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Yeah George was on screen, but I am not sure that's why Victor was brought on. Victor and Douglas became friends and shared a mutual dislike of Derek. Douglas was romancing Kay, but Derek got her back on the sauce to try and control her and get power of Chancellor. George had a heart attack and shortly after Derek convinced Kay to go on a cruise.

Kay wasn't sure she would make it back alive and put Victor in charge. As far as I am aware Kay had nothing to do with Victor coming to Genoa City, though I could be wrong about that since I wasn't watching the show then.

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If I remember correctly, there was a storyline where a young girl played by Doug Davidson's wife Cindy (this is how she and Doug met), stole an expensive car and came to Brock to ask him to defend her. Brock told her they would talk to the owner and maybe they would be understanding. Victor showed up and demanded she be prosecuted. Julia was sympathetic towards the girl and wanted to forget it. Victor was a bully and Julia was afraid of him. In court Brock made Victor leave the room and Julia told her side of the story. The charges were dropped. Later Julia wound up in the hospital from a fall. Snapper & Casey told Brock that Mrs. Newman had been brought in. (hinting at domestic violence before it was dopped after Bill Bell became smitten with Eric Braeden and wanted to keep him on the show).

Julia was like a bird in a cage and was mostly at the ranch by herself. I think Casey got her a job in the hospital gift shop before Victor put the kabosh on that. Eve Howard was also brought on and revealed to Julia she and Victor had an affair and was the father of Cole.

Brock & Julia grew close. Victor hated Brock. There was also some crap where there was a break in at the ranch and Victor taught Julia to use a gun for self defense. I think the plan was for Victor to set Brock up to come to the ranch and have Julia accidentaly shoot him thinking it was a prowler. Later Brock saw Victor with Laurie Brooks and he decided to persue his feelings for Julia. Julia couldn't bring herself to leave Victor. She married him at 16 and they had been married ten years at that point. Beau Kayser decided not to renew his contract at this point since the show was now an hour long. The character of Michael Scott was brought into the Victor/Julia story and then it proceeded in to the dungeon in the basment storyline.

I can't remember if Greg and Nikki interacted much if at all after she took up with Victor. Greg was upset when she started stripping at the Bayou and wanted her to stop even though they were no longer married. I also think when the Edward stalker story started, Greg was having headaches and it was hinted maybe he was the one sending her crazy stalking notes since he still cared about her.

Wings Hauser had left the role around late 1981 and Howard McGillin came on as Greg and stayed into late 1982. I can't recall what his storyline was or if his version interacted with Nikki.

Edited by SoapDope
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Woohoo!!! Look what I just dug up! Too bad soaps don't get prime time promos TODAY!! At 25:24

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The date of this broadcast was September 16, 1973. The station identification and opening of Hawaii 5-0 is neat to see, too. A real time glimpse of what 70's TV actually was like, commercials, stations ID, and all.

Edited by alphanguy74
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In 1982 Nikki was with Victor, got pregnant and was pushed to marry Kevin Bancroft, Nikki and Greg may have shared a scene together but no storyline. Howard's Greg didn't have much story, they re-introduced his unrequited love for Chris Brooks, which didn't go anywhere, then Chris left town in September and Greg left, I think the same week. Howard came on when all the original characters were being shipped off the show.

I think Wings Hauser left around late Oct 1981 and Howard was on by Nov 1981.

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Yes, I remember preppy blonde Kevin Bancroft. He had that 80's Ted McGinley type look. Kevin and Nikki fought like cats and dogs. His psycho mother Allison was always trying to break them up.

Your right about Greg going after Chris again. I think that helped drive a further wedge between Stu and Liz since Stu told him to go after her. Stuart told Liz he wished Chris had married Greg instead of Snapper. I don't think the show ever resolved what happened to Stuart Brooks. He was gone by 1984 and Liz reverted to using Foster as her last name.

I wish some 1982 episodes would surface. That was a period of a mixed bag of new and old characters. I have a copy of the one 1982 episode that's in fragments on youtube with John talking to Patty about Jack not going to marry her and Jack and Diane are carrying on. John also offers Chris Brooks Foster a job as a model and Snapper says goodbye to Chuckie. I wonder what Bill Bell had in mind with Chris working for Jabot before he wrote the character out all together ?

It's funny how there is quite a bit of late 70's/early 80's AMC, GH & Days material on youtube, but hardly anything pre 1984 for Y&R. I assume there had to be fans with VCR's that were taping Y&R if there is other soap material from that time period.

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Two Y&R episodes I wish would surface online are both from February 1980, the first 1 hour episode and Eric Braeden's first episode. I had always thought Victor Newman's arrival was on the first 1 hour episode, but apparently it was shortly after.

Edited by kalbir
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Stuart apparently died off screen of a heart attack, not sure when this was mentioned, and that is why Liz moved to England to be with Chris, Snapper and Jennifer. I think Colbert stopped airing sometime in 1983 and McCarthy stayed on recurring until around 1985. I am almost sure she was gone by the time Jill's affair with Jack was uncovered.

Yeah 1982 is interesting as everything was shifting. I think Tom Ligon and Lynn Topping were supposed to stay, then JLB left and they were off the show almost straight after, along with Howard McGillan. Only Victoria Mallory was there until the very end of 1982. Robert Colbert and Julianna McCarthy were around but as recurring characters.

I am also interested in Nick Benedict, in all the interviews he did, it seemed he was supposed to be a main character and on the show for quite a few years, when he and Meg Bennett got the pink slip, they both seemed shocked and unhappy about it, more Nick than Meg. I wonder what Bell had in mind.

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I don't know why they let Nick Benedict go either. Bill Bell wanted to hold on to Eric Braeden and redeem the character of Victor so viewers would warm up to him. So maybe he wanted to get rid of the Michael character and quickly forget that storyline ever happened. I remember an old interview where Bill Bell said he was fond of Meg and wrote her into a corner and didn't know what to do with her. He then asked her if she had considered writing since he saw her handy work at doing some rewrites onset when a scene wasn't going well. Viewers then started seeing her name in the writing credits and wrote in asking if they would see Julia again. Meg then pulled double duty recurring till the end of the 80's.

I didn't know they were wanting to keep Tom Ligon. I wonder where they would have taken Lucas if he had stayed on.

In 1982 shorty after Ashley and Traci's arrival, they introduced a character named Brian Forbes that worked in the Jabot lab. He and Ashley became a couple till early 1983 then he went to make a phone call and never came back. Bill Bell's writing was all over the place at that time and seemed he couldn't make up his mind what to do with the over bloated cast.

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Ashley is an interesting one with her screen partners. Brian as you said disappeared about the time Eric Garrison turned up in 1983, then Ashley wasn't sure about her relationship with Eric, In 1984 she went to Italy and met Frenchman Marc Megeron and eventually paired up with him a few months later, which didn't last long as the whole Ashley/Victor romance began in 1985.

I am also curious about James Houghton being on the writing staff, I have seen his name a few times on credits, I assume it is the same actor who played Greg initially.

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Yes, LML pushed him out. James has a sister Mona Houghton who is also a writer. She wrote for Y&R and several other soaps. She and Jim wrote some Knots Landing shows as well.

I wonder how James version of Greg would have worked with Nikki. I always thought Wings Hauser wasn't soap material. He was too skeezy looking.

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The casting of McGillan as Greg was a puzzlement.

Between his performance and lackluster writing, he made zilch impression which is a shame as Greg was a viable character and could have been worked into the new format. When John Silva came along, I thought that Greg could have been that character(apart from the flirtation with Jill).He could have been a sounding board for Jill and all purpose lawyer, with a smattering of romantic involvement. Not front burner but a link to the original concept.

All I remember of McGillan's Greg was his involvement with Jill when she tried to sell the Foster home and was involved with Andy.

Was he around when she started seeing John Abbott again while engaged to Andy?

Edited by Paul Raven
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