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Thanks for sharing its funny as I thought at the time that Y&R was going to have a good 2006 but by June of that year Victor started having seizures, Nazi's became involved, and there was a very dramatic business scene with Victoria scene walking out of  NE in angst  and both my mother and grandmother saying "the old Victoria would have been better for this!" 


I did like Daniel and Lily as couple actually. While Davetta Sherwood will remain the best Lily for myself personally at least CK Lily and Graz Daniel proved they still had in Chemistry when Daniel and Lily hooked up again in 2011 and the runaway beach scenes between Daniel and Lily still stand out. Goddard and Khalil have no chemistry and have always done their best work away from each other so the decision the Cane and Lily be together has got be an act of sabotage. 



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I still enjoy Y&R until the second half of 2006. I know it's pretty much split between whether 2003 or 2005 was the last decent year, but I think 2006 had quite a bit to offer. It's funny to me seeing these scenes and actually enjoying the build up of Phyllis and Nick's relationship, even if I hated them by the time LML had complete control. The scene where Nikki gets shot while Victor beats the crap out of the mugger is where the doom began for me. I just remember thinking how out of place that scene felt on the show. The epilepsy storyline wasn't without some decent scenes when Victor starts to lose control, but was pretty bad for the most part. The Nazis and then Pheila was the nail in the coffin for me though, especially the latter. I always watch it if a need a good laugh

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As promised like a month ago, here is the yearly summary for 1973. Just FYI a few details may be incorrect on it, but enough to showcase what went on that first year: 


Fantasies of starting over with a completely new life are rarely fulfilled, but Dr. Brad Eliot was swept into his without forethought. Distraught because the son of his fiancee, Barbara Anderson, died while he was operating on him, Brad Eliot walked away from his medical practice as a psychiatrist and neurosurgeon. Brad was actually the boy's father. As he left Chicago, circumstances went from bad to worse when his car and wallet were stolen. In a haze, he wandered into Genoa City with nothing more than the dirty clothes on his back. Then, after enjoying a meal at Pierre's restaurant, he had to admit he couldn't pay the tab. That's when Brad's luck actually changed for the better.


Stuart Brooks, the owner/publisher of The Genoa City Chronicle, overheard Brad's conversation with waitress Sally McGuire. Trusting his instincts that this was no ordinary panhandler, Stuart gave him a job. Fate continued to nudge Brad into a new life when he saw a news wire story declaring that Dr. Brad Eliot had been killed in a car accident. Clearly, the thief who stole his car and wallet had been killed and mistakenly identified, giving the real Dr. Eliot an opportunity to start his life over.

Stuart Brooks and his wife Jennifer had four daughters: Leslie, a rather shy pianist; Lauralee, called Lorie, an adventurous author; Chris, a journalist; and Peggy, a college student. Although Brad clearly chose to keep his past a mystery, he proved himself likable, helpful and basically honest. It was easy for Stuart to encourage a budding relationship between Leslie and Brad.


Before Brad came into her life, Leslie was totally absorbed in her music. She never dated and was far more comfortable at her piano than with men. But she was drawn to Brad and fell in love with him as he supported and encouraged her career, which took off beautifully. For the first time in her life, Leslie found the promise of happiness professionally and personally.


While Stuart approved of Brad's interest in Leslie, he was not thrilled when local medical student Snapper Foster (William Foster Jr.) caught the eye of his trusting daughter, Chris. Stuart was less offended by Snapper's blue-collar roots than by his indifference to Chris. (Snapper was so-named due to his tendency toward irritability and to "snap" at people.)


Handsome Snapper was not only putting himself through medical school, but being "man of the family" after his dad deserted them seven years earlier. The eldest son, Snapper was helping his mom Liz, a factory worker, put his brother Greg through law school and keeping a big-brother eye on his sister Jill who dreamed of being a fashion model while working as a beautician. Liz wished the best for all her children and encouraged Snapper to pursue a nice, well-bred girl like Chris. However, with enough obligations already, Snapper preferred to keep his freedom. Snapper was also seeing Sally McGuire, a waitress at Pierre's.

One evening, Chris invited Snapper to the Brooks home for dinner but he didn't show. After a day at school and work he had visited Sally, fell asleep and she conveniently forgot to wake him as he had asked. His half-truth--that he fell asleep after a full day--satisfied Chris enough to get her through the hurt of disappointment.


Her dad, however, grew more displeased with Snapper. When Stuart learned that Snapper was seeing Sally, he was quick to tell Chris that Snapper was cheating on her. Chris moved out and went to work as a secretary for Greg Foster, unaware that her dad had financially helped his new law practice in return for her employment. When she found out, she angrily quit. Greg was especially saddened because he had fallen in love with Chris.  One evening after an unsuccessful day of job hunting, Chris stopped by a local bar and met George Curtis who bought her a drink, seemed pleasant enough, and offered to escort her safely home. Once there, however, he raped her.


Jill was unhappy working at the salon, but wouldn't take Snapper's advice about going to college to broaden her chances for a career that would bring her the lifestyle she dreamed about. Instead, she won the trust of a rich, powerful and temperamental customer, Kay Chancellor. When Kay, an alcoholic, fired her personal secretary, Jill took the opportunity to enter the world she dreamed about. She convinced Kay to hire her.





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Pamela Peters Solow was quite cute, and although I personally preferred her with red hair, she had had black locks long before she joined Y&R in 1973. She had been dark-haired when she appeared on the vintage sitcom Room 222. She seems to have disappeared. I wonder whatever happened to her.

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I tried to google her and never came up with anything current. I tried her both as Peters and Peters Solow. She may have remarried and goes by her current husbands name. The same way nothing turns up on Trish Stewart.


I am use to seeing Pam as a redhead too. When I stumbled across this commercial I recognized her face and voice. She returned to being a redhead by 1984 for the Newman wedding, unless she was wearing a wig. She has a unique voice that would of been great for cartoons and voice over work. 

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I've also tried to track down Trish Stewart, as well as Pam Peters, to no avail.


Peters did have black hair briefly on Y&R, and the character of Chris Brooks remarked, "Remember when your hair was this color, and how Mom hated it?" It was weird, considering Peggy quickl;y went back to being a redhead, and no one ever mentioned again that it was not her natural hair color.

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It was strange how she came in and out of Y&R. I remember reading she walked off the set in the middle of a scene.  When she came back on the show in 1980 they paired her with Steve Williams and then Jack Abbott came sniffing around and helped put the kabosh on that pairing. She later hooked up with Greg Foster after his divorce from Nikki, then she just disappeared again till 1984 at the Newman wedding. Was she off the show at the end of 1981 or was she still on in 82 ?

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The story about her walking off the set originated in an interview with Anthony Herrera in Rona Barrett's Daytimers. He was paired romantically with Peters on-screen. Herrera claimed that one day in the middle of taping, Peters looked directly into the camera, announced she did not understand the scene, and just walked off the set. Shortly afterwards, William J. Bell called Herrera into his office and announced that he was letting the actor go and shelving his storyline with Peggy Brooks.


Peters' character was raped in 1976, and during the on-screen trial, Peggy (and Peters) simply vanished without explanation and was not seen for an extended period of time. It was very weird and awkward, watching the show work around her, and God only knows what was going on behind the scenes.


When Jennifer Brooks, passed away, the Brooks sisters were featured prominently as they dealt with their mother's death, but Peggy was often absent from their group scenes. I have an episode in which the Brooks sisters are reacting to their mother's impending death (as Jennifer had just told them she was ill). As the girls are crying together, Chris asks, "Where's Peggy?" Lorie answers that their kid sister simply wasn't able to handle any of this. Again: weird.


The show did try to replace Peters with an actress named Patricia Everly, but she was awful and did not last very long. Every time after that when we saw Peggy, Peters was in the role.


I would love to know the reasons behind the actress' spotty appearances and awkward disappearances during key storylines, but at this point I doubt we ever will. 



Edited by vetsoapfan
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I know there was a lot of tension, as various people in front of and behind the camera have admitted. I do think the Bell/Conboy feud contributed to it, but many of the actors were restless for real, and wanted off the show pretty quickly. William Gray Espy busted his hand by punching a set wall at one point. Janice Lynde announced in the press that there were times she "just hated Leslie," and that her character was a "nerd, a nebbish."  Poor William J. Bell sure had his hands full.

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