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The other thing I looked into was head writers post Bill Bell. What I have found so far goes like this


Kay Alden: July 1998 - Aug 2000

Kay Alden & Trent Jones: Aug 2000 - June 2002

Kay Alden, Trent Jones & John (Jack) F. Smith: July 2002 - Aug 2004


This isn't listed as such anywhere. But I believe it is correct


I believe after this it was Alden and Smith until LML came on in Feb 2006. Alden and Smith were demoted in Dec 2006 and I think Alden was pretty much gone at this point. 


Also interesting that Smith became co-exec producer in 2003 with David Shaughnessy. By Feb 2004 Bill Bell lost his Senior Exec Producer title and became a co-exec with Smith (Shaugnessy was out) Bell's credit was removed the day after he died. For some reason Jack Smith stepped down as Exec Producer in 2006 and LML stepped in and then in affect fired him and Alden. 


I hadn't realised after Ed Scott left the show in Dec 2001, he returned as a supervising producer between 2004 - 2007. So 2006/07 really was the end of an era for Y&R. Alden, Smith and Ed Scott all gone.


Oh right, cool, thanks. Yeah I doubt she appeared again after this since she had other projects going on. I think for sure her contract status was cooked by Feb 92 and she was recurring after that with probably only that one last apperance

Edited by will81
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More info on writers for Y&R for those who want it from newspaper article May 22, 1978. So Elizabeth Harrower was with Y&R at least by 1978. I am guessing she left either late 78 or early 79 to HW Days. I am pretty confident Jack Smith joined in 79 as Kay Alden mentions in an interview from that year the only writers of the show are herself, Bell and one other.




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Jess Walton took over the role of Jill from Brenda Dickson in 1987 and remains in the role to this day. She is semi-retired though and doesn't appear too often


Although we don't know exactly what happened. The official word is Bill Bell wasn't happy with the way Brenda was playing the part and fired her. 

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Thanks for uploading! I'm also wondering if you have anything through summer and fall 1987? I have like two poor quality clips of a Danny Romalotti's concert from late summer, again wondering if that full episode was out there. What about Jill and David scheming to find Jill a man? Or Jess Walton's debut on 6/22? I've seen those clips with the three Jills, so there must be the full episodes or longer clips from that time? It's fun watching it all in order. I don't have any more full episodes until September.


Now looking at it again, I'm not sure about the dates. There's a French episode guide that matches up the episode #s and dates. I'm assuming they are correct.

June 11 - #3624
June 12 - #3625
June 15 - #3626
June 16 - #3627


The German guide is here: https://www.fernsehserien.de/schatten-der-leidenschaft/episodenguide


These are the recaps for the dates. I'm using 6/11, 6/12, and 6/15 because those are the dates on the DVDs I got.  They're uploaded to the vault. I'll change them depending on what people think. This is what the German guide has via google translate.  I'm confused, it looks like 6/10 and 6/12 are the first two, but then it doesn't seem like 6/15 is there, but the one you uploaded is clearly 6/16. 



Nikki's Last Words (episode 3623)

Episode 3623 (45 min.)

Jealous and hurt, Nikki doesn't even think about giving up her perfidious game. She even plans to take it to the extreme. On video she wants to say one last word to her husband Victor, whom she feels betrayed by ... (Text: Premiere)


Ein alter Freund aus England (Episode 3624)
An old friend from England (episode 3624)
Episode 3624 (45 min.)
Douglas, Victor's old friend from England, runs into Nikki by chance. He learns that Nikki is suffering from a fatal illness. Nikki does not tell him that she has long been cured ... (Text: Premiere)


Love your neighbor (episode 3625)
Episode 3625 (45 min.)
Jill is quite nervous about the upcoming presentation. To distract herself, she approaches Brad. However, he rejects them. Nikki is more successful: she still plays the doomed to Victor. With this trick she manages to seduce him ... (Text: Premiere)

Episode 3626 (45 min.)
Lauren tries one more time to land with Danny. Brad bursts into intimate togetherness again. He persuades the two of them to accompany him to the presentation of the new men's series ... (Text: Premiere)

An emergency call (episode 3627)
Episode 3627 (45 min.)
The presentation of Jill's new men's cosmetic series is a complete success. Danny is also on a lucky streak: Cricket seems to want to get closer to him again. During a tender rendezvous, the two of them are disturbed by the phone. Phillip asks Cricket to pick him up from the police station ... (Text: Premiere)


A man for Kay (episode 3628)
Episode 3628 (45 min.)
After her successful presentation, Jill has her mind free again for her fight against Kay Chancellor. She wants to find a lover for the rival so that she can finally let go of Phillip ... (Text: Premiere)



Please, someone! I second this request. I thought those scenes used to be on the soap hunks website, but I've never seen them.



If you're interested in Brenda's POV, her portion from E True Hollywood Story is in the vault in the Behind the Scenes folder. Would also love to see the entire episode if anyone has that.

Edited by BoldRestless
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Yep agreed, the one I put up should be June 16 by the sounds of it. Yeah it is a bit confusing with the guides. Thanks for uploading those eps. Those ep #'s seem accurate, I know 1987 starts with #3510 and ends with #3755 according to the Bill Bell catalogue/script archive I linked to previously. 


@BoldRestless Yeah the first ep is definitely June 11, as it carries over from the previous day of Nikki's video (We see this in the vault clips uploaded with a much longer sequence with flashbacks and ending with Jack arriving at the ranch) The last few minutes are repeated on Jun 11 with Jack arriving prior to the opening theme.


The next has to be Jun 12 since it carries on from Jun 11. The ep you have as Jun 15 seems right, it feels like Brad interrupting Danny and Lauren was probably at the end of Jun 12 (or maybe not since it is the next day) and maybe picked up on June 15 and is part of the first 5 -7 minutes missing from the episode prior to the opening theme. That ep starts after the intro. 


I think June 10 was also available as part of the GenoaCityGuy clips as I had a 1min clip of Jill welcoming Ashley back to Jabot, but I have since lost it

Edited by will81
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Looking at them all again I think you're right. 6/15 is still throwing me off, because its seems unlikely that the Brad/Danny/Lauren thing happens so quickly, but those scenes must occur in the missing minutes at the end of 6/12 & beginning of 6/15.


Do you or does anyone else have the episodes with Phillip's 18th birthday and Phillip losing his virginity to Nina? They're not on the clips, and I heard they used to be online.


Would also love to see the scenes where Jill approaches Rex for the first time as a bum, and where Rex "saves" Katherine in a stunt set up by Jill.



Amber definitely appears in both of the 2008 episodes posted in the Y&R folder. The only date I know for Tawny is May 12, 2010. I'll put it up today. If there's other dates you're particularly interested in, I can look. I don't have that much from those years.

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