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VH1: Mob Wives


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Ramona can go kick rocks, as can that blowhard heff Karen (who will doubtless go back to selling ecstacy or something). But Carla?! Without Carla, there would have been NO season 3. She put up with no BS from anybody. I loved her.

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I will lead in by saying the show is so much better without the Rizzo cousins! Thank god that them bitches are OUT!

the new wife, Alicia pleaded guilty charges and is awaiting sentencing. WTF is she doing on this show? Her lawyer didn't advise her it would be a bad thing? Even if her case is done, it just seems foolish, bc it puts a spotlight on her and if she has more skeletons, they will likely come out, making things worse for herself and her children. Their lives are already pretty bad enough with their father in jail and mother likely to follow

Ang having a new baby? I cant...lol. At least she acknowledged that she's 53 and would need to use a surrogate as opposed to LuAnn on RHoNYC, acting like she was going to conceive and give birth.

I cant believe that new girl Natalie, ate off of Big Ang's plate and she doenst even know her. Rude! I love how Ang was over her after that as I would have been too


Ang is rocking the cigarette look

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Thank you for reminding me to watch it! I thought this show was coming to a natural end last season, but this reboot looks like there is life in the old dog yet, and they've already sucked me back in! I can even forgive that they redid a whole new opening credits (the old one was so iconic), but they needed to, to give this show a whole new feel.

I didn't even miss Carla that much, and I was gutted that she was let go last season. I wish she could be a "friend of the Mob Wives" just so I can get her take on the newbies.

Drita is, as usual, made of win, Renee is strong and dynamic and that is a good thing. AJ still looks cute and I'm glad we might be seeing some of him. Big Ang is finally a regular -- thank goodness. It was a long time in coming.

Best of all -- no lying snake Karen and her fake cousin Rizzo.

As for the newbies: I guess I like Alicia thus far, but I can only assume that this conviction hanging over her head is either going to go away (the Feds probably did it to put the squeeze on Edward and get him to give up information) or it will be served when Ed gets out of jail. They really picked somebody with connections -- including a family member killed by Sammy the Bull.

This Natalie bimbo is dumb as !@#$%^&*], can't hold her liquor and thirsty as hell to get on the show. I don't know how long she'll last. Ang giving her the side-eye was HILARIOUS.

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I thought of you during the premiere. Glad you watched! Look forward to coming here weekly to read your MW commentary

that was a fake storyline. LuAnn was not trying to get pregnant. That was a desperate attempt at trying to stay relevant on the show that season bc she literally had nothing.

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Finally caught Episode 2.

This Natalie chick's voice is getting on my last nerve already. She really thinks of herself as another Rizzo the rat, doesn't she? Drita was ice-cold with her and just let her yap on and on until she had enough rope to hang herself.

So far I am not impressed with whatever she is meant to bringing to the show. Except for maybe the fact that she works in a funeral parlour. Check out that shot of her grandfather! He looked more like a mobster Blake Carrington than a funeral director. Unless they are burying coffins full of $1000 bills down in Philly?

Not enough Big Ang IMO.

Drita's store stalker seems like he might not be all there in the head, though I was LMAO at the way he ran off with his high socks and droopy shorts. She certainly scared him.

The moment Alicia said "He plays poker with his buddies until 7am," I was rolleyes.gif Yeah, that's not "poker." Poking, maybe. Sure enough, Edwuhd has mistresses and the Feds pass her all his wire taps so she can get mad and hopefully turn state's evidence. These wives are all A-OK with the mob "lifestyle" but the moment they find out their precious Fredo or whoever has been cheating with half the cocktail waitresses in Atlantic City, then it's GAME OVER.

Renee is missing the point about not telling Alicia about Edwuhd and Not-That-Carla. It's not about "ratting out a friend." It's not even about "I didn't do anything with him!" It's the fact that she went to dinner with her best male friend and his mistress and didn't tell his wife (and her other supposed BFF) about it. Sketchy!

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Omg I was thinking the same thing! We got rid of Rizzo only to get a replacement. She can take a seat to the left. I LOVE how dismissive Ang is of her. Ain't no one got time for that!

Alicia however is a keeper. I like her and think she has an interesting story. While I think she was wrong to almost put Renee on the same pedestal as the Carla that was messing with her husband (and yes I believe they were screwing; you'd have to be naive to thnk they were just friends behind her back), I do get where she's coming from. It is a betrayal from Renee who I think should have been a bit more sympathetic

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Seriously, can't we get Carla Facciolowhatever back in place of this Natalie person? This Nat girl would be more at home on the now-defunct Mob Wives: Chicago than here.

I am Team Alicia in this argument. Renee going out with Edwuhd and his mistress was like sanctioning the relationship. She should have told them "I love you both but I can't go out with you guys and pretend it is ok that you are cheating on your wife." As a wife who was cheated on and then horribly betrayed by JooonYAH, Renee should know this better than anybody. If any of the other MWs went out with JoonYAH and his gf while he was married to Renee and she found out about it? "Betrayal! Traitor! Sneaky [!@#$%^&*] back-stabbin' BITCH!" There would be hell to pay.

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