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ALL: Oprah-Are You The Biggest Soap Opera Fan?

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I liked Dimitri, I think he was at his best as the slightly self-righteous ass who was still decent and caring. I thought he could have been a character who helped center the show, because he had that stolidness. I also liked his chemistry with Susan and was kind of sad they ended that so abruptly and never looked back. I hated that whole story where he had "grief sex" with Maria. The way the scene was filmed, at the time I thought he was just looking for an excuse to get his tongue down her throat or have a good grope.

I also thought he worked well with Julia Barr, Teresa Blake, and Finola Hughes.

I can see why Nader was let go for good after that second time but I do miss Dimitri.

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All of her lovers and family would be great, too. Mark La Mura is still pretty hot (and not in a "for an older guy" way, but in a really, really hot way). I'd like to see what Lee Godart and Jean LeClerc are looking like these days.

I'm getting carried away with excitement. They could have just did a big old AMC reunion with various cast members from throughout the years. The entire Martin family together for the first time, Erica facing off with alllll of her men, the original Erica/Phil/Tara/Chuck quad, the early 80s teen scene, etc, all together. Basically, I wish AMC was like Star Trek.

Ooooh okay. I think the one I've watched is Hugo Napier Mike (who also played Gunner on ATWT).

I need to see this thing that people keep talking about, how every time Erica would arrive at Nexus, a million strobe lights would go off.

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I want to see her as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader too.

I've never seen Napier's Mike, although I've seen a bit of him as Gunnar. Susan and Nick really were great together in what I've seen, and in that poorly written 1998 return.

I'd love to see Mark La Mura. He was great in his 2005 return and as you mentioned he's aged very well.

Some 2008 photos of Lee Godart.


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I LOVED Erica and Dimitri. In fact, they were my first "couple". But man, after she miscarried and she was dying slowly inside; and he was treating her like something he stepped in, I really stopped caring about them. When he all but patted her head and said it was okay, they could just adopt...ack, I never wanted her to breath the same air as him again. I thought the Kinder/Maria stuff did them in, and for this fan, it did unrepairable damage. Unless he came back and really had changed, I'd be totally against it. Dimitri was far to much like Jack for my liking when he left.

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The show really trashed their relationship, I guess to justify Erica and the babynapping, but I think it was a mistake. It didn't hurt Erica, as she was fine with Jack and then David, but it didn't do Dimitri any favors at all. Of course I'm pretty sure they were 3/4 of the way towards a "Who Killed Dimitri?" type of story when McTavish came in and redeemed him. He had some great scenes with Erica at Bianca's intervention, the last substantive scenes they had together.

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Nicholas Surovy looks almost the same as he did during his 1998 stint. Meanwhile Larkin Malloy looks drastically different from even his 2001 stint. I had such a huge crush on him back in the day.

Nader still looks like he would have ten times the charisma of Michael Nouri.

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I'm in Chicago. Saw the first bit of it with Susan Lucci, and a lil later with Angie & Jesse. Had to get ready for work but will be watching it later. I like that there's an audience full of soap fans (even though *I'm* not one of them, hmmph!) because they have lively reactions without being too ridiculous.

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