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No, it isn't. 

I had a pretty popular YR/BB channel years ago. Episodes in italian dubbing (many YR 2006, some ep or clips from early 90s, a 1994-1998 recaps and some 2001-2005, random BB ep from 1992 to 2002). Closed due to copyright in 2010. 
About mysterious sellers online. Well, I notice that one of them is using two videos of my closed channel as trailer of his so called DVDs collection. I don't think is fair to make money using stuff that someone like me uploaded freely spending time and energy. I don't mind if someone re-uploads my videos on YT, but asking money for them is greedy and wrong. 
I don't know if the seller you're talking about is the same person or not. If he's honest or a scammer. If he really owns a lot of videos by himself or just few clips stolen from others pretending to have more... the fact that he didn't respond to you speaks for itself, I guess. 
About YR and BB videos I just wanna say that I love the vault. Great idea. 
I have some YR English ep since 2008 and I'll upload them soon. 
YR started in Italy in 1983 (1979 Us ep). I was a baby at the time. I started to watch the show a decade later. Persons older than me who I know remembered vividly storylines like Nikki and Paul in the cult, John McCook as Lance Prentiss, Michael imprisoned by Victor in the basement, Knight Rider's David Hasselhoff as Snapper, Nikki as a stripper, Jack and Jill's affair, Kay's facelift, Cricket as a teen model, Lauren VS Traci, the introduction of Dina Mergeron, Brad as the tv hottest and nudest gardener. 
I recorded every YR episode from Us 2000 to 2005 (aired in Italy from 2001 to 2007). Using VHS tapes, I was forced to erase and re-use most of them, in order to save money. I guess in the 80s people did the same, so I don't know if and how many episodes of that era are still avalaible somewhere (I only have got a june 1984 clip, a 1986 ep and the 1986-1989 recaps). In the 80s video recorders were used, but not in every family, and the VHS tape lasted only 2 hours. Twenty min soaps like Loving, BB and Capitol had reruns in early 90s, so the fans who had watched and loved them years before in the first run had finally the chance to recorder and collect them (full run of Capitol dubbed in italian is on YT). Early YR never had reruns. 
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Grazie for this nice comprehensive reply

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I had saved a lot of clips over the years from YouTube and I have a few from the 2000s so they probably came from your channel. Unfortunately I did not always keep track of where I got the videos. I also have some 90s videos in Italian that were on YT ages ago... a full episode from May 1990 and some clips from 1993 (Cricket being attacked by Michael, some Sheila stuff, and Nikki/Cole). I  can upload them to the vault. I would love to see whatever you have in Italian! It is so frustrating that YT deletes everything, because who knows how much is out there.

I can PM you the guy I'm talking about but it is probably the one you're thinking of. That's disappointing to know the clips in the trailer come from you... I was hoping because they had those rare (to me) clips, it meant they were for real. I totally agree with you and I don't know why someone would run a scam for something as obscure as soap operas... if someone really has collected all that footage, then they must be a fan, and why do that to other fans... I don't get it! 


If only someone had saved those broadcasts with 1979-1983... we have almost NOTHING from those years. The cult storyline and the Victor dungeon are on the top of my list to see.


I taped Y&R every day in the 90s and taped over those tapes, what a shame. Didn't realize the treasure that we had. There are a lot of missing gaps in the early 2000s too. I'm sure the footage is out there but YT deletes everything, so people don't share. The vault is such a godsend.


By the way, do you know if there is anywhere that has summaries of the Italian broadcast. There are French and German daily summaries starting in 1986 and they are very helpful when figuring out the dates of old videos. German TV also gave the episodes titles which can be a good clue. Someone sent me the Radio Corriere archive, and I searched through it, but mostly when I found a picture of a Y&R actor there would be a description like "a drama set in small town USA." I found some summaries of the storylines starting  around 1983 (US Dates) but they seem to be weekly recaps. It would be wonderful if there were daily summaries for the episodes from 1979! 

I'm from the US but my family is all Italian and I remember when my grandfather would go and bring back those magazines, and on the last page there would be a recap of "my shows" and I couldn't it believe the first time I saw it! Then I would tell my relatives from Europe about all the storylines that would happen in the coming years lol. 

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Between 1977 and early 80s many new private tv stations were born in Italy. Until then there were only 2 major national public tv channels (that had a monopoly by law) and an italian tv channel that aired from Monte Carlo. To full the tv schedules, many foreign tv shows were bought in massive quantities: american/british/ german/french tv series and sitcoms , american and japanese cartoons, latin america novelas and american soap operas. 

In early 1981 Dallas started in primetime and soon became huge and a cultural phenomenon. In 1982 the three main private tv channels (Canale 5, Italia 1, Rete 4, owned by 3 tycoons; one of them was Silvio Berlusconi - a decade before the beginning of his controversial political career) started to air US daytime soaps (placed generally after lunchtime and later in the afternoon). Soaps were considered trendy and edgy. They were achieving high ratings in US. So they were used (like other tv shows) as a way to build a loyal audience on a daily basis , increasing new channels' ratings and popularity.

Before 1982 Italian viewers didn't know anything about Us daytime soap operas or latin american novelas. Italian soaps didn't exist at the time. That kind of daily 'addiction' proved to be fresh and new to the tv viewers. After a slow start, it worked well. Rai Tv (public tv) soon joined the party and bought american soaps, too. 


Search for tomorrow (1979 Usa)

Guiding Light (1979 Usa)

General Hospital (1979 Usa)

The Doctors (1980 Usa)

One Life To Live (1979 Usa) 


The Young and The Restless (1979 Usa) 

Capitol (1982 Usa, since ep 1) 


Days of our lives (1979 or 1980 Usa)

All My Children (1980 Usa) 

Edge Of Night (1981 Usa) 

Ryan's Hope (1982 Usa) 


As The World Turns (1982 Usa) 

Loving (1983 Usa, since ep 1) 


Rituals (1984 Usa, since ep 1) 


Another World (1983 Usa) 

Santa Barbara (1984 Usa, since ep 1) 


The Bold And The Beautiful (1987 Usa, since ep 1) 


Paradise Beach (1993 Usa-Australia, since ep 1) 


Port Charles (1997 Usa, since ep 1) 


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Thanks for tweaking my script, Jack Smith!  lol. 

To me, Julianna's "pipe dream" lines to Deborah Adair are iconic Y&R moments, right up there with Nikki's frequent "I'll get it, Miguel!", Snapper Foster's, "I've got something real heavy to lay on you, man," Kay Chancellor's regular pleas to Derek Thurston, "Oh dear sweet God, Jerrick!", Dina Mergeron's confidence that she was "making some REAL INROADS with John Abbott", and everyone's line when they barged into Victor's office, "Connie was away from her desk."   All of these were regularly quoted around my house during the most unlikely of circumstances.  lol.  

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Haha that’s such an old staple of characters like Lauren sitting at her desk, and answering with:

”Yes Majorie….he/she is? (with either a. intrigued or sensual look on her face depending on whether it’s Mary, Traci, or when Paul, Scott or Brad is outside ) send him/her in”’ ) 


moments of suspense and said person enters..


”hello Lauren”


Lauren: “what brings you by?” 

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So cool you have Italian blood in your veins. And even cooler that your nonno (grandfather) brought back to you some Italian magazines. Do you remember their names? 

Spoleirs before the Internet were such a big thing. In some tv magazines theŕe were articles containing them. But magazines generally tried to avoid too many details about future major storylines, twists and cliffhangers. For example, who killed Laura Palmer was not revealed until the crucial episode aired on tv in april 1991.  

In spring 1991 Joanna Johnson (Caroline BB) guest starred on some Italian tv shows. BB was two years behind US telecasts. She was asked by Italian BB broadcaster's managers to not say a word about the tragic fate of her character (she left the soap the previous summer). Months later, the President of Italy (Francesco Cossiga, who was a fan of the show and managed to watch episodes in advance by tapes sent to him from America) revealed that Caroline had died in Ridge's arms due to leukemia, shocking fans of the beloved couple. Her last episode aired in may 1992, watched by 7 million viewiers. 

The videos you'referring to were on my channel. Nikki and Cole in the swimming pool, Nikki flirting with Cole in a red dress, Chris and Nina kidnapped by Michael, Sheila with Scott in their apartment, Lauren and Brad in bed caught by Sheila and her puzzle to blackmail the unfaithful wife, etc. About YR  I also uploaded some Vicky and Ryan videos, two 1990 ep, the full 4 july 1992 ep in a very good quality and some other stuff (mostly 2000s).  I do have some other videos in Italian (2 1986 ep, a 1986-1989 recaps, a 1994-1998 recaps, some july 1992 full ep, random clips and some full episodes after 1998, the full 2006 year until mid january 2007 and full september 2003).Most of my stuff is not where I live now, but sooner or later I'll bring back with me and I'll share in the vault. 

You can of course upload those clips you described whenever you want. 

About Febbre d'Amore daily summaries. I don't know if my english is competent enough to explain how crazy the broadcast of the soap (or soaps in general) was in Italy. 

1. Constant changes of time slot, even when the ratings were solid 

2. They aired full original episodes from feb 1983 to august 1991, in 1993, 1995, from 2001 to 2004, sometimes in 2007 and in autumn 2008. 

3. They aired half episode a day in 1991-1992, 1994, jan-april 2009. 

4. They aired about 3/4 episode a day from 1998 to 2000, from 2004 to 2007, from august to september 2008 and from august to october 2009.

5. They aired 8-15 minutes a day from december 2007 to july 2008 and from april to august 2009

5. They aired 1 and half episode a day in september 2004, august 2005 and august 2006. 

6. The show had some long hiatus: february-october 1984, march-july 1993, may 1994-january 1995, september 1995-april 1998. 

6. They did 2 time jumps, axing US episodes from march 1986 to november 1989 and from january 1994 to november 1998. 

7. Aside summer 1995 and 2 weeks in july 2001, from 1993 YR aired in the middle of the morning. A not so good timeslot, without any strong tv show as a lead-in. Even if the ratings were good because the fans remained loyal and new fans taped it, the show in the 90s and in the 00s became a Cinderella soap after experiencing a certain popularity in the 1980s, when it was aired in late afternoon, a better time slot. After early 90s It didn't have the chance to be huge as BB or some Italian soaps (placed after lunchtime and in the afternoon on more important and watched channels, with a lot of tv promos and publicity on tv magazines). 

So Italian episodes had different lenghts from time to time. The daily or weekly summaries -when and if were included in tv guides - were often pretty generic, sometimes more accurate (including even the original number of the full episode). 

I don't think it exist an online source to read Italian summaries. The Radiocorriere site has pretty accurate summaries about Capitol, Loving, Guiding Light. Little space for the other soaps.

I'm going to upload some magazine clippings about YR. 

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Is it possible that Italy's first episode was Melody Thomas Scott's first episode? Italy got to see part of Vanessa's story and also the arrival of Victor.

Italy was spared Cricket eating the show (Summer 1986 to the end of 1989), Nick and Sharon eating the show (Fall 1994 to Spring 1996), and the lull (Fall 1996 through first half of 1997).

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If my calculations are correct, the show started from around october/november 1979. Nikki and Greg Foster were just married. I know for sure that GL started from november 1979 ep. 

If my calculations are correct, the show started from around october/november 1979. Nikki and Greg Foster were just married. I know for sure that GL started from november 1979 ep. 

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(I tried to upload clippings here, but it kept writing Error 200. So I put them otherwhere) 

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1. This is from an issue of Sorrisi e Canzoni Tv - the most popular Italian tv guide. December 1982. On Canale 5 from 2.40 pm to 5 pm there were Search for tomorrow/Guiding Light/One Life To Live/General Hospital.No daily or weekly summaries in any pages of this issue. 

2. This is from an issue of Sorrisi e Canzoni. March 1983. YR started on Italia 1 the month before. No daily or weekly summaries in any pages of this issue. I guess in the beginning soaps had very little space. New tv channels, new tv genre. 

3. These are from Radiocorriere tv. 
1984 Febbre d'Amore was moved on Rete4, at 5,50 pm 
1987 In the summer it aired in prime time every saturday at 8,30 pm 
Summary about a december 1982 US ep. 
4. This is from Sorrisi e Canzoni. December 1988. Guiding Light. At this time there are daily summaries with the official number of the episodes airing all the week. I can't say about other soaps. It was Christmas week, they all were on hiatus except GL
I don't have other issues of that era, so I don't know how many space or not was given to YR in late 80s. 
I know for sure that in spring 1991, summer 1995 and from september 1998 to spring 2002 Sorrisi e Canzoni had daily summaries. Before that I don't know and after that it had weekly summaries. 
BB has had daily summaries since the first episode. 
Telepiù is another tv guide very focused on soaps. 

5.This is from Sorrisi e canzoni july 1993. A small recaps of the Nina ordeal after shooting to David. 


6.This is from Sorrisi e Canzoni. November 1993. 1991 US episode summary and official ep number. The show aired at 10,30 am 


7. This is from Radiocorriere Tv, april 1995. A full tv schedule. A 1992 YR ep summary. 

8. This is from Sorrisi e Canzoni. June 1995. At the time, Mediaset TV's managers decided to relaunch YR using its tie with BB. BB was so huge, it sometimes achieved 40% share, half the Country was watching it. So they moved YR from the cold Rete4 mornings to the warm Canale 5 afternoons, at 2.15 pm after The Bold And The Beautiful.  They did a lot of promos (even with the actors of both soaps, from their CBS studios). The YR Italian name was changed. It became Amarsi, like it was a brand new show. It started with US may 1992 episodes (The end of Sheila in Genoa City and the fire in Michigan, while BB in Italy was showing december 1994 episodes). Amarsi started reaching a very good 22% share, then it dropped to 18. Major problem: its competitors in the same time slot: Santa Barbara on Rai2 and Guiding Light on Rete4 had steady ratings, people were loyal to them. Amarsi failed to mantain the high numbers of its lead-in. BB had 36% share, YR about the half. It was still a good result, but not enough according to Canale 5 tv managers. Canale 5 was the most watched tv channel in Italy and they wanted more. 
At the end of the summer YR was cancelled. 
They were so rushed and really disrespectful to the fans. 
9. This is from Sorrisi e Canzoni. April 1998. After a 2 year and 7 months hiatus, YR came back on Rete4 at 10,30 am. The old title Febbre d'Amore was resumed. A summary of august 1992 ep. 
10. This is from Telebolero. April 1999. Weekly summary. December 1998 US episodes (in march 1999 they did the time jump from 1994 to late 1998). They used a 1991 picture, but Brenda Epperson was no more in the cast. 
11.This is from Sorrisi e Canzoni, april 2001. Genoa City teens conquers the scene. 
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Do you guys think there are episodes from 1978-80 and 1983 out there that people taped in some format (VHS, Beta, etc) that haven’t surfaced yet? Or is that too much to hope for? lol. It seems that there are more episodes out there of other soaps from those years than Y&R

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I think so. I mean, look at that Obsolete Video guy on You Tube who already posted a very rare Y&R episode from the 70s. Just from the teasers he's posted of end credits (in color) of various soaps, it tells me there's tons out there we don't know about that is in color and good condition. 

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You’re probably right, it’s now just about somebody like the Obsolete Video guy locating them. I’m sure there’s someone out there with a collection of Y&R out there from the years I mentioned. I think it’s more likely to find episodes from 1983, but really who knows after that 1978 episode was posted. I’m definitely hoping for more. 

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