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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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I felt bad for Sam. He was just a scared little boy. Once Jessica saw him die horrifically it was a mercy she went too. A mercy for many viewers as well, I won't deny.


They faked me out with Glen. I thought they were gave him back only to have him die right in front of Maggie. I'm glad that didn't happen.


I like the doctor, I'm glad she managed to survive. Glad to see she's also getting stronger in terms of treating patients.


I can't believe Rick trusted Gabriel with Judith. I must have missed what he did up to that point to earn that kind of second chance. In the end he did earn it I suppose.

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I think Gabriel came a long way in the last half-season or more. I was glad they gave him those beats in previous episodes and in tonight's. Eugene has come around a bit too. They've made me care about those characters (and Abraham as well, who had a great episode in the first half of Season 6), against all odds. It's all really come together to prove they can all evolve IMO, including Rick.


I do have a terrible feeling they're still saving Glenn for

I suspect Kirkman/comic fans would insist on it. They faked it out once before, of course, but I still have a feeling. I expect Glenn's number will be up sooner or later one day, but I'd rather it not be that way. I hate

which is all Kirkman's usual teenage boy tropes turned up to about 25 - I have faith in Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who's a great actor, and the writers to do something more with him as I felt they did with the Governor, but I still don't care for the concept.


Finally: I don't usually ship hard in a non-soap to the point of distraction, and I don't know when the writers caught on to it (for me it began in the back end of Season 3, very quickly) but it seems very clear at this point that they're using Michonne in the Andrea role of Rick's closest confidante and future mate from the comics. The same story with Jessie played out before Rick and Andrea finally got together there, and this was the most overt Rick/Michonne episode I've seen. I think at this point it's for real.

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I wish Carol came in at the last second and saved Sam.  That was so sad that his last thoughts were of Carol's scaring him.  And then when the mother got it I thought this had to be a momentary dream sequence and then someone snaps out if it.   Didn't quite see how Carl got shot.   Carol was right, she should have killed Morgan but hopefully she will get a chance to redeem herself soon. 



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I completely agree with Chris Hardwicke, one of the best eppies of the series. I had lost faith in the show, but wow!  


As for Glenn, it's time for him to go. Narrowly escaping death has become comical. 


Bye Jesse and family. TPTB listened. We don't want Rick with her. Super happy she didn't leave those boys behind as Rick's burden. Carl losing an eye?  Yikes, but I liked it  


Michonne kissing Carl before going out there to help Rick?  My heart skipped multiple beats!  


Either Gabriel or Morgan's shelf life just got shorter. Both have embraced killing zombies and are no longer needed.  No more hang ups or back story to tell. They are fully acclimated. Morgan is more popular so I can see Gabriel going. 

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I mean, yes, the audience was pretty thrilled to see Jessie and co. gone, but her and her family's deaths are almost verbatim from the comics. This is the same arc she follows there which is why I was never very concerned about her, and the showrunners and actress have made it clear this was always her planned fate onscreen regardless of reaction. I just wish they hadn't shoehorned the little romance subplot from the comics in, I felt they rushed it. TWD is renewed til nuclear winter at this point - they don't have to bother with audience approval.

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I was thrilled to see Sam and Ron go but I was a little sad to see Jessie got with them. She kind of grew on me because she was one of the few Alexandrians to step up and realize that she needed to toughen up. I would've been okay with seeing what would happen to her if she'd been forced to go on after the death of her odious children. I found Jessie's death interesting in the fact that she seemed to just give in to it. 

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I avoid info about the comics at all cost, but Jessica never felt like a true road block for Rick and Michonne. She felt temporary from jump. I also never felt Rick loved Jessica. Overall, I don't ship much on this show either, but I think eventually Rick will figure out that Michonne is supposed to be part of his family. It's just a natural fit.


One thing that's unrealistic about this show is the lack of hook ups. People in this situation would be having a lot more casual sex. That's one reason I thought Shane and Andrea made sense. There would also be a lot more sexual assault going on when people get captured by the bad guys. I'm thankful they've spared us that, but it would definitely be a thing if society broke down. I guess they touched on it with Maggie and the governor.

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EW and the dead. Some of 'em, anyway.


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  • Madison Lintz (Sophia)
  • Kyla Kenedy (Mika)
  • Jeryl Prescott (Jacqui)
  • Brighton Sharbino (Lizzie)
  • Chad L. Coleman (Tyreese)
  • Tyler James Williams (Noah)
  • David Morrissey (The Governor)
  • Emily Kinney (Beth)
  • IronE Singleton (T-Dog)
  • Lawrence Gilliard Jr. (Bob)
  • Robin Lord Taylor ([Dead Terminus Guy] Sam)


They'll be interviewed by the site on Friday.

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Another question: If Michonne is the replacement for Comic Andrea, will she also have some interim romance a la Rick and Jessie? IIRC Andrea in the comics had a fling with someone before finally getting with Rick. I think it may happen here. Like Jessie I am not sweating it, but I hope it's a little less forced. That being said, Michonne could use a roll in the hay.

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