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I know, but sometimes I wish they didn't make it seem like him getting at Jack  constantly came first to his love for the Abbotts or Ashley....

I guess it's just one of the many problems that occurred when Peter Bergman came on board and Aunt Jack appeared, as I feel like Lester still being there would have had different results for these stories.

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It might just be me, but David doesn't come off well in that interview. He pretty much says he's just sticking with crap like Y&R till something else better comes along he feels is worthy of his talent. He has always been a mediocre actor and should be thanking Bill Bell everyday for giving him a career. His return to the show a few years ago was a joke. I can imagine what that 1979 album sounds like.

He and Wings Hauser were miscast  as the Foster brothers. Maybe Greg would have had more of a shelf life if James Houghton had stuck around to be paired with Melody Thomas Scott. Wings also speaks ill of Y&R.



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I don't think either of them do, in that I think they both had very high expectations of their careers (I guess David gave up on that considering his best known roles would be in cheesepuff material). It seemed like David kept trying to leave over and over (didn't he nearly leave in 1981 as well?).


With that said, I do wish Casey popped up sometimes.

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David has never been a good actor. He was just lucky to be cast in a couple of mega successful genre shows where his limited acting wasn't needed to carry the show.


Wings never had the looks to be anything besides a character actor (and he's had a long career as just that).

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I agree about David. He is considered a hammy actor much like Ted McGinley. It would be nice to see Roberta Leighton as Casey again. I saw a Q&A from a few years ago with Melody Thomas Scott and Roberta stood up and asked why doesn't Nikki call her sister surprising her. MTS said she was close to RL like real sisters when they were on the show together. Somewhere I have a photo of them together from around 1979 and they had the Farrah hair going on.


Wings Hauser was always creepy in everything he played in. James Houghton and MTS would have made a stunning looking couple if they had worked together. Tom Tammi who played Tom on ATWT briefly 1979-1980 might have been a good recast as Greg or Snapper.

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Brian Kerwin and Howard McGillian went on to become bigger stars than Wings Hauser ever was and Hauser wants to talk [!@#$%^&*]? Even Houghton is better known to Y&R fans! 


Roberta Leighton was so underused in her run ultimately and went the way of Matt Miller. To which both characters should have been uses a whole lot more but ended up being footnotes.  


It's almost hard to to see that David Hasselhoff and William Grey Espy played the same role sometimes. I know Espy is best known for his AW role but it was still was nice to see him return in 2003 

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I agree. When I saw pictures of Howard McGillian, it looks like they wanted Greg to return to looking like Houghton's version. I wonder if Y&R considered asking Espy back in 1982 or since Hasselhoff was by then so associated with the role they didn't even bother ? 



Wings said in a blurb that soaps were "Hair Shows" and that actors who talked about how hard the work is was pretty much full of crap. He also said something about he only got to go shirtless a few times on Y&R and figured the producers etc...did not like what they seen......LOL



Casey, Brock, Matt, and Peggy seemed to be characters Bill Bell didn't quite know what to do with them and they faded in and out.

Edited by SoapDope
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well, for more of an era you WILL get to see....here is something extra special that came with the episodes I just got! a rare compilation of 1982 clips! featuring Leslie, Lance, Nikki,Victor, Katherine, The Bancrofts etc.....Merry Christmas!!! :D

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