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John McCook's Lance always came off as a little stodgy to me , so it was good to see him break loose.

First disco dancing, now belly dancing. . . I wonder if JLB embraced these scenes or dreaded them?

Wouldn't it be cool to re-unite those two and have them talk about their memories of those scenes and their stories on Y&R?

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The belly dancing was so fun to watch, as was the banter between Lorie and Lance ("Rich American...a whole dollar!" "I've had that dollar for six years!"). I remember reading about how Lance would randomly burst out into song - I'm glad I finally got to see it.

They switch from romance and comedy to drama so effortlessly.

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I never understood why Y&R never did a 2 hour special that brought back former stars to talk about their memories of the show. They could reunite William Gray Espy & Trish Stewart, Janice Lynde & Tom Hallick, JLB & John McCook, JLB & Tom Ligon, Meg Bennett & Eric Braeden, Melody Thomas Scott & Wings Hauser and Melody Thomas Scott with Chris Holder etc....

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Summary of SOD synopsis from July 29th 1979.This would have been onscreen a few months earlier.The SOD synopsis were quite detailed in those days.

Leslie,Lucsas and Vanessa are back in Genoa City. Lance welcomes Vanessa alone as Lucas and Leslie have gone to show Stu his first grandchild. Lance is looking forward to meeting his nephew and Vanessa wonders to herself if Lance will realize he's looking at his own son.

Stu tells Greg he's going to see Liz that his marriage to Jill will be annulled and that he only married Jill as she was pregnant.

Meanshile Jill is speaking to her attorney in an attempt to stop the divorce. Stu plans to get an annullment claiming she tricked him into marriage with lies of a pregnancy.Jill says she didn't trick Stu – she really believed she was pregnant and had a spontaneous miscarriage,but has no doctor's proof.

Hew lawyer responds that the burden of proof is on Stuto prove she committed fraud. He can't force her out of the house and they can force him to continue to provide support until the court makes a ruling.

Stu tells Liz the whole story and she understands and forgives....they kiss.

Jill is pleased to hear that Stu will have to testify he slept with Jill before their marriage as she believes he will never reveal t his daughters he had a one night stand.

Greg is at the Allegro where Nikki is working. She is angry he was a no show for their date.Greg says her father told him she was sick. Nikki can't believe he would do that so Greg challenges her to call him. Nikki is unable to reach him. Later when she confronts him, Nick admits he didn't trust Greg,He says he was only trying to be a good dad, but messed up. Nikki forgives him.

Casey tells Brock she has had a breakthrough regarding her feelings for her dad. She has let go of her hatred and believes he is a different man today. But Nick is drinking again and vows Casey and Nikki will always be his little girls. . .and his alone.

Suzanne smugly watches Kay sipping her drugged tea. Soon it will be easy to get Kay to stab Liz.

But in her drugged state a confused Kay plunges the letter opener into Suzanne by mistake.

Liz calls an ambulance and tells Casey and Brock it was an accident. Kay is in deep shock.

Jill tells Derek that her marriage is in trouble and they need to think about getting back together.

Stu gathers his daughters together and tells them he made a huge mistake in marrying Jill but he is taking steps to rectify the situation. Jill will be leaving shortly. The Brooks girls are delighted by the news.

Jill is listening in and later tells Stu he isn't revealing the whole story to his daughters or Liz – the fact that they has a one night stand. Keeping that a secret will hinder his chances of an annullment.

Derek is shocked when Brock tells him what Kay has done and tearfully agrees to have her committed. Casey tells Brock Suzanne sustained minor injuries and will be released soon.

Jill tells Stu he is the one who will need to leave the house-their marital home. Stu is furious with Jill's attitude.

Nikki finds Nick drunk and is ashamed of herself for believing he's changed. She goes to Greg and asks they give things another try. Greg agrees and the make a date at the Allegro.

Vanessa tells Lucas she will ask for Lance's resignation today. Lucas responds that he now wants nothing to do with this. Lance is annoyed when Lucas tells him he won't be joining the business. Lance says Lucas is still an immature child. That reaction has Lucas going back to Vanessa with a change of heart.

Derek is told that Kay may take years of intensive therapy to recover.

Vanessa tells Lance that as of today he is out of Prentiss Industries and she and Lucas are now majority stockholders so he can't fight the move. Lance is in shock.

Nick pretends to accept Greg but seethes to see him kissing Nikki.

Lucas tells Les he is going to join the business and he's doing it for Leslie and Brooks. Lorie is stunned when Lance tells him of Lucas' betrayal.

Suzanne visits Kay with a box of drugged chocolates to ensure she never recovers.

Lorie realizes Vanessa plotted this as revenge against her. Lance says they will move forward, beginning with a romantic world tour.

Stu offers Jill $25,000 but her lawyer Mr Price says he may be able to offer a lot more. He tells Jill not to have such discussions without lawyers present.

Lorie rails against Leslie for what she and Lucas have done to Lance. Les is blindsided, having no idea what has been going on. Les blames Vanessa for manipulating Lucas and Lorie agrees. Leslie tells Lorie she'll get Lucas to undo all of this and not let Vanessa manipulate them.

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WOW!!!!! what great uploads. The Leslie reveal was full of high impact drama. I kept waiting for Lorie to slap Leslie or Lucas the way she was falling apart. I gather that Lance was Vanessa's favorite and Lucas didn't matter all that much.

The Jack and Jill pool scene was priceless. Terry Lester was so good as Jack. I hated it when he left the show. Peter never clicked with me the way Terry did. Brenda seemed to be getting all hot and bothered when he came out in that speedo.

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