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GH: Guza talks about the Michael storyline-TV Guide

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As Guza interviews go, this one was not so bad. Bobby sounded almost... informed at one point.

The end is the clincher, though. Really, this rape is just a necessary stepping stone for Miiiiiiiichael to enter Duh Bizness and become a cuddly mobster.

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I think this was one of his better ideas. Michael in prison was a nice change of pace since we so rarely see prison life on GH. It was new characters, new sets...just an interesting change up I thought for a couple of weeks.

I don't know Guza doing this rape makes him a sick bastard. Was it Claire Labine who had Liz raped at an age even younger?

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I applaud them being honest enough to do the rape - that's what would happen to Michael in prison. What I deplore is how they've handled everything since. They're always fighting to find reasons why they can keep the mob canvas going just the same. It can't - that has to be a kind of tipping point.

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This is the FIRST Guza interview I've enjoyed.

Finally, he admits that Jason and Sonny are thug criminals. Finally, he admits that Carly has been enabling them for years. And finally, he admits they're all hypocritical for not thinking Michael would turn out the same.

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The ones most likely to be raped in prison are the young ones. Im not surprised and Im glad GH is having the BALLS to go there. I hate when soaps shy away from things too much and take the easy way out. Im glad they actually took their time with this story and have had it progress naturally and beleivably. His trauma and emotions are so real and I see that through the writing and the acting. Bringing on Abby for himwas a stroke of genius and Im liking how this is shaping up

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. I think this storyline really calls for Elizabeth. She's the only rape victim on the show right now. Sonny is very fond of Liz. I would think Sonny would immediately think of his friend Liz and ask her to reach out to Michael.

Not to mention Michael's grandmother is a long-term survivor of physical abuse. Albeit a different kind, but she could be a comforting shoulder to cry on.

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