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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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I still don't know how I feel about them having Carol kill Karen and David. I think it's something I am always going to be torn about. It's still difficult for me to believe she'd do that. I hope at least there might be good story to come. We'll see.

Melissa McBride interview.


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I thought it was a really good episode. It's sad that someone who is mentally ill the way Lizzie was can't be tolerated in this world. It's clear why, but it just shows how brutal this world has become. It's like life in the Middle Ages (nasty, brutish and short) with a side of Walker. I sort of wish they had taken Lizzie to Terminus. At least see if there is someone there who can snap her out of this, maybe even age would do it, but I can see why they didn't too.

I wonder where Ann is? I haven't see her post in weeks. Hope all is well.

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Nothing could snap her out of it - it's not a funk. She was psychotic. And as Carol said, it was clearly in her makeup long before the apocalypse. There was absolutely no way for her to function in that world except in the worst, most harmful way possible to the people around her. In everyday life she would have needed severe professional help to even begin to function safely.

Edited by Vee
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Part of me feels like she has no story left, but then I think that Tyreese, Daryl, etc. also have no real story. Maybe if Terminus becomes something beyond yet another horrible place they have to flee, they can have the characters do some world-building.

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I think the most sobering scene was when I realized Mika had likely been taught by their father or mother about how to calm Lizzie down. (the whole "look at the flowers")

I do wish we'd seen if they could have gotten her some treatment (or at least had her kill Eugene and Abraham...).

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That's why Carol killed those two day players Tyrses goes on about. It had to be done. In hindsight we can see she may have been mistaken but in the moment Carol did then exactly what she did now. That's why she is an asset to the group and Rick was an idiot not to trust her. Carol will move heaven and earth to protect Rick's daughter including killing a psycho child. No one else would have come to that decision.

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Rick had a lot of reason to be upset with that decision, most of all how it was handled. People have said this episode proved he was wrong for assuming Tyreese would kill her, but Tyreese only forgave her after he saw what she had to do with Lizzie. We don't know how he would have reacted at the prison.

For me the whole thing was poorly handled, more than just the actual act. Leaving the bodies out, no one knowing who did it , etc.

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A very powerful episode. I haven't read the comics but I was aware of the whole Ben/Billy thing so I was wondering if the show would go there or veer. I'm glad to see they went there. There was no place in the world for someone like Lizzie. The moment she pulled the whole "We don't always have to kill them" thing on the tracks, I knew she had to change or die. It's the reason I could never warm up to Hershel. He often did stupid [!@#$%^&*] in the name of preserving his "humanity." That's a viewpoint on this show that makes me insane. IMO, you should always kill walkers. Every walker can create exponentially more walkers. Kill them all. Plus it's just merciful. It's a chance to finally give another person some peace.

There was hope for Mika but Lizzie was just wrong. She was a threat to everyone around her. Her feeding the walkers at the prison fence helped result in the walkers bringing the fence down.

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McBride was absolutely excellent but Chad Colemen did a great job also. That scene with McBride in the clearing was crushing. I think he is probably the most underrated actor on this show. And the 2 little girls did such a great job also. As has been noted, this has been expected to happen at some point, but it was portrayed pretty viscerally and the emotional resonance worked so well. And so many things we have seen in past episodes sort of came together here. Like when I thought Lizzie smothered Judith but she really didn't, well it turns out she probably wanted to and was this close.

I know some have asked what will happen to Carol. She's one of the few characters who really has gotten a real character arc, but I do think there will always be some sense of dread for her because you never know when someone in the group may just decide she's expendable. I think that fear is something she will carry with her. But I do think that protecting Judith is probably going to win her some favor with Rick and she'll ultimately be accepted, not embraced, back in. I just hope she doesn't fall victim with this show's tendency to want to make the female's stupid. It's something the writers seem to love doing.

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Last nights was a really interesting and thought provoking episode.

I did assume that Lizzie would die. I thought she'd hurt herself thinking they wouldn't kill her if they turned. I did not see her killing her sister. The set up tho of it was great because you easily believe that she did it. She didn't have a view on right and wrong because the lines are so blurry. You don't kill humans, but you kill walkers who were once humans and who she views as people. Except people do kill people. And walkers kill people. The give her was a good guy but then he wasn't. In our modern world, she'd need help - therapy, pills, etc. in a world not so long ago it's likely she had been locked up and labeled insane. In this world of TWD carol did what had to be done and eliminate the threat. They couldn't leave her because what if she had linked up with another group and killed one of them?

Carol confessing was interesting and it was absolutely the timing that saved her life. He now understands why she did it, the sickness was a threat. And while there was a chance it would have passed and they could have been cured, the risk wasn't worth it. Had she told him earlier I think he would have snapped.

It was a great twist. Production and acting totally pulled it off. I know many will say it was too much, too far, but I don't think anyone would say that had an adult killed another adult, and in the world they live in the fact that they are kids a doesn't change anything. A threat is a threat. I don't think it was done to be shocking just for the sake of shock, it was a reminder that this world they now love in is effed up.

It'll be interesting to see how or if they explain this to the group.

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Lizzie was a complete threat that had to be taken care of. She was either going to get them all killed or kill someone else. That episode was seriously fantastic.

I think Carol will be fine. Even if they all reunite somewhere, I'm not sure anyone's going to give a damn about Rick or his decision making at this point.

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