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That's interesting that Jill almost tanked even back then....I guess that's why it's a good thing social media wasn't around yet as I'm sure everyone would be all over how OTT Jill had become with Brenda towards the end......

What did you think about Katherine and Dina plotting? I said after watching the 1982 clips that featured some of Allison that it would have been fun if Allison and Jill had teamed up to get back at Katherine,do you think that would have been a good idea or if it was even a good idea to write Allison off in the first place?

Hey, I wanted to let you know I did watch a couple more of the 2005 shows.....I can't say enough how bad I feel that I'm not fully caught up since I only just finished 9/15/05 and 9/16/05, but I will get to the rest slowly but surely, haha! I still appreciate the hard work you've done! :)

I forgot how fun those Sheila scenes are while she is posing as the waitress......I really miss Gina.For some reason Patty Weaver looks very unhappy,so I wonder if whatever health issues she already has was overcoming her then.....

I always wonder if Sheila and Gina had scenes during her original run, I feel like they had to have known each other cause Gina was always one of those characters that seemed to know everybody when the main characters didn't that well, haha...the ending scene of her rescuing Gloria from joking and John and Michael just yelling at her was hysterical....

were they trying to hint at a J.T/Nikki pairing? I think that would have been an interesting idea, then waste Boretoria on him (though I guess they were pretty popular if I recall) I really could care less about Kevin/Mac and the coffee house....

I never really liked Brad, but it's funny how much I prefer him on these episodes then the arrogant ass Don Diamont portrays with Bill Spencer....he surprisingly seems to have decent chemistry with Heinle....

I'm sorry but I would never buy Yolanda hooking up with old Tucker......yes most of that stuff with YoHARMONY and Tucker was retcon after retcon, but like I said why didn't they just put her with Malcolm.....

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Just finished watching that 1980-1985 compilation and it was an amazing! Thanks so much  again for sharing! 


  • Julia got involved in Eve's schemes as a way to get revenge against Victor but later had a change of heart and decided to work against Eve as she finally forgave Victor for his past sins. 
  • I've seen Vanessa's fall before, but this is the first time I've seen the scene of Vanessa's funeral with Lucas' rage against Lorie and opening up Vanessa's coffin like that. Add to the list of unforgettable Y&R moments. 
  • Ya gotta love Katherine at this point as being Nikki's friend through the whole ordeal while in the meantime she's wickedly plotting away against her old nemesis Jill or Allison Bancroft somewhere. 
  • Ashley has always hated Dina with a passion for the abandonment and it has been brought up many, many times over the years. Dina being lovers with her boyfriend Eric Garrison or discovering Brent Davis was her father just added extra coal to the boiler. 
  • The child actor who played Chuckie was miles ahead of David Hasselhoff. I wonder why Bell never thought to bring back Chuckie in the '90s to give Jill some nephew she could control. 


Looking at the big picture, as much I loved the run I have to think that Dickson's '83-'87 run was somewhat betraying of the Jill we knew from '73-'83. Granted Jill should always be a fierce creature but I think Jill being the superbitch was a bit too much, especially once Dickson developed a British accent.


I knew they brought back Adair to sub for Dickson in '86, did they ever ask her to come back full time in '87 once Dickson was going to be off the show for good? Then again I believe Adair quit acting at the end of her Days run in '95 and was doing a lot of primetime work post Y&R(Dynasty, Finder of Lost Loves etc.)  so maybe she didn't want to commit at the time.

I guess my one wish list is to see Bond Gideon as Jill. I heard it was baaad. Then again Melinda O. Fee seemed to do Jill okay. 

Edited by soapfan770
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I always wonder why Jill felt so detached from her son like that in the early years... Very heart breaking to watch at times.

I'm also guessing that Lorie's departure was when Leslie and Lance got engaged and she went on that cruise that Victor organised?

Thank you for all those answers above! A lot of pieces are starting to make sense now :)


I would LOVE to see the storyline with the reveal of Brent Davis as Ashley's father, particularly the interactions of Ashley and Dina (that would have been dynamite to watch at the time, especially from Eileen Davidson).

When you say "being part of an ensemble" in this context, do you mean that Brenda just didn't like being a team player?


Incidentally I am curious to know whether Deborah Adair and Jamie Lyn Bauer had any scenes together on Y&R in the early 80s. As many DOOL fans here would know, they played enemies in the early 90s in the form of Kate Roberts and Laura Horton (and I loved that storyline BTW, even though it was a complete retcon of an earlier storyline).

It also brings to mind whether there was still any acknowledgement of the sibling relationship between Snapper and Jill at that stage (early 80s). David Hasselhoff and Deborah Adair would have been fascinating to watch. Even Hasselhoff and Dickson to another extent.

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I remember someone posted on a message board that Aaron Spelling seemed to be obsessed with Deborah Adair. He put her in Dynasty and when that failed, he put her in Finders Of Lost Loves. He then had her guest in multiple episodes of Hotel, Love Boat and Matt Houston. Later he cast her in Melrose Place.

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haha You're welcome. I'm glad to hear some people are enjoying them, I actually went through the archives on here recently and discovered that this wasn't exactly a very popular era to say the very least, especially Sheila's whole return. I couldn't help as I was browsing through the comments but think to myself 'if only you all knew what was to come.' :D


I don't know what it is about J.T, but for as long as I can remember, I have absolutely hated the character. Could never work out why exactly. Oh, I gave up on Mac when Ashley Bashioum left. The only time I seem to be invested in the teen scene on Y&R in general is looking at the 1994-2002-ish years. And as for Brad, he's a character that I wouldn't say I disliked, but I never really paid much attention to. He was just sort of there. I agree 100% however, he and Heinle strangely had some damn good chemistry together. I liked those two together far more than when she was paired with Billy Miller. Speaking of Brad, I went back recently and watched his final episodes back in 2009. I had totally wiped that scene where they find him from my mind, that image of him frozen under the ice will forever be burned into my mind.

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I wish there was more footage from 1979-83 (the best period of Y&R, in my opinion). Especially the storylines involving: the Kay/Jill/Derek/Suzanne saga, the insane Edward threatening Nikki, Victor trapping Michael in the bombshelter & the altercation causing Julia to fall down the stairs and miscarry, Lauren's first year, Kevin/Nikki and Victoria's paternity, Victor's "death" from '83, etc.

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I was never a fan of JT for years as he sometimes could come off as a pompous self-righteous ass despite his own short-comings like sleeping with Anita Hodges, Julie Pinson's character, and putting down Colleen for her short comings. However I liked him once he was paired with Victoria and began working with Paul, that's probably been the only pairing I've liked that AH's Victoria has had. 


Going back to YRfan23's sharing that 1994 of Brad's heart attack once I had heard that Brad was going to die, I had hoped that Bard was going to die from a heart attack while having sex with Sharon. At least it would have better explained Sharon's madness after having Brad die between her thighs. 


I do find watching 1982 Y&R so interesting because their is a good deal of mix between classic elements of Y&R and more familiar elements of Y&R post 1982. Victor being the corporate raider he is by taking over Prentiss while Nikki had to rival Lorie Brooks, Jack lusting after Chris Brooks while also having chased after Peggy Brooks. It's just so fascinating and I just have to wonder how Y&R would have have been had Bell decided to the Fosters and Brooks families stick around for the '80s and '90s.  


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I haven't seen a whole lot of J.T runs, especially his early scenes, but the last couple of years he was on, I did enjoy his "take none of their crap" attitude he had with Victoria and her family.....I do feel they wasted Mackenzie on him though, maybe it was just Clementine's portrayal but it was lacking as far as I'm concerned....

If a miracle did happen and the show got back to Bill Bell or Kay Alden quality (we would truly need  a miracle at this point) I still think it would be nice to see J.T back to usher a teenage Reed back, and from following in his mother's footsteps gets involved with somebody way too old from him (could be a girl or even a guy if the show ever decides to get over those silly issues) and it starts out sweet until he realizes he has trouble with sex as Victoria did with Ryan....that's the perfect opportunity to truly bring up a past story and use it in the present instead of just acting like you did (coughMABcough)

I feel like after watching 1982 it would have been interesting if they just kept Leslie and Lorie on and maybe later bought in a teenage or at least early college age Brooks who turns out to be Phillip IV's secret lover :D

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Officially Deborah left of her own accord. She stated they gave her more story and more money, but she decided to leave anyway. Unofficially there were rumours she was fired. She did come back in 86 as a temp, so it is hard to tell which is the truth.

That scene you mention is pretty much the only one I have scene of Deborah acting with more malice, all the others show Jill in softer scenes, well except when she tells Phillip off, lol. The many scenes during 83-87 of them taunting each other are classic. Unfortunately it does seem Deborah's Jill had few interactions with Kay. When she came on in 1980, Jill was in the Abbott sphere and it wasn't until 1982 when Jill was about to marry John that Kay got involved in her story again. If they had any interactions prior to that it must have been brief and not story related. Kay however did have scenes with all the Jill's (at least the on contract actresses) Not sure about Melinda Fee.

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Kay had scenes with Jill in March 1980.That would have been Bond.

Stu and Liz were married in March 1980 but Kay was not at the wedding.Maybe it was a family only affair.Pam Peters returned as Peggy for that event.

Jill got the job at Jabot in May.Was that still Bond or Deborah? By now Jill and Kay were in completely different stories.Jill and Derek had no interaction, which was kind of strange after all they had been through.


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