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OK... more goodies! This is another scene of Lorie and Lance discussing Lorie's arrest, little Brooks calls his "Mommy" from his "Aunt's" house... and the moustache comes in like the ass he is and tries to interject himself into Lorie's case.

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That phone call scene is just touching and heartbreaking at the same time. You can see Lorie's desperate need for her son, but the undercurrent of Leslie secretly hoping that maybe she could step up and be his real mother. That boy is a pretty good actor, too! Better than many of the other adults on the show today.

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I thought that Brooks was slightly younger since in the Vanessa suicide scene he didn't talk at all, but here he seems like he is at least 8 or 9 years old.....he is a good actor this child and that was a very touching scene....I also loved the split scene of Lorie/Leslie....

Victor comes off very cartoonish here yet still somewhat dark.....I was waiting for Lance to deck him and since this was way before Braeden dictated story he probably would have been able to get punched.....I did like how amused Lorie was when Victor was flirting with her in front of Lance.....

so I'm guessing Lorie knew Nikki at this point but just didn't think it was her living with Victor.....I noticed a brief scene of Nikki and Douglas at the ranch....

Is Victor talking about Miguel when he mentions a houseman? I thought Tony Pena come on 1984 unless there was another actor at first?

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Thanks for more of the Leslie/Lorie/Lance/Lucas saga. Brooks is played by child actor Andre Gower. Andre went on to star in a bunch stuff including Monster Squad. Victor always was full of himself. Funny when he mentioned the lady dancer living with him. I wonder if she recognized Nikki as Greg's ex wife when she finds out who's living there.

Love hearing the old music cues again. Y&R kept them through the 90's, then they messed things up by doing away with them and replaced them with horrible crap.

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Thanks, I wonder what became of this Charlie and who played him....probably left because Victor was too much for him....

Yeah it would be silly for Brooks not to say anything during that scene unless he was just too young so It probably was a different child actor....I will have to watch this scene again....

Kind of off topic but something I was just thinking about and wonder if someone could explain this a little better but, what exactly was the Nikki and Tony Disalvo marriage suppose to be about?.....I'm curious because I have seen both of those over the top scenes of with the horses and Paul,Andy and Mary with the pitchfork fighting Tony and his men then the scene where he holds Paul and Andy at gun point and shoots Cindy Lake, but I never understood how Nikki fit into all of this exactly as she is not in any of those scenes......Did Nikki ever have any scenes where she was some damsel in distress cause she was being held captive by Tony or his men....since he comes off so hammy I can just see a young hyperactive Nikki trying to fight him off with her famous loud voice and screams that I'm beginning to think was MTS's trademark from 1979 and the early 80's, LOL....

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Thank you. Victor is still Victor, but he has a little more charm and humor. I laughed when he said "Loriebrooks." I'd forgotten how much he called people by their full name. I liked that Lorie was wary of him but still amused by him, and they were written as relative equals, unlike most of Victor's women after Bill Bell stopped writing the show.

Lance is just so blah and he feels dated.

I know JLB said she was burnt out by this point but I really enjoy her work here. She's so much better at the nuances and quiet moments.

I wish they'd brought Lorie and Brooks back and focused on his abandonment issues and all of her dramas. That story would have written itself. And imagine she and Jill commiserating over this, while also being at odds.

How long was this after they went to an hour?

Did Chris or Peggy have any involvement in this story?

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I crack up at Eric Braden's short shorts and tube socks. I know we wore them like that back then, but still. Lynn Topping looked similar to Victoria Mallory with the dark hair. It's interesting to see Abbott's and Brooks in the same group, knowing the Abbotts would replace them shortly. At this point Dennis Cole was gone, but Tom Ligon was still on. Melody was pregnant here with her daughter.

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