, or just McCall? :wacko:

The new plan is to get control of BON subsidiary of Newman and combine it with the MCCall subsidiary of Jabot and make it new company with Victoria as CEO and Tucker as owner of the new subsidiary? If I'm understanding correctly not a good deal for Victoria. Anybody?

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Thom gave some great behind the scenes anecdotes pertaining to this week's episodes. He said that they had to shoot the Esther fainting scene three times because her maid costume was too slippery, and his hands kept sliding up to places they weren't supposed to be, LOL. He also mentioned that he is a "method actor", meaning that he draws on something from his own life when getting up emotion for a scene. He said he was thinking of his brother's suicide during the speech at Cane's funeral. So now I know why that came out so good! He says that Doug also is the same way, but miraculously, Tricia Cast is NOT a method actor. Apparently, she just pulls all these fabulous performances out of her ass, which is even more amazing to me. And it also tells me that this is probably why Kahlil is such a piss poor performer most of the time. She doesn't have the talent to do what Tricia Cast does, and she obviously has grown up with a spoiled, valley girl lifestyle, so she has no personal experience to draw from for a method acting approach. That and her age works against her as well in that department, young people just don't have the well of life experience to go to, her well is DRY.

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Thanks for sharing that. I hated the way the story was rushed and what should have been key relationships were an afterthought, but I'm still always hoping that we will see more of the Philip/Nina relationship, and in spite of the stupidity of the story, I did sort of like the Cane/Philip relationship (I think I would have bought it more if we'd learned they had once been lovers). Thom Bierdz can sometimes have good moments and I would take those moments over most of what the more recent cast members tend to deliver.

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Yeah, Carl... and Thom is more subtle lots of times, and he also admits freely he takes longer to get emotionally ready for a scene, which means in this RUSH RUSH RUSH time of Budget cuts, sometimes his perfromances arn't what HE would like them to be. But he's obviously comfortable now, and is back where he used to be. Once all the cobwebs were blown out, and he adjusted to the absence of the extreme closeup on Y&R, he does just fine. You know, even if they ahd not been LOVERS... it would have made an interesting plot point if Phillip had carried some kind of torch for Cane, that wasn't reciprocated.... or even more tantalizing, that was only reciprocated ONCE during a night of drunken partying. The whole aspect of straight men who are open minded enough to go to gay men for sex on a strictly recreational basis, is something so taboo and cutting edge that it is something Bill Bell might have touched on, if he had gotten the chance.... but people don't want to admit that it goes on (Kinsey's research puts the number at about one third), straight men will never admit to it, and women don't WANT to believe it.

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i love thom bierdz as a person and human being, but i have to tell you, the guy's not a good actor.

it's one thing to say he's doing decent work, but another to claim he's better than many/most other cast members. i thought his short scene at cain's funeral was awful -- it looked abruptly edited, i thought, because it got even worse from there.

TB has a lot of talents and is a great story. as an actor, he's just plain bad.

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I said I thought he was better than most cast members added recently, and I would say he probably is. If I have to choose between watching a Philip scene and any of the garbage with Chloe/Kevin or Chance/Heather/Ronan, I'd rather see Philip.

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Exactly. Let's not forget that Bill Bell is the one who cast him, and wanted him to stay the first time. He was REALLY crying, in what book is that bad acting? At least he CAN (*cough* Goddard *cough*). What I like about him is the same thing I liked about Ashbash (someone else that some people say can't act), or Beau Kayzer... he brings something DIFFERENT to the table. He's not a typical soap stud, and the character is kind of an enigma and hard to figure out. I like that. He can certainly out-act Chompers, princess big-boobies, little miss white chocolate, and Darius "Make me a sammich" McCrary. I mean, whoever thought that Eden Reigel could play a woman whose job is a position of authority is beyond me. For the love of God, it sounds like all Heather's dilaogue is being delievered by Blossom Dearie! I thought the funeral speech came off lovely. And YES... it was abruptly edited, as was the entire episode. Everyone in the cast had about twice the dialogue that actually got onto the screen. I thought the editing left something to be desired. And when it comes to Rikaart, he IS a really good actor, but since his character has been redeemed, he's lost all of his edge. Now he just seems to be going through the motions. Chompers was good at first, because he was like Terry Lester 2.0. BUT, as time went on, you could see that he is not HALF the actor Terry was, and he is now a CARICATURE of what Terry was, with no depth of field that Terry brought to his performances. And it's obvious he's skating by on his popularity, and not really WORKING, I've yet to see true emotion from him.

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Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be on Youtube, but a few days ago the BBC had their annual "Let's Dance for Comic Relief" show, and one of the "stars" was Katie Price/Jordan, who is sort of like a combination of Paris Hilton and Amanda Lepore. In the intro to her comments, she talked about why someone as famous as she is would be doing this, and they were playing various songs - among others, Nadia's Theme/the Y&R tune! I couldn't believe it.

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